Political Opinion

this is how things is done in this country and nothing gonna change the u.s. goverment doesn’t work for you the people it works for corporate america. shocking :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Freedom of Choice: How the Government Controls What You Consume | Lobby

calling out big pharma does Absolutely nothing, when big phama got congress on their side / in their back pockets and millions to go with it, they are protected.

stop being naive and understand how the system works, keep huffing and puffing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

the key to lobbying is to get congress in your pocket not the president because they come and go but once law is on your side it will take hell to freeze over to change it when it comes to corporate america laws

Listen to Alex’s new choir !

Once again they try to keep him OUT OF COURT !

"SHARE👮‍♀️ Police CANCEL Crown Court 👨‍⚖️ Thurs NO FILE 🤮 2 Years Of Hell 🤮 Evil BBC Witch-Hunt - YouTube

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Because you’re comparing Apples with LEGO ! - meaningless drivel !

WHo is John Galt ?

"Ingraham: Where have all the men gone? - YouTube

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I didn’t compare anything, you have to take up your beef with who ever put that out or made that comparison :v:

the damage might be irreversible meaning

Of course you did Fool !

You published it and your statement above is unequivocal.

The fact that you seem incapable of understanding the English Language or indeed taking responsibility for your own statements simply demonstrates your stupidity !

Have a nice day FOOL ! :roll_eyes:

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Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S

Because you are comparing Apples with LEGO ! - FOOL !

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On this side of the pond we also have Jimmy Dore, a self proclaimed Leftist who rips those on the left spreading lies

If you only get all your news from Russel Brand, Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan, You will be far better educated in current events then the person who watches CNN, MSNBC or reads the New York Times

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you need help, enjoy your life if you have one :v:

We Need To Go Deeper

that’s how most Americans think, getting their news from their prefer source including you

We Need To Go Deeper

This Town Was Paradise, Then Everyone Started Working From Home

It is all about profits and sticking needles in children


More personal attacks by our resident bot ( or troll) no wonder this thread has become a ghost town, Threads like this attract participation when people feel they can freely share their thoughts and political views and not be subjected to ridicule and personal attacks.

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so you blame me for your boy toy personal attack on me first, come on dude the evidence is right in front of your face, don’t be stupid now

EDIT: and i will continue to call out BS when i see it, from you are anybody else :v:

All You Need to Know About the Economy of Food | ENDEVR

who really runs the US, it is not congress but these Industrial Complexes

Unless your name is joe biden, you have heard of the Military Industrial Complex, but there are 6 more

and the ring leader of them all Financial

In someway all these Complexes impact everyone of us here in the US, and everyone in the world will be impacted by at least one of these

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congress is who these conglomerates use to pass legalisinon so they can do whatever they want in the USA, there are laws that congress have to protect the U.S. citizens from these conglomerates so these companies lobby the goverment to change the laws in the name of good business

Here’s How Lobbyists Legally Bribe Politicians

How Lobbying Became A $3.5 Billion Industry

Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist’s playbook

Congress: Trading stock on inside information?

dreams and aspirations of a U,S, president is what congress approve and don’t approve and who’s in who’s back pocket :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: