Political Opinion

Dennis you stand with any other country but America, do you have anything good to say about America?


you donā€™t live here, that alone puts the US ahead of all other countries

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I assume when you say ā€œSomeā€ you mean prisoners, not illegal aliens?
Yes, I do think it is ā€œfairā€. When you are convicted of a crime, you lose many rights. Iā€™m ok with losing that one.
Now, IF you want to discuss who should and shouldnā€™t be in prison, thatā€™s another discussion.


post edit, dennis is not a clown and wasnā€™t calling him a clown


Another one of your lies, I have always stood for and with my fellow Americans,

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but you love everyhing blackduck say and sheā€™s in Australia.

making america great one post at a time, right dennis


On this subject, America has a larger % of itā€™s population in prison than North Korea,

The American Prison Industrial Complex is very influential in seeing that laws are past that keep our prisons full.

My personal opinion is if a person is not a threat to my and my families safety they should not be in prison, A prime example is when they put Martha Stewart in prison, what a joke that was

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What are you, some kind of whacky Libertarianā€¦:wink:


and I am sure she hopes and prays you are not Australian

and stop hiding behind the clown costume, everyone already knows you are the forums clown

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I am not sure what I am anymore, the world has been so turned upside down,

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Traditional Conservative principals isnā€™t doing it for you anymore?


Do we have anyone in the Republican party with ā€œTraditional Conservativeā€ principals? Seems like the party is dominated by pro war Neocons and Never Trumpers.

The only Traditional Conservatives left in America seems to be these folks, of which I have the highest respect for


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Born and raised 1/2 hour from there(and Hershey)
There ARE some REALLY good, young Congressmen/women, which gives me hope.


We vacation up there about 10 years ago, did the whole tourist thing, made a custom candy bar at the Hershey factory, Visited a few Amish farms.

I will always have hope

Take care

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Beautiful, rolling hills, in south-central PA. Was a great place to be born and raised. I am very fortunate.


ok i edit my post, dennis is a cool dude

ok dennis you win, iā€™m gonna back up and let you have the thread :muscle:

my clown post got flag, i didnā€™t call nobody a clown but only a clown would be offended. :laughing:

back to politics, the stimulus bill has pass and i know some people are gonna complain about this and that and blah blah blah, for me Iā€™m just gonna enjoy the moment for the people who does get it and may they do the right thing with it. :+1:

It would be very unusual for Russia to align with any foreign power, not impossible but improbable.

Russia will however align against any country that it defines as within itā€™s sphere of influence - Ukraine, Georgia etc if it views the policies of those countries as being against itā€™s national interests.

It will also seek to influence foreign policy of other countries where it sees that to be in itā€™s own interest.

What reasonable sized country does not seek to so I wonder.

Anyways generally sanctions seldom create intended results - they are more a statement of displeasure I suppose.

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Did you forget WWII, everything else you said is spot on, There is a lot of old history in that region and the US and NATO have Russia surrounded with more military power than when Russia was the USSR and twice the size. Russia has a right to border security something the US does not respect as seen in Syria