Political Opinion

Trump is banned from Facebook and Twitter, but experts say he ‘absolutely’ wouldn’t need them to run for president again

Sometimes the naivete of the over-educated, under inteligent “Progressives” is just breathtaking ! - Listen to that “analysis” at your peril.

The reasons for the lack of workers is multi facetted -

Here is one reason ;

"▶️ THE POVERTY TRAP | A Gonzalo Lira video - YouTube

ANd here is another ;

“WHo is John Galt !”

[Or as the feminists say ;

“Where have all the Good men gone ?”

“UBI” - I hear you cry !

Well now you have an example of where that particular Rabbit hole leads ! :wink:

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it goes deep

Let’s Go Brandon!

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"Eco-Anxiety: Kids Fear Death By Fire Or Drowning - YouTube

At the very least Instant Dismissal of the teachers who propagate this garbage for Gross Misconduct !

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Anything. Seriously.

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america is stuck on the same boat it was on 12yrs ago, no president have made this country better and some will say we have worsen as a country, self destruction

I found this funny, Saudi Arabia 40 year plan to go carbon neutral. They are a desert, they could run their country on 100% solar tomorrow, what a joke


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Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World


I don’t see Nestle using the power of the US government to force people to purchase their products

Real evil is forcing children to take an unproven vaccine to protect them from a disease they have very little chance of getting all for big Pharma to rake in billions in profits


before covid, people will get their kids vaccinated when they old enough to go to school. witch is a mandate to go to school

Those vaccines have a long history and have been proven over time to work ( or at least that is the propaganda)

The covid vaccine already has a very spotty effectiveness, is both politically and profit driven

I was never anti-vaccine, but seeing how this covid vaccine is being forced on people and even being used as a weapon is making me re-assess my position

It all comes down to this “Do You Trust The US Government” For me that is a BIG NO!

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but how did they get their history, is it by human getting those shots over time or some animal testing over time?

State-by-State: Vaccinations Required for Public School Kindergarten

DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis

All 50 states and DC require the DTap vaccine (or another vaccine combination for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) for kindergarten entry.

IPV: Polio

All 50 states and DC require the IPV vaccine for kindergarten entry.

Varicella: Chickenpox

All 50 states and DC require the varicella vaccine for kindergarten entry, though some will accept proof of immunity instead of vaccination. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.

MMR: Measles, Mumps, & Rubella

49 states and DC require the MMR vaccine for kindergarten entry. Some states list the MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella) vaccine as appropriate.

Iowa, the only state to not require the MMR vaccine, requires a measles and a rubella vaccine, but not a mumps vaccine.

HepB: Hepatitis B

44 states and DC require the Hep B vaccine for kindergarten entry. Alabama, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont do not require the HepB vaccine for kindergarten entry.

HepA: Hepatitis A

17 states require the Hep A vaccine for kindergarten entry: Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

Hib: Haemophilus Influenza Type b

Some states require this vaccine if the child is entering kindergarten before turning 5 years old. We have included only vaccine requirements for all kindergartners. Please consult your state requirements if the child will be 4 years old when entering kindergarten.

PCV: Pneumococcal

Some states require this vaccine if the child is entering kindergarten before turning 5 years old. We have included only vaccine requirements for all kindergartners. Please consult your state requirements if the child will be 4 years old when entering kindergarten.

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people who don’t trust the goverment on covid mandates already trust the government when it comes to mandates, like i stated earlier, mandates for kids going to schools.

State-by-State: Vaccinations Required for Public School Kindergarten

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Why Finland is the happiest country in the world

Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.

Give them a month of US media and see how happy they are


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"Neil Oliver: We haven’t even got past Halloween but it’s already panto season at COP26 - YouTube

Straight from “Panic over Covid” to "Panic over Global Warming "

It’s Not about what they say it’s about !

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Russell Brand calls out big Pharma for their insane profits from this vaccine, watch this and you can see why democrats are pushing vaccine mandates. It is all about MONEY!

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Niceone @Dennis3450 - I was going to post that myself - I have to say I used to have no time for Russel Brant - but he speaks sense and is growing on me ! :sunglasses:

Interesting though that in his whole article - he doesn’t mention Oxford AZ once - but we already know it is the fact that AZ have decided NOT to profiteer on their vaccine which makes that version the “outcast” by the Elites and subject to any bad-mouthing “they” can muster !

Oxford AZ Rules ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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dude you are 100+ years late, i agree what your saying but all vaccine is made for big profit also anything the government is giving away for free including the flu shot there is big money being made for those companies that provide the service and if you think anything gonna change with a party change you are sadly mistaken because big pharma got the U.S. government on lock

i would like to think you guys know how this works