Political Opinion

Will Global Warming cause inflation ?

Ladies of Horizontal Refreshment Quadruple Prices in preparation for Glasgow Climate Festival !


CORPORATE FASCISM - The Destruction of America’s Middle Class

America On Path To Destruction -by Ezra Taft Benson

I have a simple solution to the lobbyist problem, which would be to close the Capital. With today’s technology, there is no reason for a member of congress to ever step foot in Washington DC. Congress could remain in their home districts and actually serve the people who elected them. For the lobbyist needing to visit each state would be near impossible greatly lessening their influence. And for those members of Congress who continue to meet with a lobbyist, it will be much harder to hide their crooked deals when the press and many voters will no doubt be camped outside their office.

But it is only a dream, I don’t see things changing short of a revolution


i agree but we are too deep into it and i’m pretty sure they will lobby against that idea.

A Lobbyist And A Senator Walk Into A Restaurant

Ten ways the Israel lobby ‘moves’ America” Grant F. Smith

Israeli influence on U.S. foreign policy” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Why America’s Wars Don’t End: The Military-Industrial Complex

is never about Americans lives it’s about money, american lives have been sold for profit

How Lobbyists Secretly Run Washington: The Rich, Money & Influencing Congress, Government

Which is a damned site more than our small brained fool has to offer !

Jeez - he even denies he has an opinion ! :roll_eyes:

Just keeps repeating what we all knew 20 years ago - as though it is something new !

:rofl: :rofl:

@SmallPaul Come on then Fool - show us some original thought perhaps ? - Ok well that is probably too much to ask from the likes of you ! Copy and paste a solution then !

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Sadly the Electorate will Never be served under what we call “Democracy” - It’s too late by the time we get to vote ! Those who select the candidates are the real enemy !

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“If you want the job - you have to let me stick this thing in you!” :grinning:

Harvey Weinstein gets 30 years for saying that !

Pfizer gets $300 Billion !


my opinion on this matter is just like yours, worthless and we should of stayed focus on it but we let congress off the hook by focusing on the outer layer of the problem, you will undertsand some day if at all

There was a popular bumper sticker in the 60s that read: If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.

that was the base of my post on lobbying and how the system works, you to focus on the outer layer of the problem when the problem goes deeper then your small brain, numbnuts,


If someone would explain what the hell this verbal Diahorrea means - I’m sure we would all feel much better !

There is of course no answer to such complete garbage - since it deserves no reply !

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No it wasn’t !

Fool !

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Note however that it did ignore an oportunity to show he has SOME ability to think critically !

Go for it FOOL !

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same board different pieces :v:


Classified Legislation: Tracking Congress’s Library of Secret Law

Most citizens assume that all of the law Congress writes is public. That is not, in fact, true. Our general norm of publishing law has a significant and largely overlooked legislative exception: classified addenda associated with three annual national security acts. If a four decade-old practice holds, the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA), the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and the Department of Defense Appropriations Act (DODAA) now moving through Congress will all do part of their lawmaking inside these classified documents.

The value of classified addenda is clear: they allow Congress to execute its constitutional legislative and spending powers even regarding the most sensitive government activities. There is also no obvious alternative. This mechanism has now been relied upon longer than some involved in the process have been alive. They do not leak.

On the other hand, there is little transparency because of the limited nature of references to the addenda. No addendum has ever been published, even in redacted form. Not much is publicly known about their substantive content. Nothing is publicly known about their length. An individual addendum could be two pages long, or 20, or 200. Each of the committees invite Members to review the addenda in a secure room, but few do.

very sad nobody holds congress accountable for their actions and the American people believe the president have power to effect change in America

when you don’t know i guess you just don’t know better, very hard for most people to look beyond the surface

Keeping the Balance: What a President Can Do and Cannot Do


  • make treaties with the approval of the Senate.

  • veto bills and sign bills.

  • represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.

  • enforce the laws that Congress passes.

  • act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.

  • call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.

  • make suggestions about things that should be new laws. (conflict with: enforce the laws that Congress passes.)

  • lead his political party.

  • entertain foreign guests.

  • recognize foreign countries.

  • grant pardons.

  • nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials.

  • appoint ambassadors.

  • talk directly to the people about problems.

  • represent the best interest of all the people (conflict with: enforce the laws that Congress passes.)


  • make laws.
  • declare war.
  • decide how federal money will be spent.
  • interpret laws.
  • choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval.

We had a positive Jobs report today, and creepy joe will try to take credit. But what creepy joe and the CIA ran fake news media will not tell you is the Job growth has been happening in Red States, as blue states continue with lockdowns, are firing those refusing the vacs and denying economic participation to those not vacs. The US is becoming Korea, with the Red States being South Korea and the blues states being North Korea
