Political Opinion

This is what affordable healthcare looks like in America

The above plan is off the Healthcare Market Place, this is the lowest cost Individual coverage offered.

12 months of $783.74 monthly premiums and $8,500 Deductible and you are putting out 18 Grand out of pocket before the insurance company pays a dime

Is it any wonder why Bill Clinton had this to say about Obama Care


Not to harp on trump but since you are a trump supporter what happen to trump health care plan, oh he lied and never introduce one

This goes back to what i said before, Republican’s complain about Obama care then they get in office and could change something and does absolutely nothing. they are worthless

“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

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at what point do Republican supporters stop whining and complaining about the democrat’s and start blaming their own party for doing absolutely nothing when they get into office :100:

Yea that sucks. But rates are highly individual. I recently checked and even my gold plan offers are between $444 and $552. Lowest premium bronze plan came in at $348 monthly for a $8200/$8550. I can get a 0 deductible plan for $475.

I’m actually surprised at these rates. But these are based on my age and location, so YMMV.

I am three years from Medicare, I just may go without for the next couple of years and pocket that 18 grand, I rarely see a doctor anyway and if I do need a doctor I will pay for it like the old days

Have you looked into a high deductible(seems like that one is) that qualifies for HSA deposits.
You can put, like, up to $6K in the HSA and it’s a deduction on the front of your tax return, not on
Sch A?! At least the deductible’s would be “deductible”!

This was going to be my next gripe, I do have a HSA and under current rules, you can deposit $3500 a year, and if over 55 you can deposit $4500, kind of like an IRA. But what good is $4500 if your out-of-pocket deductible is $8500.

no matter how you run the numbers the American Healthcare system is F up, and this is all on Obama and the democrats, not one Republican voted for this plan, and 37 democrats in the house voted against it as well,

Plain and short, Obamacare is nothing but an insurance scam, as it was authored by an insurance lobbyist

A $4500 deduction? :wink:

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and the republican’s did nothing to change that when trump got into office, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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if you gonna say it’s the democrat’s fault, you have to show how the republican’s fix the situation when they got into office

one again we have one party and their supporters complaining about the other party but doesn’t hold their own party accountable for doing absolutely nothing when they get into office

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I would rather just pay everything out of pocket ( no insurance) that 8500 deductible would have covered my medical bills over the last 10 years

At least there is no penalty for not having insurance(put that under the heading of Trump did nothing)

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Trump did as much as he could, This insurance mess is all on Obama and the dems. and the thing occupying the white house has stated he has no plans of changing anything

This is how the rich get richer as the middle class slowly fades away


what did he do, Evidence Please


You need to go back to the beginning of it all. The high deductibles were put in place to keep the original bill within the total cost/expenditure limits that the GOP would sign off on. So under $1 trillion. That constraint limited much of the plan’s policy features right from the beginning.

Add to that the original bill writers assumed wrongly that administrations after would tweak the bad parts out, and also wrongly assumed the healthcare mandate wouldn’t be struck down. And sprinkle in the fact the GOP outright said they planned to try to repeal it from the beginning, spending the last 10 or so years attacking it with 50+ lawsuits rather than trying to fix it or replace it, as Trump said he would do, and GOP said they would do even before Trump was elected.

Funny how the cost conscious GOP didn’t originally want to spend money on Obamacare but we’re cool signing into law the TCJA that gave even more permanent tax breaks to corporations that didn’t need them, gave the majority of the tax breaks to the country’s top 10-20% income bracket and only temporary relief to regular tax payers at a cost of $1.8-2 trillion.

If you look at the numbers, premium increases are actually lower on average every year since ACA was signed into law, except one or two years, compared to the same period before ACA. That’s not saying healthcare costs haven’t exploded either. But that’s as much if not more on the for-profit insurance companies and fee for every service healthcare model we use than on ACA itself.

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I feel so relieved, just take my money

Why are you defending this piece of Sh-t bill, it was written by a lobbyist for the health insurance industry it was passed by Democrats, not one Republican voted for it, 37 Democrats also voted against it.

I side with Bill Clinton on this one


Why do you think premiums and deductibles are so high? Because… Obama? Same old BS line. Get some new material.

Plenty wrong with ACA, but plenty good. But the possibility of it getting repealed by the GOP for the last 10 years made insurers increase everything in anticipation of a repeal and contraction of the program and enrollees. And for profit insurers increased premiums higher than competition specifically to avoid high risk individuals. And you’re quick to forget the many years the GOP had to give us something better. Where is any of that? Where is Trump’s plan that was ready like 2 years ago?

I guess you also like living in a world where you don’t get capped on your medical expenses. Hell yeah it costs crazy money out of pocket if you have a high deductible or high premiums, but the elimination of lifetime caps was a no brainer. I’d say this even if it was a GOP plan.

But they have no clue how to fix it or make it better/cheaper. It’s only complain, complain, complain about the Dems.

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