Political Opinion

America In A Nutshell

Americans Blocking out information we disagree with—through creating social media echo chambers, reading partisan news, or only surrounding ourselves with friends who agree with us—can also lead to our opinions becoming more extreme. A number of psychological studies have shown that group discussions can lead people to hold more extreme beliefs than they would on their own—a phenomenon known as group polarization. Our tendency to surround ourselves with only like-minded opinions may be one of the reasons why Republicans and Democrats are rapidly becoming more polarized.


those who care are still out there, they just are no longer being funded by the Democrat party and the media has been ordered to not cover them.

the U.S. been bombing terrorist groups in other countries since 9/11. you must be new to this dennis

EDIT: my bad we started bombing other countries terrorist groups in the 1990’s , after world trade center

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More like The Human Race In A Nutshell

it has been like this all through history, only now we have social media to make it 100 times worst

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There you go, making it personal again, and I thought we were making progress

These are all very left leaning “news” agencies and saying the same thing I said, am I a leftist now


dennis stop it how is it personal because i said you must be new to this.

what you posted about obama been going on since the world trade bombing, and will continue to go on

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Not True, were were not bombing counties outside of Iraq and Afghanistan

U.S. conducts airstrikes against terrorists in Somalia

US carries out airstrike against Iranian-backed militia in Syria

Ah THe Protestants - we all recognise teh shorthand :wink:


Same “God” - Same “Bible” - Same Parables -

What’s the friggin difference ? -??? :roll_eyes:


and STOP Throwing Petrol Bombs at each other !

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There is no one more above the law than the pure evil pelosi


i think your old and out of touch with reality dennis or you to focus on one news source that keeps you blind to what’s really going on in the world

Never truer words were said. i was baptised Presbyterian and later converted to catholic and apart from a different style of service and the honouring of the Virgin Mary there is not a lot of difference between the two.

I have never understood how the two could hate each other so much. We are from scottish background and even in Scotland there is hostility between protestant and catholic.

I was in Derry or Londonderry depending on y our belief in 2014 and I saw, even then, people abusing and threatening each other because of the orange and the green.



You could also try a few of these ‘isms’ and there’s about 10 thousand other certainties that will take you to Nirvana when you finally shut your mouth.

Islam, Hinduism , Buddhism, Sikhism , Taoism , Judaism, Confucianism , Bahá’í , Shinto , Jainism , and Zoroastrianism .

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:



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How little you know about a part of the UK.

Vast majority of rioters are unlikely to ever attend a religious church - religion? they haven’t a clue - it’s all about ‘culture’.

Good news is that they have paused their riots ‘as a mark of respect for Prince Philip’.

Now it crosses my mind what the Duke of Edinburgh might have to say to them.

Anyways I’ll pay tribute to the parents and youth workers on the Nationalist side who physically stood on the peace line and prevented ‘their’ young people from engaging - seems they gave the young wannabe rioters a cuff around the ear and sent them home - not PC in our times but it was what was needed.

Chances are that the good Duke would have done similar.

Edit: btw the target as always was the guys in the middle - the cops.

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Not sure if you ever watch the Simpsons - there was an episode some years back - Flanders (a devout Christian) was made principal of the school.

Flanders makes a poor principal - discipline would be a word he would have no understanding of - the pupils were running wild, it was pandemonium.

Superintendent Chalmers was nonetheless happy - Flanders was the guy, he could do no wrong.

Then one day over the classroom loudspeaker the new principal said a word that got him fired on the spot.

The word?


Only a cartoon - but a huge meaning for all of us in the West - including Ireland,


Hmmm… wonder is that that truth or is it what we are led to believe.

Are there people who give their time, attention and love to an uncle, aunt, neighbour and don’t seek attention or acknowledgement?

Maybe there are lots of people who would run into a burning building to save a person unknown to them, maybe not actually a burning building but perhaps a situation that doesn’t make news.

Anyways - it’s just a thought:

Sheffield man praised after woman pulled from burning flat - BBC News

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You are kidding. Seriously what planet do you live on? Do you watch news? Do you read? Do you observe human behaviour on the street? Or do you live in a cave surrounded by monks completely cut off from reality. Surely you cannot be blissfully ignorant to the woke victimhood that exists in todays society where everyone is a victim or offended or hard done by. Those that believe it’s everyone elses fault not their’s. Where people today believe they deserve everything and don’t have to give anything in return.

Of course there are those who go out of their way to help people. Yes there are still a lot of good people in this world. But times have changed and I have seen so much selfishness, stupidity and inconsideration to make me believe that the world is changing for the worst.

That 20 year old grub that beats an 80 year old so that he can steal his money. The people who walk passed someone being beaten and don’t bother to help. The person who falls in the street and people walk right over them and keep going too busy to lend a helping hand. The drug addicts that steal anything just to get money for that next fix.

It’s amazing that you continue to post as if the world is full of goodness and nobody does wrong. Even God knows that wickedness exists in this world. Yet in other posts you have stated the horror you have seen because of bombing and terror attacks. So you should know that the world is not a perfect place. I have worked the streets in law enforcement for many years and I know how bad people can be.

I don’t know what strength of character means in Ireland but here in Australia strength of character means a conviction to doing right by people and speaking the truth. Speaking the truth is the most important feature. Don’t lie to people, don’t cheat people, don’t promise to do something and then do the opposite. If you do the wrong thing take responsibility, own it and then apologise for you actions. That is strength of character. Be genuine. Here in Australia it’s called being fairdinkum.

Sadly there are many today that don’t have this conviction to decency and honesty.



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It’s not a changed world but it is possible to change our focus.

There will always be goats.

As the yanks would say - have a good day :slight_smile:

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