Political Opinion

These statements tell the whole story of both our countries economic and military objectives which is to

  1. Make a weak Russia even weaker
  2. Make a strong China even stronger

you don’t need a degree in economics or political science to see just how backward this thinking is

God save us from our own government


we was talking about china threat and communism and how industrialize countries been supporting both directly or indirectly and you bring up my example of Russia invasion of Crimea, clearly you are stuck on Russia Sack

Great advice.

However I am breaking one of my goldern rules; “Don’t argue with fools”




it’s now 2021 have this happen?

‘Chinese-born population could exceed English-born population in Australia for first time’

And who is this guy and do you trust his numbers?

China’s Australian Trade Ban Makes No Impact - Trade Ban Failure

lmao oh now you are offended because it’s about Australia right or wrong, but it’s okay to come in here and talk bad about America with your political BS, welcome to the party, have a seat

Oooh - Global Warming on Steroids ! :sunglasses:


Interesting that YOU living in the centre of it fail to mention the Injury of 80 plus police in the petrol bombing riots all around you for the last few days ! - but still propagate the “Anti-English” propaganda !


I disagree to an extent - yes China is BIG - but ISLAM is insidious and plays the “VICTIM CARD” incredibly cynically !

Fact is tho’ that given the current dumbing down and Feminisation of teh “WEST” - One or other will be ruling over us by the next generation ! :rofl:


maybe be true but Christians have rule over the world and force their beliefs onto other countries and we had no problem with it


What a shame you can only give a single "LIKE "


WAs We ? - - - ? :roll_eyes:

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facts always lead people to ignore what’s really going on in their small little world they live in

the fact that people are on here complaining should tell them the world is not moving in their favorite, suck it up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Be so kind to point out where in any of my posts I mention ‘England’ or ‘English’ or that I have posted anything about the UK Defence Review of mid March 2021 that is incorrect or untruthful and thus could be construed as ‘propaganda’

Your reference to the sickening riots by loyalist mobs in recent weeks in NI perhaps portrays more about your good self?

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What are you talking about?? How do facts lead people to ignore what is really going on in their small little world??



Adam Creighton and he is a hell of a lot smarter than you.



so you agree with him that the trade ban is a failure :love_you_gesture:

Why People Ignore Facts

Blocking out information we disagree with—through creating social media echo chambers, reading partisan news, or only surrounding ourselves with friends who agree with us—can also lead to our opinions becoming more extreme. A number of psychological studies have shown that group discussions can lead people to hold more extreme beliefs than they would on their own—a phenomenon known as group polarization. Our tendency to surround ourselves with only like-minded opinions may be one of the reasons why Republicans and Democrats are rapidly becoming more polarized.

·Our blindness grows out of the small , daily decisions that we make, which embed us more snugly inside our affirming thoughts and values. And what’s most frightening about this process is that as we see less and less, we feel more comfort and greater certainty. We think we see more — even as the landscape shrinks.