Political Opinion

People used to be happy when everything was good in their life, but now they are stressed out even if everything is good. :v:

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Federal law means you can’t be turned away at the emergency room. But you would get billed directly the full cost of your hospital visit by the hospital, if they can figure out who you are and where you live. If it’s a homeless person, for example, usually the hospital itself foots the bill (cost of care absorbed by other paying patients and insurance companies). There’s a chance the hospital gets some relief on the cost of care from the government - Medicaid (tax payer). In some states, a portion of the state budget (tax payer) is allotted for hospital care to the indigent. So, payments comes in different ways.

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Very interesting. Didn’t know this was a thing. But I don’t see how this scales and how it makes it possible for an aging population to afford more doctor’s visit as they age. And what about catastrophic injuries that require major medical?

Do you combine this with a traditional insurance plan?

Ah, here is the fine print from the Wikipedia entry:

The US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires that DPC practices offering such services must include in their plans a secondary qualifying health plan (QHP) that covers other hospital services that the DPC provider may not offer if they choose to offer their DPC arrangement in the healthcare marketplace. Therefore, in cases where the DPC provider has chosen to participate in the healthcare marketplace,[ clarification needed ] the patient would be required to carry and pay for an additional insurance coverage plan for catastrophic and hospital services in addition to the DPC arrangement for primary health care access if he/she purchases this plan from the healthcare marketplace

Interesting concept. I think it could work for your routine visits for sure.


Thanks for that …

So what you’re saying is - Yes - you will get treatment for acute cases ?

Sowhether you pay for your own treatment - or whether the cost is borne by those who actually have an income is what we are talking about here ?

Whatever world do you live in ?

Well that’s interesting - lets go with this part and please do elucidate as to what I said which leads you to jump to this conclusion ?

As far as I know I have presented no theory - a conjucture or two and a Hypothesis (Caribou) maybe - but please OH Fount of all wisdom do show your reasoning !

Well, this is another reason medical costs are sky rocketing. It’s common practice for emergency rooms to be used as the go-to provider of health care, even for things like a severe cold or flu, by a segment of the population that’s come to understand that hospitals can’t turn you away even if you can’t pay. So as the percent of hospital visits are ER related, and the hospital isn’t getting paid by the patient or reimbursed by the government or insurance company, they’re forced to increase prices.

We’re discussing how ridiculous our healthcare system is in the US. It’s slow, it’s overly costly, it’s confusing and it’s getting worse. Some think the government should be involved in some or all capacity. Other’s think the government shouldn’t be involved at all.

I think healthcare in your neck of the woods is ranked rather well globally.

i don’t know

Certainly - it is !

BUT iF you look at “efficacy of outcomes”

You will find a very different story !

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i don’t know

Perhaps if you learned to read and write in English - we might be better able to communicate ?

ah no, i really don’t need to communicate with you :v:

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Again here is the problem, you have the US government mandating things that only drive up cost

Think of it like Auto insurance, You need new tires or just an oil change, you pay directly to the auto service center, your insurance company is not involved in this transaction

Getting the government and insurance companies out of “routine visits” would be a huge step in bringing sanity back into the US medical system

This has got to be the greatest example of an “Oxymoron” of all time, and we have government to thank for it

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You are getting close to the right answer, what government subsidies to the poor do is make it so the poor can live off a minimum wage job, so the minimum wage is actually a form of corporate welfare. Again, this mess has been created by a government trying to buy the vote of the poor

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Here is a short video explaining Direct Primary Care. the way out of our current healthcare mess caused by the “Unaffordable care act”

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Here is a link (the green words) ;

"Mali and Kanem; African empires whose prosperity was founded upon the slave trade - YouTube

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The green words are the link ;

" What do some black people themselves say about ambition, rational thought and delayed gratification? - YouTube

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there will always be more minimum wage job than high paying jobs or median paying jobs, the world depends on minimum wage jobs

The backbone of the world is low paying jobs.

But they did it, so it’s okay for us to do it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you feel better now

you need a serious history lesson my boy.
