Political Opinion

and you ask yourself how does the western industrialize countries allow such things to happen, simple, United we stand, divided we fall

people are confusing people who post on social media on what can and should be done with people in power who are doing the opposite of what is being posted, we call them naïve to reality of what’s going on around them, i’m sure they think one day they gonna wake up and all will be well. more power to them.

Most Men live lives of Quiet Desperation- Joe Rogan

Where are the Feminists ?

Lol - Oh yes it is !

How women are going to get themselves killed - Stefan Molyneux - YouTube

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you just weird. :wave:

And you just Small IQ Fool :slightly_smiling_face:

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so you agree you are weird :v:

OMG The Fool at the School gate wants to talk Philosophy now ! :rofl:

It can barely speak English - certainly not in any Gramatically correct way - Yet it wants to engage in nuances of meaning, thought and language ! :rofl:

Small Irrelevant Fool !

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you feel better, here take last words

Why Australia is Actually an American Company

We are living in space age times, yet so many of us are thinking with stone age minds.

Why on earth do you think that our ancestors were in any way less competent than we are ? specifically those who run around crying that their safe spaces are being invaded by white male patriarchs ? :rofl:

Our prehistoric brethren would simply have beaten them to a semblance of reality with a rather large stick - Or stone ! :rofl:

Now Now Kiddies - Let’s have some order here ! :roll_eyes:

We don’t want the Colonies falling out and trying to claim superiority to one another !


it’s all in your head, be careful what you promote and listen to.

it’s in the video i didn’t make that up, Australia the country is an American LLC company that has never been use.

the world has change for better or worst, adjust or be left stuck in your head

To which it purports to respond thus ;


If someone could spend the time and effort to try explain to the rest of us what the Clown is Rabbitting on about - I’m sure we will all be thoroughly unimpressed !

Yet it publishes what it contends to pass for “thoughts” as though they contained some grain of wisdom !

Intellectual MIDGET ! :roll_eyes:

Go away and learn to speak English - Small brain Fool !

Falstaff did you know what you are trying to do to me i already done to you 10 fold :v:

you been called out and expose, there is nothing you can say or do to get your respect back

~ See how it feels entitled to write some new and exiiting

Verbal Diahorrea !

You get no more attention from me until you can say something worth our while listening to

(And you can cry and whimper all you want to ! )

You simply have nothing to say worth listening to !

dude you can live your entire life trying to get back at me or you can go and live a happy life, the choice is yours little man


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See it has Nothing to say again - just garbage !

that’s all you post is garbage, anyway wish you find your happiness somewhere

Predictive programming