Political Opinion

Careful what you wish for dennis. If every post that insulted someone here was deleted it would be a very short thread.

There is an ignore function so that you don’t have to see posts from anyone you don’t wish to.

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we can have our back and forth arguments about a topic, that is what this thread is about. But those few who show up here once a month that never offers any topics and only post attacks on other forum members need to go, I think you might see more people participate in that case.

On that subject, when was the last time you offered some current event political topic for discussion

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OK thanks



political topics is about one side complaining about the other side and how they are ruining the country, the rest is fear mongering to prove the complainer point.

you are a prime example of that dennis

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Yes you are correct, I am a prime example of this famous quote by JFK, and as I said a few post ago, JFK is the last Democrat I had any respect for.

No Democrat since JFK has repeated these words, that is something to think about

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Dennis you looking for politicians to save America, keep waiting.


Just as I am looking for the babypips moderators to save this forum from you

I agree it could be a long wait

China is being sanctioned and tariffs are still being imposed as peterma mentioned. And China isn’t Russia. We obviously trade more with China. Which means our relationship is way more important with China than with Russia.

And trade with each country separately isn’t even close. It’s like $400 million versus $125 billion.

I agree with the first part. Not the second part. Definitely more than theater.

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dennis, what are you even doing on this thread if you find so much here to complain about?
You complain no-one wants to explain their opposing viewpoint, then when they do you badmouth them, their opinions, and their sources.
You complain that there is too much insulting, then start insulting people.
You complain about people from outside the US having an opinion on US politics, but not if they support your own point of view.
You complain about censorship but want the mods to censor people who behave in the same way as yourself but who you disagree with.
If other peoples viewpoints offend you so much just ‘ignore’ them. That way you don’t have to see or read their posts. Its as easy as that. Save yourself a lot of anguish and move on.
There are better ways to spend ones time than arguing with complete strangers on the internet.


some men are not man enough to hold their own, so they look for a easy way out. men just ain’t the same no more. :v:

of course he wanna force his ideology on people with no resistance,

ideology : such a body of doctrine, myth, etc., with reference to some political and social plan, as that of fascism, along with the devices for putting it into operation.

And there you have the reason why Russia is made the Bad guy and not China,

There is no cost to leveling sanctions on Russia

We ( the US Government) will ignore the million of Uighrus currently in concentration camps all because some billionaire is doing business with China

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Having conversations ( you are the one calling it an argument) with people from all around the world is an amazing thing, something not possible a short time ago, and I hardly consider you a stranger, and many of the people I communicate with here on this and other threads I have been doing so for years

Everything else you posted is nothing more than Strawman’s arguments, not a word of truth in any of them.

There are better ways to spend your time than complaining about your fellow forum members.

As I suggested in an earlier post instead of complaining why not offer a topic for conversation and debate, and stop making everything personal


Well, the stock market rules. And the billionaires are more worried about protecting their wealth than protecting some minority of people in a far far away land. Out of sight out of mind. They get their hourly portfolio updates on their phone.

I wouldn’t say zero cost. Many of our European allies have some dependence on Russian energy for their power needs - Nord Steam 2 pipeline from the Baltic Sea piped directly into northern Germany is a current debate. The US is always in a precarious position with Russian sanctions, because Putin can always retaliate against one of them instead of coming directly at us.

After the Trump sanctions on Russia on his last day in office, Biden has had to rethink any new sanctions that might anger companies in Germany working on the project with Russia. So… it’s complicated.

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Oh, and who runs the pipeline project on the German side? The former German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder.

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The fall out from biden’s open border policy is just beginning, 30,000 kids crossing in February could soon be 300,000 per month if his policy is not reversed

But at least we have a wall around the Capital so congress is safe, to hell with the rest of the country

This a great example why we need to stop interfering militarily with other countries and use those resources here to deal with our own challenges


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we needed the wall around capital hill to stop those domestic domestic terrorist, in other biden news

Biden tells migrants ‘don’t come over’ in ABC News exclusive interview

Queen Elizabeth has remembered that visit back 10 years and has sent this message to Ireland this Saint Patrick’s day.

"On the occasion of your National Day, I would like to convey to Your Excellency my congratulations, together with my best wishes to the people of Ireland.

"This year marks ten years since my visit to Ireland, which I remember fondly, and it marks a significant centenary across these islands. We share ties of family, friendship and affection the foundation of our partnership that remains as important today as ten years ago.

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir.

(The last phrase in Irish means ’ happy Saint Partick’s day to you all’ - the excellency ref is because the message was adressed to the President of ireland)

Anyways it’s also 10 years since I first posted here so it’s time to take a break - not off huffing - just resting and taking it easy :slight_smile:


another mass shooing in america, when is this gonna end

Mass Shooting at Georgia Asian Massage Parlors Leaves 8 Dead, Suspect Arrested

yes my ideology, what is it

Affordable healthcare
End of wars in countries that pose no domestic threat ( that would be the whole middle east)
Less Government
End of government backed censorship
immigration policy that works
End of Student loan debt
Stop devaluing the dollar
Pay fair interest rates to savers

If anyone here has a problem with any of these , I would be happy to discuss it in a polite matter

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