Political Opinion

Russian President Vladimir Putin says U.S. Capitol unrest was a ‘stroll’

putin have america best interest at heart

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was one of them wasn’t he ? sent off for the Siberian Holiday for writing to a “Friend” something disparaging about the leadership of the army unit he was in .

Apparently we - or at least our Scottish countrymen have come today a big step closer to that same situation .



it was bad in the 70’s then got much worst in the 80’s as Reagan took a hard line with the USSR, and the dems just to oppose a Republican president went full love feast for the Soviets

JFK is last Democrat I had any respect for

I don’t remember saying that, I did say Russia has abandum Communism

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He certainly was. He spent I think 25 years before being released. On his release he went to the USA and lived there for a number of years. He returned to the Motherland and that’s where he died at the age of 89.

What are your thoughts on the narcissistic display by Harry and Meaghan on the Ophray show??




What ? Simp Harry ?

I’m thinking “Stockholm Syndrome” whenever I see Harry glancing at her to see if he’s saying the right thing !

However I have joined in a thread which @ria_rose started some time ago and updated it with more posts addressing the current situation - so here is a link to my thoughts through the currency of the marriage - One thing I did not know until Carl B’s expose on lotus eaters was that they were already married 3 days Before the big ceremony. - I’d dearly like to hear the “Exchange of vows” - in that Real ceremony ! :wink:

However, Bearing in mind the progress of her deceased Mother - in - Law’s marriage and eventual termnation, I think I’d be a little cautious about claiming to be “Considering suicide” - if I was her ! :wink:

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Yes the USSR did not wait until the war was over - there was a command that no soldier must retreat, if they did and survived even if from a military pov the retreat was tactical - didn’t matter - for this reason many soldiers lost their lives in hopeless situations.

In Asia a similar case, here Japanese soldiers chose death because of what they believed their leaders fed them.

Perhaps thinking about this senseless loss of young men’s lives makes us wonder about the stupidity of dividing left vs right.

It’s a challenge I agree.

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Communism, authoritarianism.

Today in Moscow there was a wee forum - just 200 guys getting together in a hotel.

It was a political forum, no denying that, there are elections coming up - so in a democratic society that’s what guys do - get together discuss talk plan.

Not in Russia you don’t - label them ‘Open Russia’ arrest all of them and pack them into what we used to know as ‘the black marias’ (prison vans).

Tell me again the difference between communism?

Hi Falstaff, as you know I’m Irish so not really big into English royalty - but have a tiny piece of knowledge of ordinary people.

Harry was trudged behind the coffin of his beautiful Mother - not one soul had the compassion to think to lay a hand on his shoulder - then these years later he sees history having the potential to repeat itself - and he decides to lay that hand.

Harry didn’t choose to be a security risk and thus cause the UK to spend money for his family’s safety - he was born into it and happened to serve his country in Afghanistan - the evils thus seek their revenge.

Harry represents a true person - one who thinks of his family, his love and his country.

No question they have a long way to go, but I don’t live there, I live in the US and we are slowly moving in the direction of what you described is happening in Russia. We may not be to the point black prison vans but there are other ways of silencing political decent and the US government is no different then Russia, in silencing voices they do not want heard

Another Democrat governor in a covid nursing home scandal, is this a pattern

Clearly you didn’t bother to devote the effort to understanding what I was saying !

You do understand “Stockholm syndrome” - I presume ?

Nor to follow the link and read what I put over there

Nor One suggests did you bother to investigate the meaning of teh three word out of my entire post and link which you take exception to !

"… Simp is an acronym for “Suckers Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.”

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And this is how Democracy ends and pelosi’s vision of a US CCP begins

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Thanks for showing us that @Dennis3450 - I begin to see the value of your “republican” system of States :sunglasses:

I know he says the Gimmedats will use the defeat by the filibuster to argue for the end of that process - But I have to wonder WHY - they would disclose their hand at this stage - when even the Neanderthals of the woke persuasion can see what they’re up to ? and the real people can see the real dangers ?

Perhaps they’re just so proud of their 800 pages that NOT to publish it at this stage would somehow detract from their “esteem” - ie it’s just Bragging to each other ?

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You are right. However he has married a complete narcissist who is only interested in fame and glory.

I guess love is blind.

This video is a good one.




The difference is who controls the means of production. Stalin tried to create a eutopia of equality and thus took control of the means of production on behalf of the people. But that’s why communism does not work. Everyone is not better, instead everyone is made poor. Ordinary citizens were sent to the gulags for simple going back into the fields after harvest and scratching up a few grains of wheat to feed their staving families. Their crime, not handing this wheat over to the state.

I don’t think Russia is at that stage in the current environment and I believe it is more of a totolaterian regime.




Sounds like good English - where in heaven’s name do you learn that stuff - and no I didn’t bother to read or follow your links and as i posted not really that bothered about royals - but doesn’t stop me from liking Harry as a person.

I cannot judge Meghan except that I’d rely on Harry’s judgement.

Didn’t watch the video but I see Piers in the background. I remember him as editor of the Mirror in UK - got the sack because of … well that’s his problem i suppose.

I’d agree that Russia is not Stalin’s USSR - but there is a danger in allowing a country to be controlled by one person who is accountable only to himself. The people of that country then become subservient to every whim - like in the days of ruling Kings.

This is the very reason that in the old testament God was reluctant to allow the people be ruled thus - He relented only because He respects human choice and that was their choice.

Anyways I hope that democracy will grow and strengthen in Russia, and who knows might even make an appearance in China in the not too distant future.

Why not?? Are you too busy??


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Seriously you are dreaming. Why would you even think that democracy would come to China?? Do you read the news or watch current affairs??

They have taken over the South China sea in violation of the UN, they are bullying Vietnam and Cambodia out of their rightful fishing waters. They are threatening to reclaim Taiwan. They have an atrocious human rights record. The list goes on.
