Political Opinion

Funny, I’ve heard the term 'White Supremist" and terrorist bantered about in the press and here quite often.

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what is the root cause?

yes you are correct, i wasn’t talking about the media

You calling someone a racist now, how did this conversation go there,

who did i call a racist directly?

are you feeling guilty or offended by that, dennis

you are the one to introduce the word “racist” into the conversation, are we even still talking about Boulder

did you even bother to watch the short video I posted

i mean the first thing a racist like to do is divert the question to what’s going on with another race

[quote=“SmallPaul, post:10692, topic:42247, full:true”]
are you feeling guilty or offended by that, dennis

there you go again, making everything personal

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i look at things as an american problem, racist look at things as a race problem, even tho we are all americans

flag me for asking you a question, you must be offended about something i said

does the shoe fit, i mean what you are is your choice, you can be what you wanna be it’s the american way

I still have no idea what you are talking about, are we still on Boulder, if so this conversation has taken a left turn and ran off the tracks,

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are you really offended by the word racist, did that word touch a nerve or what and if we are still on Boulder and Atlanta why did you post this, dennis what is your problem

what are you now in charge over what I post, I doubt that, and you seem to be the one offended by something, and yes I am offended by the word racist just as much as a Black person would be offended by you calling him the N word.

how about you drop the personal assault and get back to sharing information about this last shooting which I think we both we in agreement on many things early on in the conversation

why would the word racist offend you when nobody call you a racist, you the one that got offended and BTW anybody can be a racist, please seek help ASAP

Then why do you support the Democrat party, they look at everything as a race problem

that’s your personal opinion everybody has that right, look dennis i’m gonna ease my way out of this conversation because i don’t know where your mindset is at right now, you are all over the place :v:

You have to admit the D’s are the party of identity politics?

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hey it is what it is, we all have our opinion about each party, that what makes America great i guess