Political Opinion

What are you trading?? Try going long on piggies looks a good trade.


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short usd/mxn

short eur/zar

short usd/zar

short usd/czk

all trades are now close

What does this have to do with anything? I haven’t followed that case. I thought they found out he lied, but dropped charges? FBI is somehow involved.

Why is my opinion on this important to you if you think all I do is criticize?

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you believe in russiagate , so I was just curious what other fake things you believed in

I see your buddy biden is calling for sanctions against Russia like a good little deepstate puppet

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I guess you’re cool with a govt poisoning it’s own citizens, denying democratic protests and free speech, and killing and jailing political opponents. Am I surprised? Nope…


Who are you talking to??



You are correct, the US government is or has done all these things and much worst, And as a US citizen it is my duty and constitutional right to call out my government for all its wrongs, which I have repeatedly done, I wish you felt the same way

Now back to sanctions against Russia, why Russia and not China, do you think there might be some financial conflict in not holding China to the same standards as Russia

look forward to your response


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While some here are obsessed with FAKE domestic terrorism, here is a case of REAL domestic terrorism, while no arrest has been made yet, seeing how this happen in Portland Oregon, I am putting my money on Antifa

If anyone has more information please do share


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FBI releases new video of person planting bombs before Capitol riot

no surprise two months after, there are still bits of information being leaked out, You watch they will be keeping this story front and center as a diversion of those devious things the current occupier of the white house is up to. Classic miss direction, right out of the CIA handbook

I wonder what lie they would be peddling if Jan 6th had not happen


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Are there not current US sanctions re China latest in Dec 2020 targeting firms associated with military - if memory is correct updated mid Jan 2021 - also are some of these companies not being de-listed nyse this month?

Further i def recall of sanctions in mid Jan 2021 targeting specific personnel ref HK new security law.

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I don’t get it, Biden has been in power over a month now and he hasn’t sorted out everything that is wrong in the world- what a slacker! What’s he been doing with all his time, playing golf? Oh wait, no, that was the other fella before him.


Dennis and his crew started their propaganda and fear mongering when Biden got elected.

A clown is what a clown does and when the make up is off, they still perform and act like a clown.

Note then how the postmodernist chooses to poke a garbage post - at something within the post but peripheral - where it expects to “get to” the original poster’s emotion ;

With a lot of rubbish tagged together - there is effectively NO REPLY which is possible

to wit

Note he seems to agree - but in fact gives no example as to why it is “our education” which is failing “our” children, in what way they are “being failed” - or in nwhat way they are being failed (this despite the fact that he is either a bot or one of “those children” “being failed”

A simple collection of verbiosity of no relevance or sense and not addressing anything at all within the original post - but APPEARING to be a “reply”

He remembers no such thing - NO kids did not “Want to make a difference” !

They wanted sex and wealth ! - Happy families - and F*** the “World” !

  • but in fact their prmary ainm was simply to survive !

WTF does that mean ?

The whole of the ill-educated fools we see queueing up to chant “Orange man bad” have simply been taught to play “Drama Triangle” Casting themselves alternately as “Victim” and “Rescuer” - when in actual fact they occupy “Abuser” position ! :rofl: :rofl:


Not sure that prisoners should be excluded - Deends on what they are in for methinks.- but then why is it “fair” to exclude Some from a universal benefit ?

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PLead a “Senior moment” and wander off whistling maybe ? :wink:

And give them a comprehension test after ? - Don’t score enough - lose the ability to vote ?


i see you still in your feelings, glad your back

Answer : Making War


You are mostly correct, and most current sanctions against China were before biden, These are real threats from China , I don’t see any real threats from Russia, in fact, Russia could be an important ally against China, it makes no sense to make them our enemy for purely political theater

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this should be true for the public as well, I can imagine how many nursing home patents with no idea what century they are living in casted a mail in ballot in the last election ( this is known as ballot harvesting)

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