Political Opinion

we never know for sure, until it is too late.

Interesting thought and very much the plot of the 1968 movie Planet of the Apes

The 13th amendment abolished slavery but that only applies to private citizens, today slavery is alive and well with the US government being the slavemaster, and people seem to be happy about their enslavement as they continue to vote for the Democrat Party and continue to status quo

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I am in agreement, yet our candle friend continues to clog this thread with page after page of media propaganda.

It is the cut and past generation , somewhat like that yellow robot from Transformers who could only talk by scanning radio stations for the words he wanted to say

an amendment is only as strong as the government that recognizes it. the united states is obsolete.

As a US citizen it troubles me seeing my country turned into something resembling the Empire from Star Wars, but " obsolete" not hardly. our geography Pacific to our west, Atlantic to our east and two weak countries to our north and south, gives the US an advantage over every other country, and will continue to dominate the world at least until Yellowstone blows

So what makes you a “jew”

I am a Christian, I believe in God and Jesus Christ is my lord and savor , but a large number of Jews call them selves atheist, Christians who turn away from God do not continue to identify as Christian, Catholic or Baptist. I am just curious

jesus said to sell everything you own and give it to the poor and to follow him. Do you have anything left that you want to sell at a discount? I could easily shell out fifty bucks if you have a nice gaming pc, as long as you pay the shipping.

please point out the propaganda,if you take away the list of central banks everything else was proven and i put links with it

You may find it difficult to accept the fact that America is run completely differently from what you imagined, and that’s ok and i’m not here to convince you to change your imagine of your america.

Do your own research, but you must go back in history to see the event that took place, there was event that took place so the public can see and event that took place in secret like how the The Federal Reserve Banking System of America was devised in 1910 on Jekyll Island, a private hunting lodge located just off the coast of Georgia owned by J. P. Morgan and associates.

The outcome of a secret meeting on the island led to unlimited amounts of money being stolen from the working class of America.

In 1913 the United States Congress very quietly passed the Federal Reserve Act and made it law

There’s a reason for the candle as my picture

i have an app on my iphone that automatically fact checks propaganda and removes it when appropriate.

i have the same thing, but i also do research

maybe we have the same app.


According to the Hebrew Scripture it would be reasonable to conclude that one would be considered to be Jewish at the time of birth from either a Jewish mother or father. It would also be reasonable to conclude that one who converts to Judaism would be considered Jewish just by following and embracing the decrees set forth by Judaism.

quote the scripture please. happy extended hanukkah.


Today Judaism teaches that any person born of a Jewish mother (regardless of the father’s lineage) or officially converts to Judaism is acknowledged as being Jewish. This position seemed to be established after the Babylonian Captivity when Jewish people put away their foreign wives and started to immigrate back to Israel (Ezra 10:2–44). The position was developed over the centuries and is the law of Judaism today. But to say one who is born of a Jewish mother is Jewish has not really answered the question. What makes your mother Jewish? Your mother might claim to be an atheist or follow a demonic cult and give no belief or allegiance to the God of Israel or the biblical description of being Jewish.

Scripture indicates that one can be born of either father or mother to be considered Jewish.

The identity of Jewish people must be according to the study of Jewish Scripture in the divinely inspired Bible called the Tanakh, an acronym for the three sections of the Jewish Bible ( Torah [law], Nevi’im [prophets], and Ketuvim [writings]). Scripture indicates that one can be born of either father or mother to be considered Jewish.

Here is some good news ! - From one of the Foremost Biblical Scholars !

"Why I Love Great Britain - YouTube

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are you jewish? i only read news from jews.

You don’t have to read it - it is recited for you so you can understand without having to read the big words ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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don’t understand why would you post something like that, please explain this logic and yes i do know jesus said that.

It IS true that the first Christians were so anti traditional family life (It competed with “the faith” ) that the early deserted and frustrated girls formed themslves together into Convents !

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