Political Opinion

lol :rofl:

I was being “diplomatic” - but as I said earlier - A lot of Black males see themselves as aligned with “white” (which now also includes Jewish and eastern Asian btw ) males - and

WE are tired of this dogsh*t !

[ Edit - in fact - there is Some thought that we may all convert to Islam ! :wink: ]


Mental health, terrorism, maybe, regardless, all bad. The shooter has been identified and was known to the FBI.

is not singling out someone based solely on their skin color the very definition of racism

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it seems like a lot of these shooters are known to the FBI going all the way back to Oswald

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If you are a Asian male in California , forget about going to a California university, they don’t want you

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Of course but not if you are a SJW.




Your compassion, your understanding and your caring sharing nature is just wonderful to see. The world would be a better place with more people like you.



We have the shooters name, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa , And the words “Terrorist or Terrorism” is not being used by any news media or politician . But they sure are jumping on the “we need more gun laws” bandwagon.

As I said before, it is all agenda driven

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ISIS sympatiser who hated Trump. His facebook has been scrubbed to remove that kinda stuff. Doesn’t fit the narrative.


But that’s nothing new. Same story since the Columbine shooting, and most likely even before. Speaking of which, came across this article from one of the Columbine shooter’s parents, which resurfaced because of this latest shooting.

Interesting read and perspective. Different insight into the family and what was and wasn’t going on at home.

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They’re reporting that, or that’s your thinking?

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Based on this, for what it’s worth:

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that I believe to be just horrible, I mean, we’re in the 21st century, why still anyone cares about the color of your skin?


Thank you! Evil is evil.

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Well, it is from CNN why would you not believe it.

still waiting for the T-word to be used, they had no problem using it last week


It all comes down to money and political power, playing the race card has made a choice few rich and powerful

seem like if the shooter is non white they use the word terrioust but afraid to say we have homegrown terrorist right here in the USA. either way it’s all a terrorist act :v:

Watch this sad story, and ask why all the attention to Boulder and Atlanta , while the 12 murders each and every week in Chicago goes ignored by the national media and Washington

yes every country pretty much have, murderers, rapist, kidnapping, child molesters and so on, no country want a nut case going out in public shooting up the place for the fun of it. you can always break down the crime by race like gang violence and child molsters and you will see 2 different groups, the problem most racist wanna blame others instead of looking at it as an American crime that needs to be fix.

Yes, and none of these gun laws is going to stop these mass killings, if they want to kill and they can’t get a gun, they will make a bomb or drive a truck into a crowd of people. Until the root cause is address then it is nothing but posturing by the politicians

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