Political Opinion

Well said.





Well that didn’t happen. Another hysterical leftist prediction that failed to materialise.



According to “reports” “they” are on their way to create violence with the peaceful George Floyd rallies that will take place in Minneapolis at the end of month.
They need to send some of those Natl Guard troops from Washington, don’t you think?


good thing the FBI are watching them :v:

the pain you must feel knowing america is not the america you want

45 days and you miss Joe already? Luckily we have the daily press briefings. Too bad Biden doesn’t govern by Twitter. Oh wait…we like that he doesn’t.


we must continue the fight against American terrorist groups

In the United States a common definition of terrorism is the systematic or threatened use of violence in order to create a general climate of fear to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change

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Dude, do you ever have anything worth discussing to bring to the thread, or just criticize the opinion of other forum members. Now if you had said something like we have gone from one extreme to the other, that I might agree with you on,

You are someone who still believes the russiagate hoax,

I am still waiting your answer on if you believe this guy story of being attack by two black Trump supporters

There are some here talking about fake American terrorism while remaining silent on the real terrorism being waged by social media, Jimmy Dore has been calling out this assault on freedom of speech and the censoring of media that actually tells the truth.

Jimmy interviews another independent news show shut down by Youtube

Google, Facebook and Twitter are the faces of real American Terrorism


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good point, but those are independent companies that have their own policies to do what you think is wrong, no government agency is gonna tell them how to run their company.

Wrong again, even a broken clock is right more often


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nothing has and will come of that

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congress always call businesses to the principal office to express their concerns, same way they did big banks before they bail them out

wrong again , you must enjoy being wrong all the time

ok dennis come talk to me in 6 months and tell me the major changes you see

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why wait 6 months , I gave you an example one hour ago, why don’t you watch the Jimmy Dore interview then comment

so help is on the way?

Let’s try something easier , do you believe this guys story

let’s try something more easier, have social media stop censorship, yes or no.

My bad dennis you are right, i was busy trading and typing at the same time, my bad :+1: