Political Opinion

Do you think they will take his Emmy award away?


Not looking good for him. Folks, watch how this is unfolding for an “exhibit A” kind of thing to compare Republicans and Democrats. Have you seen the entire Democratic party, the entire liberal media, the president, etc. launch a full-on assault to discredit his accusers and proclaim his innocence? Have you seen all the liberal talking heads line up behind some BS narrative about how the “radical right” is making this all up, these accusers must be paid-off to lie by political operatives, queue the next apologist, etc. Sure, you’ll find some outliers that fit the bill, but I beseech thee, look at the difference in how the left in general handles these sorts of things vs. the right.

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enickma, Good to see you back, I have read your post twice and I still am not sure exactly what you are trying to say, maybe you could take just one thought and explain your thinking, and give some supporting examples

Hello Dennis! Right after I posted I was like, “WTF are you doing?” LOL. I’ll explain a bit more, I find myself remembering how Cavanaugh played out on the right. The way every conservative I know lined up to dismiss and discredit his accusers, the way I saw Fox News unload on it. From my view, the entire right immediately got behind him, made up their mind, and dug their feet in for battle. By comparison, when we find out someone on the left did something awful something altogether different happens. Look at Franken, and Weiner, etc. Cuomo is done. Whether or not he’s willing to resign, the left won’t heave him up upon their collective shoulders as Republicans would.

Franken took selfies of his act
Weiner there was evidence of him sending pictures of his junk to minors
Cuomo has now had multiple accusers

You are comparing that to the Cavanaugh case were you had a lone accuser of an 30 year old event and not one person could collaborate anything she said

I could bring up the Clarence Thomas case were again one lone accuser, no pattern of past acts

You are seeing what you want to see based on your own basis,

Want a case of Dems circling wagons, look no further then what they did to silence the accusers of Bill Clinton , that kind of blows up your argument

Oh you are right about Clinton, and the way the left went after accusers. That is an undeniable case that indeed is an exception to what I said. I’m not pretending the left is unassailable here, and sure selection/confirmation bias is everywhere. I’m just pointing out what I see as a pretty stark difference in SOP. Take it for what it’s worth.

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Again, Cavanaugh case was a he said, she said, no evidence to prove either side

not the case with Franken , Weiner and now Cuomo

also your dems actions occurred while in office, Cavanaugh was accused of something from 30 years ago when he was like 19.

It is amazing you would compare these cases

Is it possible you are seeing what you want to, based on your own bias? Multiple women have accused Kavanaugh of assault. Christine Blasey Ford has documented talking to a therapist about the incident in 2012 and passed a polygraph. Deborah Ramirez said he exposed himself and stuck his junk in her face. Julie Swetnick confirmed similar behavior. I’m not sure it matters that it was 30 years ago when we’re talking about the character of someone that’s going to be on the supreme court, but this is all somewhat beside the point. My only actual point was that the left and the right tend to handle their accused quite differently in general.

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the history of politicians and sexual misconduct allegations goes way back

Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pt. 22

I agree - in fact Russia was excluded from “Remembrance Day” commemorations in “EU-rope” last year - which was disgraceful - when we consider Russia lost uncountable numbers of soldiers and vast numbers of citizens in repelling the German invasion and it is highly likely that without Russia - the Germans could well have Won WW2 !

In fact it seems that with Russia now being LESS Communist now than USA - it is simply a convenient scapegoat for the Loony Lefties to demonise - whilst conveniently brushing over the real and obvious threats :rofl:

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There is no doubt that a great many of those “Voting” - in reality do not have “Capacity” or are mentally disadvantaged to the state of Living in their mum’s basement because they can’t manage to survive in the “Big World” - yet not only are they allowed to vote - many of them troll forums and social media depositing their “wee jobbies” of input

They infest your cities - rioting and setting fire to anything that someone else has worked diligently to contribute to your society and Intimidate anyone who has the good sense to object.

Their dirty little fingerprints are all over your election “results” and they are insistent on “Anonymity” - to the state where they will not even admit their country of origin - or join in any form of meaningful discussion :roll_eyes:

Yet they Demand “Equity” “Reparations” and “Control” through blatant cheating, intimidation and manipulation.

Who is John Galt ?

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sounds like you very upset, no need to stress out that much

Funny how the Dems of the 70’s and 80’s were totally backing Russia, they were opposed to NATO and wanted the US to completely dis-arm. This was all when Russia was 100% Communist. But look how their view of Russia has changed now that Russia has abandum Communism. Which I think tells a lot about the Dems desire to see the US a communist state.

I can see the comments now so let me be clear, Not all Dems support Communism and the ones who do I don’t believe it is on the ideology level but one of power. They see in Communism a one party state where the political party is basically god and the people are slave to the party with no recourse. That is the dream of most every democrat in congress. It is all about Power and Control

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On the surface - I tend towards agreeing with that point of view - but then I wonder why the “vote” should be restored to them on release ? - I can see that since prisoners tend to be held in large blocks in one location - their votes could actually have an undue effect locally - but then hey we don’t have that same objection to those undergoing the indoctrination process at “Universities” and vote en-bloc for the “Gimmedats” !

Then we could look at the demographic of “Welfare recipients” - why should these non-contributing people who don’t even have the capacity to live their own lives without our Charity have a right to decide the direction of the Country ? - especially when we consider they are almost certain to vote in favour of increasing their parasitism - through the Gimmedats !

Maybe it would be right and proper to instigate a system where only those who owned property could have a voice in the decision as to what directionn the country should be moved in ? - Possibly only those who actually paid taxes ?

Dunno mate but it’s surely time to redress the balance - and if not I say

Who is John Galt ?

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Talking to a therapist about something from 20+ years in the past proves nothing, the fact that this outstanding perfect woman ( in your mind) has a therapist should throw up red flags about this women mental state.

Yes it absolutely does, Nobody is the same person over that period of time, especially when you compare a 50-year-old to the person they were as a teenager

and the underline issue here is there is no proof it ever happened

Now for fun, do you have a limit to just how far back you can go to find dirt on someone, if this alleged event had happened at age 15 would you still hold it against him, how about 10 or 5 , when does someones youthful behavior stopped being used against them

And yes I do have a bias based on logic, most people on the left have a bias based on emotion, which is why we will seldom agree on anything

Take care


I have a really radical idea, how about only those who are net tax payers, get to vote. Seems to me such a system would have the Democrats kicking people off welfare and into tax paying jobs real fast

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Breaking News !

Democrats have new official Anthem


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I remember being able to move like that, if I tried it now I am sure I would pull something

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I’m pretty sure - You “pulled something” in those days too mate ! :wink:

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Then it is up to the “real ones” - to take back charge of what is now the “Gimmedat” Party and chuck the Parasites OUT ! - It’s easy enough - they just vote Republican a few times and watch the “Gimmedat” party jump back into line !

We’ve done it here in the UK a few times with what they cal the “Labour” Party - which has about as much to do with “labour” nowadays as your Gimmedat Party - has to do with “demcracy” - But at the end of the day - That’s THEIR problem - not yours - I suggest you don’t differentiate and let them solve their own issue - by either kicking the parasites out - or starting a completely new party :slightly_smiling_face:

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