Political Opinion


Here’s what the United States Supreme Court says about the Federal Reserve board of governors

The Bank is a private, independent entity independently run by its own board of directors. It is not run by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors or any other part of the executive branch. Thus, the Bank “act[s] with sufficient independence under private ownership and control such that they do not qualify as government corporations or independent establishments.” Katsiavelos v. Fed. Reserve Bank of Chicago, 859 F.Supp. 1183, 1185 (

Second, the scope of the government’s involvement in the Bank is also limited. Each Federal Reserve Bank is run by a nine-member board of directors which oversees each Bank’s day to day operations. The Board of Governors only provides broad, general policy supervision. (stating that the Board may order the opening or closing of a branch).

The Bank also does not constitute an federal agency based on any “proprietary interest” the United States possesses. The Bank is considered a separate corporation owned solely by commercial banks within its district, distinct from the Board of Governors. The United States does not own stock in the Bank.


Once again, we see how easy it is to fool Americans by using simple word play. Here is an example: the president picks the Federal Reserve Board Governors, giving the impression that the government controls the Fed.

Now you readilty accept what I wrote here ;

Why then do you find it odd that “they can create money out of thin air” - but not the logical conclusion that "they can destroy money by simply deleting it.when it is no longer required…"

You seem to be arguing that “MONEY” has somehow acquired a “REAL” value. once it has been typed onto a spreadsheet - How so ?

However they cannot admit to either of these processes - because ;


How Andrew Jackson Killed The Federal Reserve

Andrew Jackson was the last US president to pay off the national debt. He fought the elite bankers and shut down the national bank which resembles our current federal reserve.

In a stern veto, Jackson cited several reasons for refusing to re-charter the Bank:

  • It was a dangerously centralized financial power
  • It held an unconstitutional monopoly on finance that only helped the rich get richer
  • It made the economy vulnerable to foreign and special interests
  • It held too much influence over federal politicians
  • It favored the North (where most financial centers were located) over the South and West

Some people refuse to beleve these staements by the guy who sign The Fedral Reserve Act and made it law

Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated.

The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” -Woodrow Wilson

In “The Rules for Rulers”, the extremely knowledgable CGP Grey (previously) explains how political power is gained and maintained through a delicate balance of keeping key supporters happy. No matter the type of government (democracy, dictatorship, monarchy), this balance is achieved by implementing three basic rules – first, “get key supporters on your side”, “control the treasure” and “minimize key supporters.

No matter how bright the rays of any sun king: No man rules alone. A king can’t build roads alone, can’t enforce laws alone, can’t defend the nation or himself, alone. The power of a king is not to act, but to get others to act on his behalf, using the treasure in his vaults. A king needs an army, and someone to run it. Treasure and someone to collect it. Law and someone to enforce it. The individuals needed to make the necessary things happen are the king’s keys to power. All the changes you wish to make are but thoughts in your head if the keys will not follow your commands

hitler killed the federal reserve.

It’s a saddle that fits the horse well - Irish GDP per Capita 2020 = 78558 - third place in continent of Europe behind Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Germany comes in at 12th place 41259, one place behind the UK.

Brussels is located in Belgium which comes in behind Germany at 13th.

Most western countries CB’s operate outside of the executive - fiscal policy in Ireland remains with Ireland just like all EU member countries.

Not uncommon - that’s the thing about the Good Book - it is context.

The words quoted go on to say that it’s not so easy for a rich guy to get into heaven - but everything is possible for God.
The meaning is simple - share the riches and leave getting into heaven with God - we cannot pay our way in I suppose. .

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the federal reserve is still here, healthier than every

I do not need to click on your links, if you have something to say then say it, and no matter what you say it will not change the fact you took a few words out of the Bible and twisted its meaning to your benefit, this would also be covered by the 9th Commandment, Do not testify falsely.

So what, The Supreme Court also says life does not begin until birth, any first year biology student can tell you that is a lie. Then there are all the rulings they made regarding slavery. Point is to be considered for the supreme court you must agree to certain things that we on the sideline know to be false.

The Supreme Court is no more a friend of the people than is the Federal Reserve

I also find it ironic for someone who was so anti-Trump a year ago to now be agreeing with the former President


Good stuff here, well worth the 13 minutes listen

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What ever put your mind at ease. :v: all that yapping with nothing to show us what your talking about

What ever you want America to be in your mind. let it be

As for the border wall, I support Trump’s views, but do I have to disagree with everything he says? is that how you live your life

Dennis put up or shut up, your opinions have no value and carry no weight with me. You have a bandwagon full of followers, talk that BS to them, they believe in you

Check your manhood boy

This is why I seldom engage with you and warn everyone else to stay away. If all you are here for is to clog the thread with cut and paste posts in hopes of drawing someone down your rabbit hole where you can throw insults with no fear of a backlash then so be it

I guess my new years’ resolution for what it is worth is " Do not get into a direct conversation with SmallPaul"

Have a Happy New Year

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Enemies of the People


the feeling is mutual

There’s nothing else you can do but hold on to your beliefs and hope people listen to you :v:

Knowing that you don’t understand anything and want to change people’s minds with your nonsensical speech, you will be lost forever. :v:

Sadly, most of these people don’t know what’s going on around them. Many people have been hurt by this because their idealized view of America isn’t the actual America,

sadly they’ve been left behind with their old views by the actual America.

Why do you come to that conclusion, how is it that these are my community’s or my family’s enemy?
What have they done that I should regard them collectively as my enemy?