Political Opinion

Friends and family all got either Pfizer or Moderna, so maybe I’ll be the first with an extra arm growing out of my back.

That would be Trumps epic feat not bidens , This vaccine was developed on Trump’s watch, give the man credit for what we were told would be impossible, a vaccine by the end of 2020

The Pfizer vaccine was developed by German company starting in Jan, way before Warp Speed got started. They had an existing relationship working on a flu vaccine. Warp Speed did come through with money at an important time, to pre-order vaccines. The gov’t’s money had no hand in actual development.
With Moderna and AZ, it did directly fund development.

Still, none of that happened until July. I’ll give it to Trump for pre-ordering vaccines before knowing whether they were effective or not. And he did try to buy the company, which was swiftly stopped by the German govt. Some people will say that’s a good thing - America first. But he also didn’t take Pfizer up on a second round of vaccine purchases after they offered more. We wouldn’t be running around like chickens with no heads had he gone ahead with that second order. And then there’s the masks…

Here’s what’s in President Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan

The American Jobs Plan includes:

  • $621 billion to repair and modernize bridges, roads and highways; modernize and expand public transit systems; invest in electric vehicles; improve rail systems; improve ports, waterways and airports

  • $300 billion to boost U.S. manufacturing and strengthen supply chains

  • $111 billion to ensure safe drinking water by replacing lead pipes and services lines and updating water infrastructure

  • $100 billion to expand high-speed broadband access

  • $100 billion to build a more resilient electric grid

  • $213 billion to produce, preserve and retrofit more than 2 million “affordable and sustainable” homes to address the nation’s affordable housing shortage

  • $100 billion to build and upgrade public schools

  • $180 billion for research & development and technologies of the future

  • $100 billion for workforce development programs

The Biden administration also incorporates measures to fight climate change through clean energy and address racial equity through jobs, transportation and housing.

“This is not a plan that tinkers around the edges,” said Biden in Pittsburgh.

**EDIT: have we every seen a trump plan?**to make America great

Attorneys for Dylann Roof Set to Argue That a Racist Mass Murderer’s Conviction and Death Sentence Should Be Overturned

so this guy does a terrorist act and want charges to be drop :crazy_face:

Thank goodness Biden planted those money trees in the backyard of the White House. They must be loaded with $100 bills.


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‘I don’t hate millionaires,’ Joe Biden says as he announces tax hike to pay for $3tn infrastructure plan

Mass shootings is becoming the norm like chicago gun violence

4 killed, including child, in mass shooting at Orange office complex

look like the UK don’t play

UK police officer convicted of belonging to neo-Nazi terrorist group

I’m not sure the point? That there are bad police officers?

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As I have said before, as biden pays off his friends that fixed the election for him at a cost of over 2 billion dollars, there is going to be lots of paybacks and this is one of them. The best we can do is follow the money and try to pick up a few crumbs, one big crumb might be Caterpillar Inc, I could see this one tripping over the next few years


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We know we have copy cat mass shooters, now we have a copy cat in the white house

Funny how some here never posted anything when it was Trump’s plan


How long before watching Hogan’s Heroes is a crime

Another point of view - it would do us well to think about !

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" trump calls for" :v:

Hogan Heroes is not a neo-Nazi terrorist group

Love your charts. They look very similar to mine.



Yes - That’s good and here in the UK we have now 50% of Population are vaxed :sunglasses:

Both Countries led by Men and took whatever action was neccessary - in time and decisively.

2 Countries led by 2 Men of “Rightish” persuasion did fine

Then we Take a look at the EU !

Led by 2 Women - and what a disaster they have made out of it !

I wonder how many thousands of unneccessary deaths history will calculate their total ineptitude to have caused ?

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I like sharing ideas for making money, but for some reason their are others here that only share HATE

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And I thought they shut down Microsoft’s racist bot Tay, or maybe they just renamed it and are testing it out on our little thread, clearly, the program still needs a rewrite