Political Opinion

Yeah, have been so accused in the past.

In my home country most people said there could never be peace - and yet it came in the form of an agreement on a Good Friday.

The wall of steel and concrete known as the ‘iron curtain’ is impossible to penetrate they said - yet i dreamed of it disappearing like the morning mist.

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.


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Keep dreaming. It doesn’t hurt to wish for a better world. I think we would all like that and who knows one day that just might happen.

I often pray for the second coming of Jesus as I think that would solve a lot of problems. Plus it would silence all those none believers.



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That is good and your prayer will be answered.

Remember the mustard seed - very small but grows - a dream can move a mountain - imagine if Joseph had decided to discount his experience as just a dream.

Take care.


yet the US elites seem perfectly fine with the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, where executions are carried out by chopping off your head.

184 executions in 2019 by a country with one-tenth the population of the US, The US executed 22 that year

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Yes I pray and yes believe it or not I do have a strong faith. Even though many think I am a heartless soul.

I believe that is because I am a realist and I am prepared to call out those who are fools. It is not a perfect world and I firmly believe with the garbage that is happening in the world today is making this world more and more like the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. And we know what god did to those cities.



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Not only the US - the UK likewise.

A mixture of money and politics and as you say difficult to reconcile.

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Aye - you are like Peter - he called a spade for what it was - no messing about - that was why Jesus dubbed him a rock - and that was also why He built on that rock.

Sometimes it takes a big heart to call out fools - just like last Sunday’s gospel reading.


Then what are you doing taking issue witth what I wrote ?

I’m sure we are well aware of the Religious issues between Irish Catholics and the Protestant Church as led by the Crown of England.


The question is what right do both the USA and the UK have in telling another country how to run that country?? I don’t agree with capital punishment and I am of the firm opinion that the muslim faith has a very backward doctrine. But that is for god to judge not us.




Cannot remember taking issue with anything you wrote.

As for the Crown etc - if you are thinking about history - Cromwell and so on - he was anti Irish Catholic but was also anti crown.

Most recent visit by your Queen to Ireland was back 10 years - she was warmly welcomed and the visit was seen as a huge success - she did mention that some bad things happened in history - but that’s history.

Not only that but we ignore the evils of one country while condemning another, and never look twice at our own sins

As it is Sunday and we are quoting the Bible, as Jesus said, " you complain about the speck in your brother’s eye but cannot see the plank in your own eye"

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If you HAD bothered to follow my link and read what I wrote - or even looked at the evidence which seems so obvious - you may have seen that many of us have considered the situation in some detail and perhaps even - been able to learn something.

Your reticence to “Judge Magan” - does you credit as a “God fearing man” - but a lack of critical thinking - can leave us and our families very vulnerable in a world such as we now inhabit

Just as an aside - I do struggle with the distinction between “narcssist” and “psychopath” - sometimes it seems the words are close to being interchangeable.

Yes I remember myself - in another exchange - suggesting to you something of the form ;

“…or have you already passed the hate on ? - That was 400 Years ago ! - Time to let it go !”

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People always over-estimate the power of Mankind to “change things” (“Global Warming” is another obvious example! :rofl: )- But in the fullness of time the forecasts, endeavours and exesses of humans always crumble away to dust - James Lovelock’s Gaia is indeed a wise or at least pragmatic way to look at the world .

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I am no psychologist or psychiatrist but I have had plenty of experience dealing with people with mental health issues and with people with difficult personalities.

Narcissisim is more of a personality trait. Narcissists function in a very intelligent way. They think, they plan, they are manipulative, but they do this for one purpose only and that is for themselves. They have no feelings for anyone else but themselves. They have no empathy, no ability to see the other sides point of view. They use people for their own advantage and discard them when the purpose of that person no longer suits them. Wait and see she will dump Harry if she believes she can do better elsewhere. Narcissists have no self awareness.

Psychopaths on the other hand are mentally ill. They hate others primarily because of inner self loathing. quiet often they become very depressed and that can exacerbate their anger.

Just my opinion based on what I have seen and read.




Clap Clap…The Ugly Duckling has described Trump but forgot to say he is both.

Now we wait to read her explanation of ‘The Immaculate Conception’ ?

I see “Brain of Britain” is back - :roll_eyes:

Definitely Not a “Narcissist” tho’

Sometimes, as indicated above - we have to wonder whether “universal suffrage” is indeed the best way to exercise democracy ?

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It sure would be nice if the moderators for babypips would actually enforce their own rules and not force us to flag post like the one above, This is a great thread that is being ruined by a few bad actors

Yes he is a rock spider that comes out after dark. This clown appears on weekends and I don’t intend to give him the time of day. They should have a block function so you could erase these clowns from the conversation.



I think he might be one of our other trolls using a different login, if you have two screen names and you open up two browsers and log in one screen name on each browser you could carry on a conversation with yourself and to the rest of us it will look like two different people

But what do I know, after all, I am just a Sick Minded Zombie :wink:

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