Political Opinion

one question, how should the media cover these type of stories to prevent copycats

I do not have an answer but here is how it should not be done, if you watch it please join me in giving it a thumbs down

From the comment section Rocket Man nails the problem


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one thing the media could do, or I should say not do. Do not put the shooters face on TV or in print, same with his name, let him be faceless and nameless. For those who just must know his name that information can be placed on the media’s website. Let’s stop making infamous celebrities’ out of these killers

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darn shame something that was pretty much 100% safe for the everyday american like schools, church, barbershops, grocery shopping are now being effected by mass shooters

Any idea on the motive??



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we got to do and be better

‘Sad day for Boulder’: Gunman kills 10 at Colorado supermarket, including police officer, in second US mass shooting in a week

“These were people going about their day, doing their shopping,” Boulder District Attorney Michael Dougherty said at a late-night press briefing. He described the day’s events as “a tragedy and a nightmare.”

Do you realise that this is a political thread, not a thread for you to just post news clips from CNN?

Go post this stuff on twitter. You will be a hero and you may even get some likes and re-tweets.


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you just an outsider I don’t care what you think :v:

Oh my goodness. Your comments are so rude. It tells me you are sexist. You have a hatred of women. I’m also black so you are also racist. Unbelievable!!! And I am gay so you ar a homophobe.

How do you sleep at night??



you made me laugh :v:

My wife and I have very recently taken on our first foster, so I will be spending a lot less time (possibly none at all to begin with) on here and on other forums I visit. I may pop back in between fosters, time permitting, but honestly don’t know .
Take care all.



The Gimmedat swamp creatures are always exempt from having to answer for their actions - I cite biden’s bribery by the CCP and his Son’s Laptop. The “Also me” accusations against biden - etc etc


I suggest the “motive” behind the publicity is to set the ground for yet another attack on American freedom - Communists ALWAYS want to disarm the populus - and I remember a discussion we had 3 years ago on the same subject on which thread @Clint posted an excellent link which we would do well to remember;

And a little later on in the same thread I posted a response as to the individual motive - which I think stands well enough here to simply link back to it

I don’t see any reason to revise what I wrote there much - except perhaps to re-emphasise what others more famous than I have said ;

“You can’t make war on males indefinitely without expecting some sort of pushback”

What amazes me personally is that so many just quietly commit suicide - completely anonymously.

13 men and boys per day - each day - every day - here in the uk - they cause no trouble to anyone - just quietly opt out of their own misery.

Presumably because they cannot live with their “Privileged status” ! :roll_eyes:

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be nice if these people just take their own life if they can’t cope with a changing world, everything else is just an excuse for their actions, it’s all an illusion in their sick little minds

These are the same people ( talking of the left) that say we evolved from monkeys and everything we are is a process of evolution. Yet they think you can change 10,000 years of evolution with a new company sexual harassment policy and a 1hr seminar. unreal

If you read about the opioid crisis you will see that the vast majority will kill themselves. These are still people just like you and me that are suffering and it is our changing world that is causing this. It does not have to be this way


I am still waiting to see one, The American news media is quick to report motive when it fits their political agenda but not so much if they can’t use the story to further divide the country.

Interesting how these shooting sure did occur at a convenient time to take the Boarder Crisis and Cuomo off the front page. A conspiracy minded person might see this as a well stage distraction

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I’d add you cannot make war on white males without expecting some sort of pushback.




Who’s trying to be funny?? Not me?? What do you see as being funny??



going around killing people is not the answer, it makes the war much easier

i think you have mental issues and should be check by a mental doctor, remember don’t hurt others just yourself :v: