Political Opinion

that will need research for me to claim such things, if you have that research, please link it here

How Did the Early Christians Describe Themselves?

Yes - not a side they publicise is it ?

ok mate

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my neighbor is hindu and we make manure festival for his family.

biden spending bill allocation of two billion dollars for driver safety course for senior citizens.

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Let me talk to you for a second.

To be perfectly clear, I have no intention of spreading propaganda or deceit on this form or in anything I do in life. I do my best to research and provide links on what has been documentedā€¦

My Research/links can be wrong sometimes, as when you pointed out my link about Roosevelt wasnā€™t the Roosevelt you were referring to, and I quickly apologized for moving too quickly.

I also posted a link to central banks and peterma pointed out that Ireland is 100% owned by the state, and I confirmed that he was right.

As far as Opinons: Some people take peopleā€™s opinions on politics or religion as truth, and that can cause more harm than good. Thatā€™s why I post links to related content in my posts.

I am more than willing to accept responsibility for my errors on this forum, so if I post something that can be proven untrue, please let me know if the evidence proves that I was wrong.

The saying goes: a man is only as good as his word. I say a man is as good as his words AND his actions

It is not my style to jump onto bandwagons, only weak people do that, I make my own damn lane whether people like it or not

You should check your manhood :v:

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That was Peterma, the Irish guy.


correction was made, thanks

:sunglasses: Perfect!
Iā€™m only here to defend Israelā€¦! :wink:


deleted by me ×Ŗודה

The case of ā€œJane Roe,ā€ whose real name was Norma McCorvey, was brought against Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade and eventually advanced to the Supreme Court.

Weddington argued the case before the high court twice, in December 1971 and again in October 1972, resulting the next year in the 7-2 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.

There is a saying ā€œThe exception that proves the ruleā€¦ā€ and I think this is just one of those although of course the Irish bank has little meaningful power as teh Irish have been saddled with the Euro as their currency and Policy is dictated from Brussels and Germany through their Banks.

The principle of what you said remains sound - Although Iā€™m not sure what you would wish to change precisely?

Would you want the money of the USA - entirely dependent on the whim of dubiously elected Professional Politicians with no knowledge or interest in the long term stability / prosperity of their country ? (by the definition of ā€œDemocracyā€ as you and the rest of the World define it - All targets and aims are at maximum 4-5 years long - Actual long term measures often hurt short - term prospects for winning the ā€œNext Electionā€ and are therefore ignored.)


i want people to see the common denominator Congress but i know the system will stay in place and americans will focus on whatā€™s in the current news.

America continues to be sold down the drain by congress, making me wonder about those powerful people Woodrow Wilson spoke about and if America was ever run by the politicians we see and hear in office.

A private central bank can pose severe dangers to a country. Even Woodrow Wilson knew that, yet he implemented it anyway and later cried about it

Andrew Jackson and the Central Bank

Can you imagine a president taking on the Federal Reserve System today? Thatā€™s what Andrew Jackson did in 1832, and it changed America forever.

In the early 19th century, the forerunner to the Federal Reserve was the Bank of the United States. When Jackson became president in 1829, he vowed to curb the Bankā€™s power over the national economy, calling the institution ā€œa hydra-headed monsterā€¦ it impaired the morals of our people, corrupted our statesmen, and threatened our liberty. It bought up members of Congress by the Dozenā€¦ and sought to destroy our republican institutions.ā€ Today, many free market economists are saying the same thing about the Fed.

The Bank president conspired with friendly members of Congress such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster to petition for an extension of its 20-year charter in 1832, an election year. They calculated that if Congress approved re-chartering the Bank, Jackson would not risk losing reelection with a veto. They guessed wrong.

In a stern veto, Jackson cited several reasons for refusing to re-charter the Bank:

  • It was a dangerously centralized financial power
  • It held an unconstitutional monopoly on finance that only helped the rich get richer
  • It made the economy vulnerable to foreign and special interests
  • It held too much influence over federal politicians
  • It favored the North (where most financial centers were located) over the South and West


Since the Private banks actually invent and control the fraud which IS MONEY simply by typing numbers on spreadsheets, We have no real option but to acquiesce - until a different form of MONEY is invented - one which the ā€œAustrian Economistsā€ wish to revert to (The Gold Standard) - by implying value on to a pretty yellow metal.

