Political Opinion


That is a question we all ask, I am open to answers

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Boy, is THAT headline misleading. Hopefully ABC will play the whole response.


@Dennis3450 - You’re asking questions again - We should now the Crayon Crew is exempt from answering questions !

They consistently demonstrate their inability to hold an attention span long enough to actually relate what comes off their fingers to a challenging concept like a “reason” or an “answer”

It’s just too hard for them mate - stop bullying them by trying to engage them in a real conversation !

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Somebody put him on charge again quick - Battery is getting low again !

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my battery fully charge now, lol

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Personally I’m more concerned about the Falun gong !

Although as our sibling Dude points out There is an upside to china’s exports ;

In USA you wuill wait 2-3 years for a matched liver kidney or heart transplant on average

Healthy Chinese however seem highly conveniently accident prone !

If you give China a call - you can have an immaculate healty lightly use organ in One week ! - (It has been done in as little as 4 hours) - listen to this in depth. - It gets worse !

But I don’t suppose our “Brother biden” may have been tempted with a brain upgrade ?

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I’d like you to expand on that one Dennis.

  • a) How would you do that
  • b) How would you get it past the electorate ?
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Terrible shame, what a waste of lives


Simple , end the Government backed Student loan program, doing so will force colleges to drastically decrease tuition in order to keep enrollment up, who knows we might even see a tuition war between competing colleges

Back before the government got involved tuition could be paid for by working a summer job, we need to get back to that.

With most college classes being given online thinks to the virus, their is no reason that 80% of college could not be done online for a fraction of today’s cost

Now getting our wonderful congress to take action that is another story, ending mass shootings might prove to be easier

Bottom line, get government out and the free market in and price goes down


Interesting how much attention the media is giving to this story while nearly abanding the Nursing Home scandal, I would consider what he did with Nursing Homes a far greater crime. It makes me wonder if this is just a diversion.

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back in 1980 during the Iranian Hostage Crises, Walter Cronkite would end each newscast with the number of days Americans were held captive. Maybe we could do the same with this no press conference nonsense

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A lot of real thinkers have addressed the problem of the student crisis and whilst all agree there IS a problem, what to do about it - in a “Gimmedat” dominated world is a different issue - clearly you’d lose a huge number of voters by even contemplating that sort of action.

Then of course you have to answer the question of what’s to do - about those who already HAVE already chosen to go into massive debt - which will blight them through much of their adult lives ?


No answer is going to make everyone happy that is why congress keeps kicking the problem down the road, kind of like they do with immigration, healthcare, the national debt… etc. wait, come to think of it that is what they do with everything

I don’t think the voters are the concern of congress, but the banks and colleges making massive fortunes off the system and in turn make huge campaign contributions, they will do nothing to interrupt that cash cow


Valid points there mate.

However that evades the fact that we really DO need places where the very brightest of our young people can receive the very best education they can be given. Nowadays the standard of admission to the Universities have been so adulterated that there are NO such schools of learning left in the Western world. My thoughts are that we could perhaps start some new form of educative establishment - where rigorous and blatant tests of merit would be used to assess the student applicants and the very best and least contaminated “professors” would be employed as their mentors. - irrespective of any “mitigating circumstances” like what colour their skin, what they have between their legs, where they want to stick such embelishments, ot whether they want to cut their embellishments off or not ! - JUST the Best !

Now clearly such establishments would be complletely rejected by the “establishment” and would not receive funding and by extension would not be able to award “Degrees” !

Their exams - and yes I DO mean EXAMS - would be rewarded with properly scrutinised marks and perhaps the awards could take the form of simple “Letters of merit” - or some such ?

“Graduates” would of course be hugely discriminated against in the “Woke world” and that would be a problem - and any enterprise which employed them would be discriminated against - by “Cancellation” - so they would probably have to start their own and run the Gauntlet of “Quota-isation” - So it would be fraught with multi problems.

Or else we can just “Leave it all be”

  • watch our bridges fall down, watch our computerised aeroplanes fly themselves into the ground and have to buy our Nuclear stuff from China and Russia :sunglasses: - Whilst the brightest kids stay at home playing computer games and inventing ever more ingenious Games of “Screw - the - man” like “Gamestop” !

  • Find it ever increasingly difficult to find someone with sufficient Attention span to “Answer questions” and just pass the Popcorn around among ourselves.

Doesn’t matter to me !

Would the last adult to leave the room - please turn the lights out in New York ? :wink:

[Actually - you won’t need to :slightly_smiling_face: The “Green New Deal” will oblige in that particular direction :smiley: ]

WHo is John Galt ? :rofl:

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Easy! You make the little darlings PAY THEIR WAY. Pay for their course. No one twists these little darlings to enter university and take on a course. They choose to do so knowing they will have to have a student loan and knowing that that loan would have to be paid back.

Many do and that says a lot for their acceptance of personal responsibility. And there in lies the problem. A lack of personal responsibility of those who are too lazy or too spoilt to pay their way.




All true, sadly I see us moving towards a real life " Brave New World" for those who yield and 1984 for those who buck the system.

Education controlled by our government is going to continue to fall behind the needs of an ever more technically advance society, In short governments do not innovate and they punish those who try.

What I see happening is the big tech companies starting their own in house Universities where they will cherry pick the best from High School, and educate them with what the company needs are. Free education and a high paying job waiting at the end, who would not take that

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This goes back to what I said a few posts ago before the government made student loans almost mandatory. Kids without wealthy parents would work summer jobs and weekends to cover tuition, they paid as they went, and never a penny of debt, Not only did they get a good education, they learned about a good work ethic and the value of MONEY.

Today most of these kids will not have their first paying job until they finish college, and they have no appreciation for the debt they are accumulating.

Great interview of Max Kaiser on the Jimmy Dore show

If you really want to know my ideology, then listen to Max,

note, this is about a lot more than just Bitcoin

Thats a lie.
Everything I’ve said in that post is true. You know it is, and so does anyone who reads this thread.

So why do you do it so often?

Good to see President Biden calling out Putin for what he is. No doubt some of the Russia-lovers here will disagree.
Good that he is also calling out the Saudis over Khashoggis murder, pity that the US recognition of international policy of granting immunity to serving heads of state prevents action against Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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