Political Opinion

there is no communication with a coward, your name says it all, PEACE :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Rubbish as ever - seeks to imply something he cannot substantiate - no doubt he will change the post later.

Illiterate fool !


Let’s change the subject to something we can all agree on, Cuomo should have never been given this award to begin with, just as Obama should have never been given the Nobel Prize

Now if the Academy of Television has the balls to admit its mistake and take corrective action, why can’t the Nobel Prize do the same



You mean this Bush, who seems to now be the sweetheart of lefties like DeGeneres and everyone on the View

And for the record, I was dead set against invading Iraq, and only supported going to Afghanistan to kill bin laden


Same thing here in the US, these “refugees” will be given housing, money and free healthcare, while a million Americans live on the streets and millions more have no means to access healthcare



Criminal act by whoever your Guy was and Blair ! (someone said of Blair a couple of days ago;

“Blair - the unflushable turd - has just Bobbed up again”

I love the “RAMBO 3” Film - where it says at the end

“This film is dedicated to the Brave People of Afghanistan”

Apparently Bin Laden gave orders that Biden was nOT to be killed !

Speculation is he was hoping for Biden to become Pres. :rofl:

He’d obviously been listening to O’Bama

"never underestinmate the ability of Biden to F*** things up ! "


very sad that America has always done more for foreigners than they do for the American people and not one person from either side has done anything to change that, why?

what is your end game here? to show that Americans can be influenced by outsiders like yourself, we all know Americans have become very weak and people like you can dictate how some of us think, very sad but true. btw have you done anything to help your country or you just come here and bash American politics

your hidden agenda is on full display

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Obama didn’t violate cancel culture morals clause

The rest of the World backed America after 9/11 - then Biden unilaterally Abandons them - and runs away - without discussion !

  • Leaving all we “FOREIGNERS” - well and truly

"In the Shyte! "

But the Small Stupid Fool cannot even comprehend that !


To which the Small IQ Fool responds;

Is that Dyslexia ? or just Small Ability to Read Fool ?

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19 hours ago it postulates

Then 12 hours ago - the Small Inconsistent Fool shows it’s FEAR and writes;

Entirely it fails to recognise that what he quotes is a direct Quote from Obama

And that he is the epitome of;

Small Attention Span Fool !

Can’t even hold a consistent thought for SEVEN HOURS ! :slightly_smiling_face:


you still complaining, you need a tampon


That’s all you do is bash America, what a sad life you have, get out and do something with it, you might feel better helping others, until you bring value to the world you will continue to have a sad life, good luck bucko

The Taliban, ISIS-K, China and the Russians cannot believe their luck with this Old Man as the US’s current Commander in Chief. Talk about a polarising image that will only embolden your enemies…

Hamala Karris will be asked to slide across and take the wheel very, very soon…


There may come a time when you as an older person will bow your head in prayer and anguish - it’s also possible that younger people will not take cognisance.

Will the US’s enemies be emboldened by his prayer? - I think not.

Com’on @peterma, Now you’re just Trolling… It’s a clash of religion’s that caused this fustercluck, obviously you live in a reality vacuum…

BTW… That is an image of Despair… Not Prayer!..You sanctimonious Muppet.


Now Joe Hiden’s carers have given the Taliban lists of names with US Citizens and Afghan helpers…

What a clueless administration… What possibly could go wrong…??


Not sure what ‘trolling’ actually is (must be important since it’s capitalized) - would the term describe a form of derogative name calling ?

Anyways the loss of life is a cause for despair and a cause for prayer, we can choose to create a different narrative if we so wish - that’s democracy.

Btw think you called me a muppet maybe 6 months back - just wondering is that an Aussie animal?

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Norway: Is It The Perfect Economy?

Yes the democrat parties answer to biden, is to replace him with the person who came in dead last in the primary

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