Political Opinion

it’s all good cinnamon stick i know your heart comes from a good place

Can’t argue with that!
Still hard to debate solutions when “every american problem” is not specified to discuss.


america have many problems we take our time to address them unless certain groups get effected by them, like the war on drugs

Go on. Most states have decriminalized marijuana. More legal drugs?


Hi Stan, I can only take it one case at a time, and as I saw it from the video of the murder and lack of any defense during the trial to justify Chauvin’s actions, the verdict was correct.

The looting, rioting and more murders that took place last year in response to this case is totally inexcusable.

And I do not give Floyd a pass either, his actions is what caused the police to take their action.

I don’t see any winners in this case, including “justice”

Then we have this case, and the media is already trying to inflame people to riot.

let’s state the facts, 13 year old, running down a dark ally at 2:30am, in Chicago, carrying a handgun, and will the media put any of the blame on this kid, not a chance.

My only issue with the Cop, in this case, is why put yourself in harm’s way for a community that will not support you when things go bad



Only the ones who play the race card, and if you can’t see Waters for the racist she is then that is your problem

i agree about George actions but that should of not led to a handcuff man with a knee on his neck

which is why I agree with the verdict,

if that’s what you think it’s ok with me :v:

And let’s be clear where racism comes from, it comes from Government as a means to control a group of people , We saw it in the US after the Civil war, in Germany leading up to WW2, and China now,

Today it is a different kind of racism in the US but it still starts with Government and Waters is part of that government

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Look Like The U.S. love our ally Russia :rofl:

U.S. considers more weapons shipments to Ukraine amid Russian buildup

Baloney - it’s starts in people’s thoughts then manifests in their actions.

Everything has it’s origin in thought. Government is a mere reflection of that.


People Are Fighting Accountability & Responsibility For Their Own Actions, People Will Blame Everybody Else But Themselves

EDIT: a clown can do everything in his power to hide that he is a clown but sooner or later his clown behavior will come to light. and he would blame everybody else for his clown behavior, Fighting Accountability & Responsibility

Was Hitler gassing 6 million Jews just a reflection of the German people

In the US did Jim Crow laws come from Government or the people

Was the KKK able to wage terror because of the people or Government

The current hatred of Russia by some here, did they come up with that hate on their own or is it a reflection of propaganda they have been fed by Government

We can go all the way back to ancient Rome, who wanted Christians persecuted, the Roman people or the Roman government

Humans are tribalistic by nature, Governments take those tribal instinct we all have and turn it into the racism we see today


your talking about systemic racism. not personal racism witch is a personal choice after systemic racism supposedly ended.

People still had / have a choice to be evil or not evil, that’s called freedom of will

Hitler was voted into power - by the then German electorate.

KKK had local support - otherwise could not have succeeded in their terror policy.

I know Pres Biden mentioned Jim Crow laws the other day ref Georgia but memory of those laws fading me just now.

Hatred of Russia and hatred of Putin’s policies toward ‘dissent’ are very far from being the same thing.

This is a profound thought - is our nature tribal - remember that by nature is meant the natural - i.e creation as intended


living and working in small tribes is how humans existed for a million years, and was still the case in North America when Europeans arrived.

Not so simple, it was a power coupe and the Yes or No vote was just a means for legitimacy

by local support, if you mean the government, then you are correct as most chapters of the 3K were run by government officials and law enforcement , I am sure Hitler studied their tactics

Europeans must of had bigger plans because they are the ones who created the world we live in today

Pray for our American troops

US troops in Syria seem to be getting hit with directed-energy attacks, and the Pentagon suspects Russia is doing it, report says