Political Opinion

and yet a gathering like pictured below where 100 grown men exchange spit, sweat, and blood over a 4 hour period is allowed.

It is all about power and money


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Show one pro-Russia post, and include the date it was posted

i donā€™t have that kind of time so i concede

  • America coexisted with God for 150 years ā€¦ until 1947 . In 1947, against all court precedent, against the Constitution of the United States, nine Democrat Supreme Court justices declared separation of church and state. America became a secularist nation ā€” a government without God.

Funny how all these policies that were so bad under Trump are now okay under biden


So now you are blaming the democrat party for Americaā€™s moral downtrend, if so then I must agree

yes i am, Iā€™m also calling the republicans worthless, at some points when republicans had power they did nothing

BTW: our immoral comes from the people that control the outlets from what you see, hear and read, so what every agenda they have they can push it and that have nothing to do with politics.

This is why I am a registered Independent

I must disagree with this last part, They are very much connected

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No surprise here as I called out this murder a year ago, now the question is will this conviction be overturned thanks to the remarks from racist Maxine Waters



So, you are saying, that the justice system WORKS and the looting and rioting
has nothing to do with letting the justice system work? Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what they
are all saying to calm the potential of the rioting and lootingā€¦
Oh, the ethics complaint filed by the House Rā€™s was voted down 218-210.
So, sheā€™s good.

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1 case out of 1,000ā€™s and you call that justice, didnā€™t we just see a black-latno veteran get pull over and violated

seem like every black person in power are racist according to you :rofl:


'1 case out of 1,000ā€™s and you call that justice, didnā€™t we just see a black-latno veteran get pull over and violated"

1,000ā€™s of what? Cops shooting unarmed non-white people?

yeah cops killing un-arm whit men

the self destruction of america will be people who think they are representing america but at the same time disrespecting their fellow americans, sad that these people think they are americans

ā€œyeah cops killing un-arm whit menā€
My mistake. Cops killing 1,000ā€™s of unarmed non-white men and whit men?
I hardly think itā€™s anywhere near that many, and many are committing crimes and the officers
are in fear of their lives, in the vast majority of those shootings.
Now, letā€™s count how many officers are killed in the line of duty every year.

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imagine if america treat every american problem as american problem and deal with the problem at hand, we canā€™t wait till the problem hit certain groups before we react

sooner or later you will get the same dish you thought you was avoiding ,laws of the universe

ā€œimagine if america treat every american problem as american problem and deal with the problem at hand, we canā€™t wait till the problem hit certain groups before we reactā€
I have no idea where you are going with this, but Iā€™m sure some of us will play along if you say something specific.
Wait, Iā€™m not so sureā€¦

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