Political Opinion

I know English is not your first language - But really - that post is jusr verbiage !

It has no valid Premises - Makes assumptions and comes to a conclusion which is in no way justified - Please try again to phrase it in a way we can understand as logical !

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The bigger pictureā€¦


Itā€™s just too big a continent to defendā€¦ Chinese tourists already get lost in our Deserts


if you canā€™t or donā€™t wanna understand thatā€™s your problem, iā€™m good on my end :pinching_hand:

BTW: have you done anything to help those poor whites girls that been rape and are getting rape

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No !

If I donā€™t understand - itā€™s because you have not put forward anything logical !

i tell you what, show me proof you have done something to help those poor white girls that have been rape and you have done something to help prevent that from happening in the future and i will put something together logical for your understanding

I would say it was the main cause, I personally know several people who were not gun owners and had never fired a gun in their lives were motivated to purchase a gun by those riots

The fear of an anti-gun president being elected was clearly a motivator here, just as it was in 2016

As I said in an earlier post, biden get full credit for this


What a total garbage of an argument - ANything at all to deflect attention away from your inability to put forward a logical argument !

You are clearly incapable of addressing any subject in a meaningful way !


No country has ever invaded another country who has nukes, so I think Australia is pretty safe, but that does not mean that China will not try to hurt your countries economy

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President Trump = less guns on the Street
biden = more guns on the Street



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you never answer that question from 2 weeks ago, i figure i bring it back to you, you deflect from my question so i did the same, Whatā€™s good for the goose is good for the gander.

you see how that work :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tim Pool - in one of his articles explains how he went straight from ā€œAnti-Gunā€ to buying some !

As I said - Totally incapable of addressing any subject - simply relying on Deflection, word soup and personal attacks to try to intimidate those who try to engage with him in an honest manner !

Our mutual friend is an excellent example of how left thinking people always ( and I do mean ALWAYS) blame others, and never those directly responsible. The concepts or Personal Responsibility and Respecting Others is alien to them

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itā€™s true that is not a deflection, your but buddy denise was the one defecting by trying to put that on biden so i pull out facts

If I may presume to quote something I once said to a mate - about a jerk he knew

ā€œIā€™m glad heā€™s a friend of yours - He could never be a friend of mine !ā€ :slightly_smiling_face:

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I repeat for your convenience !

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you can create what ever narrative you want in your little brian, the facts will always look you in the face and laugh

Oh dear :slightly_smiling_face:

you came knocking so i answer, thatā€™s on you

Oh dear - once again he cannot even take responsibiltity for his own verbal garbage !

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