"Crypto Currency" seems to have some merit in this respect - time will tell - but ANY form of divergence away from teh status quo - is fraught with dangers !

However when the punters realise just how frauduent ā€œMONEYā€ is - the crash is destined to be catastrophic too !

I ask again though - Who would YOU ā€œPut in chargeā€ of ā€œMONEYā€ ?


After reading what Woodrow Wilson said after he made it law, it sounded like those powerful men gave him no choice or else

do you think this is strange.

The seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

Consider all the videos I post of trillions upon trillions of dollars disappearing, and when Congress confronts them, they pretty much say I donā€™t know or we donā€™t have to tell you. So, who is the board of governors and what is their role at the Federal Reserve? They are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

My only logic came from a friend, who told me that large companies have boards of directors. They get updates from the people running the company and have to rely on that information as being accurate, so they can be kept in the dark about whatā€™s really going on within the company.

Taking my savors words out of context , here is what Wikipedia says on the subject

and yet you call them a private company, may ass they are private

This is also how the Supreme Court is chosen, do we call them a private company

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Speaking of the Supreme Court here is another attempt by democrats to turn us into the CCP

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United States Supreme Court: "federal reserve banksā€¦are not departments of the government. They are private corporations"
The Supreme Court stated that ā€œinstrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in which there are private interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which the government has an interest.ā€ You can verify this by reading the court case at this link (case 406 F.3d 532) and going to Part II, paragraph 9. This case further states that ā€œeach Federal Reserve Bank is owned by the commercial banks within its district.ā€


Another Case

Court Rules Federal Reserve is Privately Owned

Court Rules Fed is Privately Owned

In this video, the FED is reminding Congress that they can do anything they want & no one has access to their records.

Fed Reserve Bank: We donā€™t have to tell you where the money went!

The privately owned FED Reserve Bank tripled the money supply over the last 6 months.

The Government is a growing Tumor & the illegal privately owned FED Reserve is its blood supply!

The FED, acting as bartender, gives out free booze to the bankers & precipitated 1.5 quadrillion dollars in fake counterfeit derivatives

The FED caused 3 depressions in the 30s, (google how their flood & retraction of currency correlates precisely with Corp failure & unemployment)

In this video, the FED is reminding Congress that they can do anything they want & no one has access to their records.

All the tax collected on wages isnt even enough to pay the interest owed to the FED Reserve bank; If America printed its own money, rather than having private bankers print it, there would be no debt and no need for the illegal taxes on your wages

Trump: The Federal Reserve is the real problem, not China

Trump says the Fed is ā€˜out of controlā€™

Trump takes more shots at U.S. Federal Reserve

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

Though the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is categorized as an independent government agency, ā€œThe Fedā€ is not owned by the government. The Supreme Court stated that ā€œinstrumentalities like the national banks or the federal reserve banks, in which there are private interests, are not departments of the government. They are private corporations in which the government has an interest.ā€ You can verify this by reading the court case at this link (case 406 F.3d 532) and going to Part II, paragraph 9. This case further states that ā€œeach Federal Reserve Bank is owned by the commercial banks within its district.ā€

Greenspan admits Fed Res is above the law

In this video below, the FED is reminding Congress that they can do anything they want & no one has access to their records.

Fed Reserve Bank: We donā€™t have to tell you where the money went!

Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: ā€œI am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated.

The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.ā€ -Woodrow Wilson

ā€œSince I entered politics, I have chiefly had menā€™s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.ā€

~Woodrow Wilson ā€“ In The New Freedom (1913)

Andrew Jackson and the Central Bank

The Bank president conspired with friendly members of Congress such as Henry Clay and Daniel Webster to petition for an extension of its 20-year charter in 1832, an election year. They calculated that if Congress approved re-chartering the Bank, Jackson would not risk losing reelection with a veto. They guessed wrong.

In a stern veto, Jackson cited several reasons for refusing to re-charter the Bank:

  • It was a dangerously centralized financial power
  • It held an unconstitutional monopoly on finance that only helped the rich get richer
  • It made the economy vulnerable to foreign and special interests
  • It held too much influence over federal politicians
  • It favored the North (where most financial centers were located) over the South and West
