Political Opinion

They are coming for us :face_with_monocle:

BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World

Tucker Carlson says Afghan refugees will ‘invade’ the US and over the next decade their numbers ‘may swell to the millions’

  • “So first we invade, and then we are invaded,” Carlson said during a segment on Monday.

Former Pres. Bush’s statement on the withdrawal.

If 2 jabs in the neck are not enough, now they want you to take a third short, There was also a Carnival cruise ship that had an outbreak of 27 testing positive for covid and all 27 had been vaccinated, so what gives


Breakthrough cases do not occur because the vaccines are ineffective. Immunity can wane over time, and a vaccine might be less effective for a given pathogen.

Vaccine failure or ‘breakthrough cases’ occur because the “vaccines” do not work. Influenza vaccine effectiveness rates are at placebo levels and it looks as though the covid gene therapy “vaccine” are similar.


Sure, I guess that’s one perspective. But I don’t think that viewpoint is shared by the majority.


Fortunately science is not a popularity contest, contrary to popular opinion.


I’d be interested to read some science that states vaccine breakthroughs are vaccine failure.

Do you dumb wit US lefties ever consider the state of the world that your senile leader has got us all into, with his diabolical ‘Stop all wars’ approach to Afghanistan ?
Or are you just wandering around with your masks on, waiting for some vaccine to save us ?
How could Biden be so stupid to pull out, when a peace keeping presence was needed and not only cause such catastrophic damage but give the Taliban lunatics a free ticket to Pakistan and their nuclear arsenal - to say nothing of giving the nod to China !
Hope you sleep well with your crayons.



Having taken a leave of absence on this thread, I thought I would pop over to see all the mudslinging, particularly after this past week on geopolitics land I’m bemused how silent it is .

Im hoping there is some buyers remorse going on among our left wing brothers - though I doubt it

I do totally agree with you Johnny that what is going on Kabul is the biggest debacle in the history of debacles.

And it lies squarely at the feet of this incompetent administration - how dare they not give prior warning to their closest of allies.

How dare they leave all those poor afgans who helped with their regime change to be tortured at the hands of the Taliban.

Yet that is what they have done - shameful beyond words


Why are you crying about Biden seeing through Trump’s plan? Finger pointing is easy. It goes way beyond just Biden and Trump. Shameful exit. Shameful deal making with Taliban without the Afghan government. Shameful intelligence about the strength of the govt and it’s troops. Lots of shame to go around.

But throw in every administration for the last 20 years. They all have a piece in this.

And why does the left get all blame? How about who got us into two crazy wars? You forget about that guy Bush?

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their brains don’t understand accountability so they blame others


Do you think they are actually capable of considering anything at all ? - The Crayon campaign was educational in that respect ! :rofl:

The Triumph of hope over experience revealed again ! :wink:

They know well enough (or should do) exactly how Communism Always ends up - yet still they stampede towards finalising it’s grip.

Once again the UK is bringing the “refugees” into our country - 140,000 seems to be the realistic current expectation - although the propaganda figure is 20,000. Of these, how many will be ‘Dormant’ Sharia lovers who knows ?

They are expected all to vote Labour - which explains why our Labour PArty will never go into an Election with a female leader !


wipe your tears, that’s all you do is cry about the world and do nothing to make the world better, what have you done besides complain :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Whatever anyone says - this fool ALWAYS - just comes back with insults and personal attacks !

Kills conversation - which is probably the whole point of his being here ! :roll_eyes:

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Because you are weak and bring no value to the world, just crying about everything , now go sit your weak as down somewhere


Projection !

Interesting how they are incapable of communicating - but insist they are incredibly strong - They pretend that they don’t need the approval of others when in fact they are crying out for it.