Political Opinion

So are you saying the world hasn’t changed, it’s just our perception of the world that has changed, correct??

If so how do you justify that fact??

I am not trying to be argumentative. I am genuinely interested in how you would assume that belief.

That’s why I asked if you read or watch different forms of media. I believe you are from Northern Ireland and even in your little neck of the woods you would have seen changes in behaviour and changes in attitude. What was acceptable 20 years ago is now taboo.

Penny for your thoughts.

It’s not only the yanks that say “Have a good day” we say that here in Australia. Although most of the time we say, “See ya later mate.”



PS: If you have time and the inclination watch this video. Douglas Murray is one of the best authors and tells it as it is.

No doubt the world has change from technology to people behaviors and way of thinking :v:

What I’m saying is that there has always been people who will walk all over others - no respect for any person or any thing - even themselves - law enforcement and organized religion has tried to change such behaviour since the first laws were brought down from the mountain written on stone.

We as ordinary people can change our focus - news media’s focus is on the bad for a reason - bad news sells.

It’s not the case of only seeing the good in people - rather it is the possibility of looking for the good in people - yes there are times it cannot be found, and there are times it is not plain to see.

I often think that law enforcement is a very difficult profession for one reason - it encounters everything that is bad in people very much more than any other job that I know.

Now must tidy up this cave :).

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Point taken.

Beware of sabertooth tigers in the cave. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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Yes it is as I said, Social Media has become the new religion for the majority, not a good thing

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It really comes down to just following the TEN COMMANDMENTS , rather you believe in God or not, following those 10 basic rules of human conduct is the basis for any coherent society, take them away and you have chaos, which is what we are seeing in our cities today

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The U.S. have taken god out of everything, we also replace Christ in Christmas with Xmas, T.V. shows , radio, print media promote immoral instead of morals. like i said you can control any country behavior if you own the outlets what people, hear, read, and see

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Not only the US - it’s the West in general.

In Ireland there was a meeting on Thursday past between head of Catholic Church and leader of Govt to discuss covid restrictions on religious - next day - without any consultation religious worship in public is outlawed - an order similar to US executive order was signed.

Here in the North we attended Mass this morning legally and safe with stewards, distancing and so on.

They are banishing God from the schools and now the people from God.

However there is good news - it’s been tried before - many times - started with the Romans.


Well said, i also think we are coming into the end of time, how long who knows but we are in it.

There are quite a few people talking about the end times.

Lifeway Research report 2 weeks ago that almost 90% of pastors see current events in line with Matt 24, they cite the very things talked about in this thread

Their headline asks are these “signs of Jesus’s return?”.

It’s a negative question because it suggests that He may have left us.

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The sabretooths are not so bad - easy to spot and their teeth are bigger than their bite - it’s the snake hiding in the dark that i have to watch out for :slight_smile:

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We love Russia in this thread, don’t we :rofl:

Tulsi Gabbard issues warning about potential war with Russia

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How ironic that the Democrats said Trump would start a nuclear war and he never even looked close to starting that war. And yet the Democrats have been in power less than 6 months and the treat of nuclear war is now a very real possibility.



the Russia policy haven’t change in America, no matter who’s in office the u.s. goverment have always seen Russia as a military threat, where the heck have you and Denis been living under a rock, geez

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People Ignore Facts That Contradict Their False Beliefs. The more people there are who ignore facts that contradict their beliefs , the likelier a dictatorship will emerge within a given country. Here is how aristocracies, throughout the Ages, have controlled the masses, by taking advantage of this widespread tendency people have, to ignore contrary facts:

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Really!!! That’s why the Democrats called Trump a Russian operative. An agent of Putin. That Trump was in bed with the Russians and colluded with the Russians to steal the election from Hilary Clinton.

If you remember Trump said it was better to have Russia as a friend than a foe.

It is obvious you live in a very deep dark cave of progressive ignorance.


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until America change it’s policy on Russia trump can say what he want, if trump believe those words he wound of put in a policy that label Russia a allay and the reason for that

once again you are going by a president words and not his actions


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So, we switched now by referring to President Biden?

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yes of course, actions will always top words

The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions.


was this a typo or is it how you really feel