Political Opinion

Would anyone care to tender an explanation of this garbage collection of words the Fool has postulated here ?

It is quite obvious he cannot think in straight lines himself

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What do people do who can’t adapt to a changing world? You should follow that trend. :upside_down_face:

Nite Nite marionette

The casual observer will note the complete lack of any joined up thinking in the posturing of this Fool within this last post

or in it’s lack of coherence when coupled with what it is supposed to be repling to ;

And note the desperation in his voice when trying to get an answer - completely demonstrating the LIE which he wrote previously

Yet he/it seems to string random words together as though they made some sort of sense - or demonstrate an intellectual capability of some sort !

Is HE the FOOL ? for spouting this garbage - or are WE the fools for bothering to treat him/it as some sort of thinking creature ?

Marinette, we’re not going to flood this thread with our beef. :v:

Then stop squealing for attention - Troll !

you can’t help or stop yourself can you.

Wait for it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Clearly the College Trollmaister - has told them

“Never let your victim have the last word - whatever garbage you have to post !”

The pessimistic person is always looking for proof that the universe hates them (or that it doesn’t care).

They believe that they’re just doomed to be trapped and miserable, that the world is against them, that life is a cruel joke, or that the game is rigged against them.

Whenever things don’t go their way, it’s proof that they’re right.

It doesn’t occur to them to take responsibility for their own lives and do something to change them for the better. They’ll cling to what they have and complain about what they don’t.

And they’ll make themselves (and others) miserable — as if that’s the only way to be.

There still is some credible journalism out there, here Krystal Ball calls out the lies of msnbc,

Would any of our msnbc defenders like to dispute Krystal

i think all media lies to fit their agenda, we been over this before

Not all, independent journalism like Krystal Ball are still out there, speaking the truth and calling out the lies


Works for cars. But imagine having to pay the worth of your entire car during a single visit, or 10X the worth of your car. Imagine an oil change costing $1000 every 3 months. That’s the issue - ridiculous healthcare costs bankrupting livelihoods.

I’m not sure if you can find in any other country in the world where crowd fundraising to pay for your hospital bills is a thing. it’s insane.

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So there’s a monthly retainer. I guess it ends up being a numbers game. Can you afford both high deductible insurance premiums and the DPC costs, as the DPC physician only offers a basket of simple services. This could def work for healthier individuals.

But it doesn’t do anything for your major car accident type injuries, going along with your car insurance example. So you’ll need both it seems.

But if you have the money, this is the way to go. Sounds like boutique primary healthcare.

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a oil change does not cost $1000, ,more like $40 and the reason is government and insurance are not involved in the transaction, but get government involved and you might very well see $1000 oil changes

The insanity is caused by the government

Just look at another government agency NASA , for 30 years after their last moon shot, NASA has done nothing but come up with ever more costly ways of getting payloads into space. Then Elon Musk comes along and in less than 10 years has cut space travel cost in half .

Innovation is the key to lowering costs in any sector of the economy, where there is no innovation you can bet the government is running things

before 1970 all doctor office visits were done as DPC

Another topic we have not covered is the doctor shortage, half the practicing doctors in the US are baby boomers, and they will all be retired with in the next 15 years. The US has done nothing to address this

Who did not see this coming? Defund the police mayors in a complete turn-a-round are now calling for more police as crime explodes in their cities

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It should never have been a thing. should have been re-trained for the time we live in.

Technology-Free Vacation

No internet, no t.v., no phone, and no media was the best decision I have ever made.

You can start with 7 days and work up to 30 days. It is completely stress-free. :v:

Here Are the Brave Healer’s 7 Keys to Detachment:

Master the practice of awareness of our thoughts.

Stop making everything mean something.

Detach from a certain outcome being a condition of our own happiness.

Stop making an outcome define who we are.

Realize we have the choice to be happy in any moment.

Choose to feel happy now and now and now.

Remember to wake up tomorrow and practice again.

I’ll give them 1/4 of the blame. I’ll give another 1/4 to drug companies charging impossible prices for prescription drugs, 1/4 to our population getting bigger and older. And the last to insurance companies and mega hospital groups that run the show and ultimately make all the decisions on pricing.

Wow, what a deal. I’m paying $65 these days.

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I think you are right to apportion the fault - however, I think there are some nuances - eg “Govt” decisions are driven by “Best policy” - which is largely dictated by the drug Industry through their bent “testing” processes and “statistics” (and of course theirbribery of indicvidual officials and media outlets.

The treatment of “illnesses” which are in reality not “Illnesses” at all (eg “Choleterol” and Statins

"Australian Saturated Fat & Cholesterol Documentary (FULL 2 PARTS) - YouTube

And the “Covid” vaccines - rapidly seem to be degenerating into this category too !

Then we get "Blaming the victim ;

  • a) Partly because we are living longer (Being healthier ) - Yet your statenment blames us for it ?
  • b) Partly because the "“Medicals” are insisting we eat sugar and Carbs instead of meat and animal fats (See also that same documentary above)
  • c) We are still not sure what teh “correct weight” for people is - but we are sure that the “BMI” measure is wrong !
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