Political Opinion

I don’t think he would have gotten elected. His abrasiveness was a selling point. His " I don’t give a sht what politicians think, I don’t give a sht about tradition, I don’t give a sh*t that I have no experience" won him the presidency. I would say he was smart by surrounding himself with smarter people than himself, but… yea that didn’t happen.

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And they say vote rigging is not possible !


Why just suspended? Why not expelled?



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Rules - must be suspended first.- innocent until proven guilty etc.

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I notice you tend to shoot from the hip and ask questions later. The ignorance of having not watched the video is evident. One of those suspended has been a convicted vote rigging and the others have all made anti semetic comments in various forms of media.


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Giuliani was a tool for Russia

The FBI reportedly warned Giuliani in 2019 that Russia was using him as a tool to spread disinformation before the election

was the war worth it

Counting the costs of America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan

Tried and found guilty and sentence of expulsion passed by our prosecutor - sounds reasonably fair to me.

The Telegraph headline reads:

Labour has suspended 14 members, including several of its councillors in Peterborough, over alleged antisemitism.

There is an important word in that headline - and I’m sure you know what it is without a cowboy who shoots from the hip telling you.

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Here we have another abuse by State sponsored Police - which one hopes will turn around and bite them in the Arse !

JUst breaking news - Apparently this 71 y.o. Pastor was arrested and spent a night in jail for quoting the Bible !

Interesting to note the apparent colours and genders of the “Arresting officers” - one wonders as to their own religious affinities - One notes also the Handcuffs and rough treatment applied to this Old, Super-straight, White, Christian - MAN ! - Jeez the guy has no hope at all does he ? :roll_eyes:

~ Hopefully there will be some “Ambulance chasing Lawyers” - wanting to “Have a go” at these filth over this ! - Especially when viewed in the context of teh “Police actions in response to - 1 million white English Girls tracfficked and sexually abused in the UK - (Uxbridge - I believe from memory was one of the towns where prosecutions Have already taken place” [Quietly !] )

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so you think the arresting officers acted on their own accord to arrest this white man and his superiors at the police precinct agreed with the arrest?

sex trafficking is a big problem world wide, let me guess you only care now because the victims are white

Now i don’t agree with this woman at all and the media hating on white men

Hey, old white men, y’all run everything. It’s time for some others to take the lead

That post says more about a little black duck than it does about a little green leprechaun.

Oh - and what happened the cheers :slight_smile:

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Had a little think about blackduck’s comment and maybe she’s right - for 2 reasons.

First up is I’m not perfect and second that I’m not always right.

Happens that exactly 20 years back i met a guy ( US terminology for person) who actually does fit that description - imagine a guy who knows absolutely everything there is to know.

Anyways, that encounter has shaped how I view life and from here on this thread won’t be part of it.

Thanks guys for your opinions - political and otherwise - take care :slight_smile:

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America have the same issues the world have

90 people found in home as cops investigate kidnapping report, Texas police say

this is how retarded our media is, you can take any random group of 90 people and some will have covid, but this is what the news media wants you to focus on , not the larger story

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Remember the scene from “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” where the good aliens release all the people they had kidnapped and held for decades. If that were to happen in real life today, the headlines would be " how many have covid"

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well i was focus on 90 people in one house and it wasn’t a party

If you live in the US you may have noticed that the Flag seems to always be at half-mast anymore, well it is not your imagination as the Flag has been at half-mast 7 of the last 8 weeks and currently for the passing of former VP Mondale. Now I am okay with former Presidents and VP’s, but this honor has been watered down as it is being used under the current white house occupier for purely political reasons.

Old Glory should be a means to unite us, not divide us as some today are trying


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some people complain about everything, must be a miserable life


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