Political Opinion

well since the country is not moving in you guys favorite and with all the bad and wrong things you complain about, have you thought about moving out of your country and to a country that fits your needs, i don’t see it getting any better for you and why stress yourself out when you can just move and be happy.

i mean why complain and come up with all these suggestion on what a country should do, when you know that’s not gonna happen. wishful dreaming. go find your dream country because clearly it’s not the one your in.


makes you wonder if social media have turn men into complaining, whining and crying about things they can’t change. must be a sad life to worry about such things :v:

when people life start to go down the drain they wanna start looking for people to blame instead of blaming themselves for their sad life.

look like we are playing the blame game in this thread

I was hoping in the aftermath of the election, after hearing the millionth Republican say “Can’t you just FEEL that something wasn’t right with this???” that I wouldn’t have to listen to such nonsense anymore. Maybe 20 years ago that was true that liberals were more emotionally-driven, but that coin has completely flipped. Now it is Republicans that find themselves driven by emotion and feelings, forsaking policy for identity and culture.

It proves she didn’t just make this stuff up to derail his nomination to the SC. It lends credibility.

The 50 year old I saw behave like an angry teenager during his confirmation hearing didn’t do a great job of convincing us of that.

Here’s a little ditty for @cigarmanstan and any other football (Soccer fans) out there who have been to or watched matches in company - reminds me of one of my ex-lodgers

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The guy with his finger on “the Button”


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Ha! Lovely! Glenn Campbell with a Brit accent!


Misandry goes Full Woke !


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again you see what your bias lets you see,

you are close here, as it is the right ( not neocon republicans) that has taken the lefts roll as anti war

I notice you avoided the question below, seems pretty simple to the new logic thinking left

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it would not surprise me that the brief case with the nuke launch codes (also known as the football) is fake, and someone else controls those codes

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I ignored this because the entire premise is the typically cynical, dismissive conservative angle. It’s not about “digging dirt”. You assume the motivation is to destroy someone, because that fits your narrative. For the rest of us, it looked an awful lot like they’re trying to appoint a rapist to a lifetime seat on the highest court of the land. That should be concerning to everyone, and should not be dismissed as “youthful behavior”. He was in college.

If you really want to draw a hard line in the sand for age for holding someone responsible for their actions, I’d suggest the adulthood standard normally applied by courts.

I clearly remember a red-faced, yelling, angry man promising retribution, acting more like a busted, entitled frat boy than a supreme court justice. Maybe we watched different confirmation hearings.

Again, Kavanaugh is just one symptom of a vein that runs through the Republican party. The party of Roy Moore, and Jim Jordan, and Donald Trump, and a line-up that goes on and on. The Democrats have their shining examples too. The difference is in how they’re handled and that was the whole point. Just today, even more prominent Democrats are calling on Cuomo to resign.

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So now he is a rapist, you do understand that rape is a legal term, and the man has never been accused, charged or convicted of rape, so he is not a rapist.

Yes it is , it always is

So you hate the Republican party, even after the never Tumpers ( the heart of the neocon republican party) opposed Trump in 2016 and even more so in 2020, Does that alone not blow up your whole argument that Republicans don’t weed out what you see as a bad apple

And Democrats calling on Cuomo to resign is not some moral crusade, these people would stab their own mother in the back if it meant advancing their power.

You have really OD on the Blue Pills and washed them down with Kool-Aid

sleep it off and we will talk tomorrow

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We’ve now completely devolved to ad hominem. Doesn’t take long when challenged a bit, does it? Enjoy your sleep. I’ll see you later.

I have not seen you put forth one thing with evidence to challenge anything I know to be true, this whole conversation has boiled down to your view that Democrat good, Republican bad.

Note; you have not seen me post a call for Cuomo to resign, this is all political theater, a drama where everyone dies and the audience is left wondering why they paid to see this

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That’s a bit of a shock - didn’t know that the Democrats in the 70’s were pro soviet.

Obviously after the JFK era - a Democrat who stood up to bullies.

Didn’t know either that Russia has now embraced democracy - did not the current President (former KGB) change the constitution recently?

Russia lost most men in ww2, more than any other country.

I’m guessing you are referring to the commemorations in Nov 2019 - there is no EU body that oversees those - input is via the Brits, Yanks and French.

Putin was not invited - no explanation given - maybe the poisoning that happened in the UK the previous year had an impact - Dawn Sturgess inadvertently sprayed herself with the discarded perfume bottle that had contained novichok and sadly died as a result.

Sounds good - those born into poor families, maybe happen to be born into a particular community who are poorer - they def should not get a vote.

Happens that the UK tried out this system in one of it’s regions - it worked well for quite a few years - then along came some Christian guys who dedicated themselves to education - it was free for the poor.

Then the poor started to demand ‘one man one vote’ - and the UK Regional State resisted.

The rest is history.

Who are you talking to?? Or are you talking to yourself??


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In more ways than one. Not only were there many killed in battle but after the war many were arrested and either sent to the Gulags or were shot. They were charged as either being cowards or traitors of the Fatherland.



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Should we be anticipating a new normal ?

Anyone else noticed this trend ?