Political Opinion

On the positive side, people are leaving the state

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that does look good on the surface… but now those people are moving to my state and drinking up all of my water and so soon i will have water shortage here.

in a nutshell, there are way too many people on this planet.

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What is a good number for you, are you a Thanos fan thinking killing off half the population will fix everything,

I see the problem coming from corrupt governments and uneven distribution of resources

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I see the problem coming from corrupt governments and uneven distribution of resources

of course, you can have your opinion… but the issue is that if a person needs three liters per day to drink, for example, and there just isnt that much available…then we have a problem…

if you need three liters per day and you dont have that much, then it is not possible to EVENLY DISTRIBUTE THE WATER.

it is my theory that this is what this bs lockdown is all about… our greedy governments finally had a moment of clarity and realized that the party is soon to be over and the only alternative for them was to shut down the entire circus…

…and to vaccinate us… which we can only speculate what that agenda is about…

so, what is a good global population number, in my opinion?

i am not exactly sure what a good population size is, but i am pretty sure that it is not a number larger than ten billion…

we have water shortages.

the bees are sick and dying.

our oceans are polluted with chemicals and plastics.

our rain forests are being destroyed.

our glaciers are melting.

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rich Americans have been renouncing U.S. citizenship for years now for various reasons but the difference now is middle to upper class Americans are leaving in record numbers.

Americans, It’s Time to Leave

Well you still have another 25% to go then before “there are too many people on the planet”

It is pretty certain that world population will not exceed 9 billion before it turns around and starts shrinking again.

Distillation in the short term will allow many people to drink the same water - Filtration will do a similar thing but less effective - which is why we are all drinking oestrogen laced water and why testosterone, combined with male fertility are plummetting !
In the longer term we already know that the World is now 20% Greener due to slight increase in Carbon Dioxide we have added to the atmosphere right now - if you just let it rip from where it is now plants need way less water, humidity / rainfall will increase and the hot sand deserts will disappear.

Although the more likely scenario is that we have a period of severe cold coming for around the next 30 years ! We are in fact likely to go through a period of cold induced famine around 2028 - 2034 or so :slightly_smiling_face: (Which is why Gates is buying Farm land )

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There is some truth in that - but the Pareto priciple applies to all hierarchies - and there is no way to organise the World to eliminate Hierarchies !

Re-organisation of the hierarchies simply puts different people “At the top”

THAT is a severe worry and whilst we can see some evidence that neo-nicotinoids and the Varroa mite are implicated - it does not explain the phenomenon in full!

I know - They’ve completely disappeared every year since around 1990 - according to the various “Forecasts” from those who propagate this myth ! :roll_eyes:

Sea levels are rising at a catstrophic rate too - which is why O’bama bought his nice little house in Florida

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a water distiller, as i have read, can not separate certain things from water…

…such as petroleum… can not be separated from water.

we have been mixing various kinds of petroleum into our world’s water supplies for about a hundred years now.

mr falstaff, how do you propose that petroleum can be separated from water to make it drinkable again?

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florida is an accident waiting to happen…


florida could easily blow right off the map if the right hurricane hits it.

Same way they get it out of your rivers before they send it through your taps (Faucetts)
(Oh and I have a tually worked on the Petrol Interceptors !)

Well I’ve tried to show you the truth - but you clearly don’t want to hear it .

just remember those dates - winter 2028 -2034

And the height above sea level of Obama’s place !

G’night :rofl:

[EDIT - you are right about the difficullty of removing certain things from the water supply tho’ without distillation and as I said ;


Well I’ve tried to show you the truth - but you clearly don’t want to hear it .


You’re not here to enter a genuine discussion - are you ? - Simply interested in an Argument - ANy argument !

I have nothing more for you - College Boy !

do you know why you sling insults?

answer: because you have zero knowledge about trading.


you are the KING of babypips.

I do wonder about these people sometimes !

They come on here simply to disrupt the conversation - They will not engage with the English Language in any meaningful way.

They spout gibberish as though it was in some way important - or even relevant

And yes I know they’re trying to show that they’re “Postmodernists” - And that the sole objective of Postmodernists is to disrupt society.

I know they’ve been indoctrinated with it at College - and my “Arithmetic” thread will offer a reason why the Colleges would pump it into them

But I really do wonder WHY ? WHat do they themselves expect to gain from it ??? :roll_eyes:

I am really looking forward to your arithmetic thread that is going to be so good please let me know where and when it is I am ready!

Not likely, the Florida keys are in the path of most hurricanes and they have survived for thousands of years

We use a whole lot more water per day then that , here is one source I found, and that does not include all the water used outside the home


I am sure we could cut our water usage by a third without any real inconvenience, Same with Food, for most Americans cut our food intake by a third would actually make us healthier

Personally I am a Minimalist, and see many ways people can cut down on waste, and live a better life with less

OK so lets take look at that ;

You weigh what 230 lbs ? and at the end of teh day you still weigh 230 lbs and 90-95% OF THAT IS WATER - So 220 lbs or 100 kg of you is plain water - same as yesterday, same as tomorrow.

so lets take a look at your figures at a macro scale ;

Water is free and falls out of the sky in the mountains , gets concentrated through streams and flows down Rivers. Just before it gets to you - whoever SELLS you that water - pumps some out = puts it through a “purifying mechanism” and delivers it to you - you pay them for that service.

So you flush your toilet into a pipe, empty your washing machine into a pipe, drain your shower into a pipe AND THEN DISPOSE OF THE WATER WHICH FALLS ONTO YOUR ROOF - into a pipe ! - All of which goes back to those who SOLD you the WATER in the first place !

They then take this Water (plus YOUR roof water) to another mechanism ," purify it" and put it back into the river - and just downstream, they repeat the process for the “Next set of customers”!

So apart from what you “Sweat” - there IS NO “WATER USAGE” !

After multiple repetitions of profit taking - this same water (which has been “Peed” out by maybe 60 bodies!) arrives at the sea and becomes “Salt water” (ie more difficult to process)

So where exactly is this “water usage” you and the others seem to feel so guilty about ?