Political Opinion

that is the basic mechanics of how it works, for sure, but it is possible that there are other factors that will affect the situation.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day



I had to do a little research on this subject and there are simple solutions, One being, stop using our drinking water for things like washing your car or watering the grass.

this is not a topic that can be well understood after doing a “little research”, in my opinion.

The irony of the single bottle of water, typically representative of a healthy beverage in a convenient container, is that it takes 3 or more liters of water to make 1 bottled liter, and many water bottlers are given carte blanche rights to mine local groundwater supplies at the expense of local populations.

(Resource Demands of Bottled Water)

Many Australians ‘hate’ the idea of a ‘massive influx of migrants’

Federal Liberal Party vice-president Teena McQueen says many Australians “hate” the idea of a “massive influx" of migrants.

it is mind boggling to me that your average nonmuslim does not see the muslim invasion coming.

how can it be a invasion when the government allows it, not like they sneaking into the country

i find it slightly less than stimulating to debate you, therefore i will refrain from doing so.



DUDE because people are not willing to work the government is creating the problem that is no debate. you can blame the people or the goverment

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When ethnic minorities become the majority: some reflections and a possible plan for the future

how can you stop something when the goverment is creating the problem?

Water restrictions and guilt

Noice how “they” never want to discuss the actual “problem” and let you think for yourself - All this Global warming BS works the same way _ ALL they want to tell you about is THEIR “SOLUTIONS” - Watch for this trickery in All they say ! :wink:

Yes indeed - except that iffn your driveway has a storm drain for runoff the the main drains - that again is returned to the main flow.

However the two massive depleters of teh water supply are

  1. Agriculture (75%)

2) Leakage fron the water suppliers own pipes (40% of total "Domestic usage = which INCLUDES YOUR car washing and lawn watering exploits)

Those 2 Elephants in the room fail to evenmake it into the “SF Woke Report” which our mutual friend links to because they are “Counter narrative”

No 1 being because irrigation is only neccessary for vegetables anfd fruit - which are of course - the whole target area for neo-agriculture.

No 2 being because it simply point back to the gross inefficiency of those selling the water to you !

Remove either or both of those and watrer is no longer an issue !

And that’s even before we consider the effect of even the miniscule amount of CO2 we add to the atmosphere.

Additional CO2 promotes plant growth AND restricts water usage of those plants !

These trees are same age same type same conditions BUT under controlled CO2 levels !

Every Greenhouse grower on a commercial scale increase the CO2 content of their greenhouses to 1200-1700 ppm - with NO detrimental effects on staff working there or anything else !

Note the Source of this next illustration !

As far as I am concerned -

When they get their own house in order - I will listen to them complaining about mine!

Those who refuse to acknowledge or do not believe their government is causing the problem are just being naive

Interesting !

Seems he likes to dish it out - but runs away crying when people respond to him !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He has been weighed and measured - And found wanting ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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i am speechless.

those who trade with unregulated brokers that do not offset their trades onto a liquidity provider are not only naive but an accident that is waiting to happen.

it is amazing how corrupt traders are.

when you deposit money with an unregulated broker that does not have a connection to a liquidity provider, and you lose money, THE BROKER POCKETS YOUR LOSS… when all of their traders combined make gains and want to withdraw, they just close up shop and keep your deposits.

bucketshops win whether you win or lose.

you always lose with a bucket shop.


Listen to the Useless Over “Educated” Wokesters Bleat !

Who is John Galt ?

"NYC men skip work due to mandates and the crying from the elites begins - YouTube

BaByPips Software fault methinks !

Click here on the green.

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you are correct