Political Opinion

If they didn’t do their jobs witch is to protect the capitol and not take selfies with them they should be investigated, you can’t let your political views get in the way from you doing your job.

In the US more natural gas is burnt into the atmosphere as a waste product of oil drilling than is used for heating. From space North Dakota used to be a dark as N.Korea, today it is as bright as any city all from natural gas burnoff. I am no global warming alarmist but we waste an insane amount of energy. This is not just in the US, every country that drills for oil is doing the same thing


What are you suggesting they open fire and create a Tiananmen Square massacre?

Except for the officer who needlessly shot that young woman, I thought they did a remarkable job, they clearly recognized that the vast majority of the protesters were not of any threat.

Maybe if the evil pelosi had spent a few doors on some deadbolt locks and reinforce window glass the protesters would have never entered the capital

Again I stand with the Capital Police on this one , sorry it you don’t


I have no problem with that, i just have a different viewpoint from yours, we agree to disagree :v:

china is setting up their future while we american peasant fighting about the simple things in life, what is america future as china continue to expands their market and grow as the world #1 country

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Unreal - so the fault lies not with the invader but rather because the defences weren’t strong enough.

You happily refer to Speaker Pelosi as ‘evil’ - guys that smash through windows and doors shouting ‘hang etc’ are maybe the good guys who just happen to encounter weak windows and doors.

Wise up.


he calls Pelosi evil, imagine what the rioters think about her and what they would of done if they found her

The rioters were a mob and as such the concept of good and evil do not exist. That particular mob were baying for anyone regardless of political party, thus even the VP was in their sights - that was their chant, a chant of evil against a good guy.

Anyways, it’s in the past - democracy won - :slight_smile:

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Not so sure that it is truth:

Did Ted Cruz Tweet ‘I’ll Believe in Climate Change When Texas Freezes Over’? (snopes.com)


Maunder — what ?

Just taken “Selfies” with her methinks - that seems to be about the limit of what they DID actually do ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sue that is correct Peter - athough for certain
Democracy won !

[Edit - perhaps I need to amplify
@peterma wrote - "democracy won"

to which I wrote - “not so sure about that - although for certain Democracy won !”

ie (whether justly or unjustly) the Democrats got their way ! ]

there was no need for police to take a selfie with people who just broken the law, i can’t imagine if istole some sneakers from a store and the police officer took a selfie and let me go.

Naughty Paul !

You asked

I answered

Which you then seemed to try to divert as though I had commented on something else by writing

I was commenting on what appeared to be broadly good natured actions of the protestors and I had made no comment whatever on Police actions.

Naughty indeed, so i’m not allowed to comment or give my opinion base on you answer :back:

I was going to say the same thing but you beat me too it,

if these and I will say it “rioters” were of such a threat,so heavily armed as the media will tell you, and bloodthirsty way was not one shot fired by any protesters.

The US is not a democracy, we are a Represented Republic , and that Republic was never in any threat

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The issue being discussed is pelosi scapegoating the capital police. I stand with the way the police handled the protesters, there was nothing the capital police could have done outside of deadly force,

Is deadly force what you are advocating, I would like your answer on this

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You can write whatever you like !


You are NOT allowed to imply words into my writings which never existed !

to wit ;

THAT is simply untrue ! as I explained in the post you replied to ! - I NEVER commented on “Police actions” - which was the very basis of your post !

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you are 100% correct, my bad

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This notion that our Republic was somehow in danger on January 6th is just our idiot media generating fear. I remind you some of Falstaff relatives actually burnt down the US capital in 1814, the Republic continued


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Well - you need to keep these damned “collonials” under control - N’est - ce - pas ? :wink:

[ edit " …What happened? The Brits didn’t like the push back very much, and they knew the US had a poorly trained army, so they sailed in to the Chesapeake Bay in the summer of 1814. They then sailed/marched to Washington DC. Using a combination of gunpowder paste and torches, they burned down not only the Capitol but the president’s house (James Madison), the naval yard, several warships and sundry other buildings on August 24, 1814. The fires were put out not by firefighters but by a fortunate summer rain.

But, the US kinda deserved it as we burned down the Canadian capital of York in April of 1813…]

Off ta bed now - c- u tomorrow x :sunglasses: