Political Opinion

The trade ban has not been as affective as China wanted. However it has affected certain products more than others.

What I really like is that it has forced Australian primary producers into finding other markets rather than beeing lazy and just relying on one country. That is a positive thing to come out of the trade ban.



i agree with that, countries have to find their way from under china power

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Brilliant …but a waste of time. You are not listening to my advice Paul
" A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still".


I Know I know. silly me :crazy_face:

And what does this conversation remind me of, oh now I remember


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you want us to be a bot so bad, continue to live in your shrinking little world :v:

BLM official calls for investigation after founder Cullors buys $1.4 million home

Look Like A Money Grab To Me :-1:

Here in the US, you can’t advertise pimple cream without having half of your commercial listing all the side effects. But it would seem the covid vaccine side effects will be found out afterward. I think I will move to the back of the line



Paul, you are 100% correct, it is a money grab but it goes beyond that to the level of Extortion,

Corporations, and Celebrities are making huge donations to this organization and publicly announcing it on social media, Think of it as a get out of jail card or in this case I am not a racist card.

But to be fair they are just following the Extortion business plan of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, so can you blame them


Corporations have always played both sides of the fence like when they donate to both political parties, so who every gets into office they can help pass bills that benefits big corporation

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i don’t know about extortion. Corporations and Celebrities donated base on the cause of social and racial justice what happens to the money after they donated is another story

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Here’s some news for you @Dennis3450

And the response from McConnell.

Regardless of what’s being said, there will always be troops in the region, unofficially, as needed. I must be going crazy but I agree with McConnell that troops shouldn’t be pulled just to be pulled. Have a plan in place to make sure the local security forces and NATO troops are prepared to do this on their own. Doing this in under a year, or whenever Trump announced the May 1 withdrawal, seems too fast.


Politics as usual

Trump withdraw BAD, biden withdraw Good, give me a F-ing break


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Exactly. Well said.

The hypocrisy that exists in the world today is breathtaking. And it is just amazing how blatant these people lie and expect everyone to believe that lie. If you don’t believe then you are are some kind of phob or you are a bigot or a racist or a sexist. Everyone is a victim. It’s pathetic.

Truth is dignity no longer exists. People are happy to sacrifice their dignity in order to aviod personal responsibility. It’s a pity because people with strength of character were once upon a time revered as noble and strong and hence were well respected people.




Another great talk by Russell Brand , no wonder he has 3 million subs

Could the covid passport be the new “Mark of the Beast”


i remember 10+ years ago most Americans wanted all our troops withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan as we found out the war wasn’t just about 9/11and Bin Laden, what happen?

I remember 13+ years ago there were protest against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars every day leading up to the 2008 election where Obama promised to bring the troops home, Obama was elected, the protest stopped and the wars expanded from 2 to 6. WHAT HAPPEN?

I agree with everything he says. However I always thought he was a raging leftist and that the taking away of liberties and the use of ID cards to track people would have been right up his ally.

I know he was against Brexit and I know he hates the Johnson government so it is surprising to see him take this stance.

Maybe a leopard can change his spots or may be I just misread the guy. Either way he is spot on with what he has said.



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what 6 wars? and i was talking about the American public went from wanting our troops home to not caring either way

There are a lot of people like Russell that I too always saw as freedom killing leftist but he and a lot of others are realizing that the establishment Democrats are not what they thought

It is almost like WW2 and where the West allied with Russia to defeat Germany,

Like 70 years ago, to win this fight we must ally with those we may have disagreements with to defeat a greater evil

Take care


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