Political Opinion

she is not the maker of 12 laws of the universe

not trying to ignore you but im in the middle of setting up my trading for overnight trading i will be here checking in and out, but i will leave you with this until i get back

Proverbs 11:21

12 laws ot the universe ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




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The woman you publish has a vision which is based upon a “good person” - much as the Judeo-Christian value system has

But she fails in so many ways when compared to “Religion”

Please DO discuss !

yes she did but i was only publishing where i got the laws from at the time of posting them, those sites can make a fuss on publishing what’s on their site, in no way was i promoting her but wanted to show you the 12 laws

Deleted By Me.

There is not a single “LAW” - in any of that BS - merely fantasy and at best conjecture

Come back and talk to us when you have something to say ! :roll_eyes:

Matthew 12:35

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

for every action is a reaction, have a good day Falstaff

“You are here to make a difference, to either improve the world or worsen it. And whether or not you consciously choose to, you will accomplish one or the other.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich.

Can you double clutch a quad box ?

MAybe he’s never been a miner - but he HAS sniffed the hair of a Minor ! :slightly_smiling_face:


1 Like

Beware America !

UK follows France

Beware America !

Oddly - No it is still @Available@ -

Even on the BBP preview - it shows thus !




let’s hope American politicians do something to set up America future

China’s new Silk Road - the longest train route in the world

What we know that some people cause more harm than good in the world.

Here’s a good Tucker video. He’s always confused.

I pulled these numbers from the Morning Brew newsletter, we have a 3.5 Trillion Infrastructure bill but only 550 billion in infrastructure. Where is the rest of the money going, or should we ask who’s pocket will it be going into.


Pretty sure I read that 80 BILLION was to create(and expand, I suppose) electric car charging stations?
The Wawa that I go past every day has 8 already. Have had for a year-plus.
Wonder if Fed Gov paid for those 8?

1 Like

Trump estimates 100 million dead from COVID-19 without his vaccine efforts

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Judge asks why Capitol riot damage restitution is $1.5 million when cost to taxpayers is $500M

Some defiant School Districts in Texas are going their own route regarding mask mandates, after the TX governor signed an order banning such mandates.

Austin Independent School District joins Dallas Independent School District j

School starts this week.

Similar thing is happening in Florida, where the governor there is pulling state funding from district that disobey the executive order.

Will the governor’s offices follow through on pulling their funding? Doubtful. The courts will step in before any of it gets that far.

Freedom is Slavery - 2+2 =5


Quel surprise !

Lose the quotation marks and you can listen

Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World - YouTube