Political Opinion

There are archaeologists who contend that there are signs of a technological age in some of the ancient Egyptian artifacts - in particular in ancient stonework. Signs of planing, sanding cutting and drilling that only machinery could achieve.

They argue that the ancient Egyptians used some of this already worked stonework from a previous unknown civilization…

The old testament is often used as a marker for historians researching 1000’s of years back - the earlier books are a written record of oral ‘tradition’.

The piece about the Tower of Babel - after the flood all peoples spoke with one language - they worked together to build the tower and then got scattered into different tribes - their technology was way too smart it seems :slight_smile:

There’s more but perhaps another time.

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you must know this guy then, just shows that what is written in the Bible is more than just stories, and yet kids in public schools are denied this knowledge


Can’t say i recognize him.

Right back to the start - the big bang - ever imagine what was before that.?

According to Hawkings and others there was nothing.

Another name for nothing is a void.

And suddenly there was light - lots of it.

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The beginning of the end. Biden stars his massive tax grab and business and jobs will disappear.

Isn’t socialism wonderful.


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yeah we are in socialism times :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, kick rocks with that fear mongering you talking.

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You have heard of “Where’s Wally” Now you have 'Where’s Kamala"

The Democrats could not run a chook raffle at the local pub let alone the country.



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Donald Trump’s administration gave $1.3 billion to company manufacturing COVID-19 syringes

A new report reveals the Trump administration had given $1.3 billion to a company producing syringes for the vaccines, but no syringes were produced.

Reality is the truth.

Reality is the actual state of things.

Reality is the opposite of all things imaginary.

Reality is the opposite of all things non-existent.

Reality is how things actually are before our emotions and preconceived notions have a chance to corrupt it.

Australia is a democratic socialist country and has been so for the last 100 odd years. It has long and proud history of cost aggregation for social purposes…access for all, to schools, hospitals and housing…large scale public utilities such as water , sewage electricity , transport and telecommunications were/are all government enterprises for the betterment of all.

I ridiculed media for it’s fixation on bad news.

Here is a tiny piece of good news - happened in Ohio last weekend.

The truck with the hi-up forgot to lower the boom and caught the overhead power lines - that’s the bad news.

The good news?

First up the lines just missed the car under - then watch 3 guys work to save others from injury.

The white pickup blocked the road - read the scene quickly. A bystander stopped a cyclist who was unaware of the danger.

Then there is the guy in the recovery truck.

Narrow escape for driver as truck knocks pylon in US - YouTube


Current Time Magazine cover, do you think they are getting us ready for something


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was they

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Oh yeah!!!



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My hero.


yes the hero that made America great

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and for others TDS just will not go away

You can’t have a conversation here about the future without the TDS crowd bringing up their false vision of the past

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I can’t help thinking that if Trump had been more “likable”, TDS syndrome wouldn’t have been so pervasive.
Then I can’t help thinking that if Trump had been more “likeable”, he wouldn’t have gotten so much done and right.


Trump could had done a few things to take that NY edge off himself, and I can remember him getting into fights he had no business getting into, like when he took a cheap shoot at Arnold Schwarzenegger for poor ratings on the Apprentice.

Trump to survive needed to build bridges and he did not do that. But then again when you have the deep state ran media for two years telling everyone you are a Russian spy, I don’t know if there was anything he could had done to change Novembers out come

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Russia at it again

Russia holds naval drills as U.S. vessel moves to Black Sea

Stay Strong Giuliani

Federal investigators search Giuliani’s home and office, and experts say it means he’s in real trouble