Political Opinion

They are in a quandary, as if that happens, she gets to pick her VP. BUT, the VP needs to be confirmed
by both the Senate and the House. The Senate is tied 50-50 without the VP vote…

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For guys following the news on Afghanistan - there’s a post up above re the America giving out names of US citizens to the Taliban - if I may post Sec Blinken’s comments today:

“The idea that we shared lists of Americans or others with the Taliban is simply wrong,”

Or Jake Sullivan (NS adviser) also today:

“We’ve aggressively, decisively disputed that report, we’ve given no list of all the American [Special Immigrant Visa] holders to the Taliban or any other kind of big list.”

Just thought I’d mention in the interest of balance.

So, you are saying someone is lying. Shocking! Wonder who…?


Apparently, Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the throne in the White House… This is getting very dangerous. President Hiden is senile… Harris is incompetent and Pelosi is practically certifiable…

God Bless America… You’re going to need all the help you can get!!

Politics 101… Cover your a$$ at all costs… lie, cheat, play hide and seek…

Sec Blinken’s credibility on display… Washington Post’s coverage… Now cannibalising their own??


Once again - the Small intellectual Ability Fool - runs off into inane stupidity !

WTF has it;'s response to do with the post ? :roll_eyes:

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No Peter, If you could actually STOP posting “What some geezer said” and START posting actual evidence - that might help !

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Sir I believe you to be a LIAR !

That is what the POSTMODERNISTS invariably DO ! - Refuse to recognise truth and simply invent their own “NARRATIVE!” - would be funny - If you weren’t a Grandfather in his declining years !

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you just can’t help yourself can you, lol.

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thanks for posting my post about you, lol.

We have to wonder whether you have EVER seen a Tampon ? :wink:

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like i said you just can’t help yourself can you, lol.

It is true - that I do expect a certain amout of logical thought and reasonable debate from those with whom I communicate.

Thank you for reminding me of your incompetence !

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you welcome

how much do you really care about your country, have you done your part yet or did you turned your back on this issue to focus on American politics

no it’s not something i see everyday like you do, maybe you can give me more details since you are more familiar with them. :rofl:

@SmallPaul, It’s not that we are trying to bash the US, Governmental stupidity is global in these times.

From Australia’s point of view… We are a small population on a huge continent… Since the turn of the nineteenth century, Australia has required the west (US, Canada, UK & NZ) for it’s security…

While isolated and thousands of kilometers from the Globes battlegrounds… We fought and supported the West in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan…

Having an incompetent and frail Government in the US, leaves us exposed to a dangerous, aggressive and expansionist China… They have already assimilated Hong Kong… They are circling Taiwan and have Australia, a resource rich continent more than likely in their sights…

We would have no chance against an incursion from the massive CCP military…

Australia has its own problems which have been mocked by the worlds media… And rightly so!

Understand that a weak US, rightly viewed as the global Police… Just emboldens recalcitrant Governments like China, North Korea, Iran and terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban.


well said but i don’t see things getting better i also don’t see any party changing anything, as far as china goes 70% of our daily household items are made in china, it will take a lot for us to get involve at this stage. stay strong tho, we love Australia.

you got china building their silk road and 5g network all thru Europe , Africa, Asia and with a military that can handle their own, a little to late to be complaining now, governments around the world have cave to china demands.

America is self destructing with internal issues that can’t be resolve by either party, it’s time for all countries to find their own way or drown with the ship

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Compare that with Stefan Molyneux’s account of “The Fall of Rome” - who, were also the strong men of the world and keepers of order - Until … Well You find that out by watching his account :wink:

The fact is - and Was that Western Civilisation’s “Ten Generations of Power” is now over and those TWO groups you mention (Those in Iron Boots)

“Socialists” (Communists)

“Followers of Islam”

Are poised to take over - just like the “Invading Barbarian Hordes”

And what exactly do we have to defend the Civilisation we leave behind ? - Well we have

Those in Silk Slippers ; “The Crayon Crew” of course :slightly_smiling_face: AOC, Camela H, Nancy, Diane Abbott, Jacinda Ardern, Ursula von der Layon, and the “New men” like our Small Incel Fool !

Molyneux thinks there may be some hope - I have to say his analysis and parallels are pretty immaculate. - I do not concurr with his hopes - but I supppose we have to keep pointing out the facts to those whose abilities to think for themselves have been “educated” out of them - little hope though that line of action may offer.

Never mind - 10 Generations was a good run and we shall not be here to see the end results

I wonder though - oft times whether it will be the Commies or Islam to whom they will be genuflecting in vain, in the fullness of time ?