Political Opinion

Not sure what this has to do with my quote, but yes business have shareholders to keep happy, and congress has voters to keep happy. In the case of congress this is why propaganda is so important, you don’t need to actually improve the lives of your people, you just need them to think it is getting better. Is that not the underlining theme of “1984”

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Winning On Social Media But Losing In Real Life Will Never Be A Vibe

it’s always been like that. The government wants to solve the problem, then doubles them.

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What are the fools up to now ? :roll_eyes:


Where is the help


Brit girl trafficked to Syria aged 12, raped and impregnated by her jihadi ‘husband’ trapped in refugee camp

America will never move forward when politicians chose politics over the needs of America

Biden on Republicans: ‘Some people have no shame

So true, yet a few people on this thread think government is the answer to everything, worse yet they think all those answers come from one political party, it is that kind of thinking that is turning us into something between Hunger Games and 1984

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one party is not the answer that’s why we have 2 parties the problem is these parties can’t work together for the better good for America, and with trolls on this thread pushing their sick minded agenda we are becoming the shthole country that trump talked about

American Voters examined :slightly_smiling_face:

“His testicles were cut off and stuffed in his mouth, he was disembowelled, his right eye was gouged out and the right side of his face was caved in…”

A father describing the death of his son in a French town.

Yet we reject the right of recent French members to speak out -


The fear of every government is the people uniting, that is why they must keep us fighting each other.

There will come of time and here in the US it will not be just right wingers storming the capital, but an alliance of people from across the political spectrum, think of the last two Hunger Game movies


i don’t think the government is responsible for the current events and people behavior, i think the news media plays a large part on why people are mad, they are pushing for us to be divided and to hate each other

That’s Not the issue in France mate :frowning_face:

And you missed the facts ;

However- some interesting observation about your own dying country.

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After reading through the comments it appears many Americans are watching Australia’s Sky News.

Project Veritas hardly rates a mention in the Left Leaning US Media…

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this guy only promote anti-america, be gone you troll, we know what your about, coward in training

i have not seen one american in this thread stand up to this coward for promoting his anti-america views, tells us we have american traitors in this thread

use to be a time where we stand up for america now we got a bunch of cowards who can’t defend their country


Behind the Scenes

Small Paul may be loosely based on Lennie Small, a character from the novella Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck…"

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Veritas - meaning Truth - How on earth could those whose entire narrative is built on Postmodernist fantasy - even understand ?

You are right mate - wherever the truth is hidden, those of us who value it will seek it out.

The fact is that a good many of us, including Americans - DO actually value the truth and understanding reality - as opposed to the fictional accounts we/they are being smeared with every day.


lol you just now came up with a reply when i figure out your name months ago, they don’t get no slower then people, mental illness is real and should be treated

Truth telling and investigative journalism are dead in “left leaning” US Media

If it does not fit their agenda then it is not reported

this is the dilemma of our societies, those who will accept lies for truth outnumber us 2 to 1