Political Opinion

i am fully vaccinated with booster.


I’m proud of you!

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You will own Nothing - and you will be happy !

Religion is the opium of the masses - :slightly_smiling_face:

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If a person owns much and is happy and loses it he/she is likely to be unhappy.

If a person owns nothing and is happy then he/she cannot lose it.

Religion is the knowing what it is we own.

just about anything can serve as an “opiate” or distraction from the “real” problems of our day. Just as Marx argued that religion was dulling people’s minds and stopping them from productively improving their lot in life, so today’s pundits argue that spectator politics, or television, or sports can distract us from the actual issues that confront us.

Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.” Fools are evil and do terrible things; none of them does anything good.

Psalms 53:1 NCV

Religion is the opium of the masses: is the argument often used by Fools to dismiss religion without addressing the substantial issues it deals with.

The earth is polluted by its inhabitants, for they have transgressed teachings, overstepped decrees, and broken the permanent covenant.

Isaiah 24:5

The invention of the modern nation-state has indeed replaced religion but it has not eradicated the widespread use of “opium.” Rather, the modern nation-state has become the new opium of the masses. Instead of religion being the mechanism behind cultural rituals like scapegoating, fear mongering, plunder and war it is now the state which performs such rituals. The masses have been sedated through the means of state education, the 24 hour news cycle and voting cycles to believe that they actually play a role in this game.

Politics is a drug and a lot of people are addicted to it. That is why so many people begin showing signs of withdraw at the mere mention of doing away with politics/government. They’ve become so inculcated into a world dominated by the central planning committee (the government) that they are unable to believe that life could go on without it.

a) - Firstly you are quoting ME - but attributing it to yourself - PUT THAT RIGHT NOW !

b) - Secondly - Your writings show an element of maturity which is in fact beyond your capability - It is clearly a copy and paste from another source. - One with some sense !

Now give us the source of your Plagiarism - and we can perhaps have a reasonable discussion !

Found this pretty clear-eyed.

You are beyond stupid.

Beyond Stupid: Next level lack of awareness. Lack of ability to solve problems, riddles, etc. Makes dangerously unaware presumptions and does not accept logic

Politics is the Opiate of the Masses

Karl Marx is famous for having said “Religion is the opium of the masses.” This statement very well may be true. Many people do use some form of religion to sedate their fears, guilt and perceived meaninglessness. But whether or not that is the case, Marx’s comment is supremely ironic. The reason it is ironic is because of what he was hoping to supplant religion with: politics .

Like many other 19th century philosophers, Marx was swept headlong into the tide of humanistic statism. He and others believed that they could order and arrange society in such a way that would bring about a godless utopia. The difference between these philosophers and those before them is the means by which they sought to bring about this utopia: government force and political malice.

The invention of the modern nation-state has indeed replaced religion but it has not eradicated the widespread use of “opium.” Rather, the modern nation-state has become the new opium of the masses. Instead of religion being the mechanism behind cultural rituals like scapegoating, fear mongering, plunder and war it is now the state which performs such rituals. The masses have been sedated through the means of state education, the 24 hour news cycle and voting cycles to believe that they actually play a role in this game.

Politics is a drug and a lot of people are addicted to it. That is why so many people begin showing signs of withdraw at the mere mention of doing away with politics/government. They’ve become so inculcated into a world dominated by the central planning committee (the government) that they are unable to believe that life could go on without it.

The truth is that every kingdom of man will fall before the Kingdom of God. Yet the way the Kingdom of God prevails is through suffering servitude. When the kingdoms of men pick up the sword against the Lord’s anointed we are not to draw our swords like Peter did in the garden (John 18:10). Instead we are to turn the other cheek. We are not to pick up arms but to lay down our lives. This action is foolishness to the kingdoms of man but it is the wisdom of God. Through this wisdom the kingdoms of man are toppled. Through this wisdom the glory of God is displayed and spread throughout the world.

Checkmate :rofl:

Your disguise is ready, I await your return

The Collapsing Right Wing, Humanistic Statism

By R. J. Rushdoony
July 01, 1999

The centuries between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance were named “the medieval era” or the “Dark Ages” by the historians of the later Middle Ages because they were seen as a lapse in the culture of Greco-Roman humanism. Earlier, that era was also called “the Dark Ages,” but the witness of the cathedrals and the church’s scholarship made that term ridiculous, and it was in the main dropped. What was retained was the view of the modern age as a resumption of true civilization, i.e. , humanistic statism.

This statism early revealed itself in the high role given to kings, who supposedly had “divine rights.” A portrait of Louis XIV depicts him as a god. Palaces such as Versailles were the cathedrals of the new culture.

In the early years of humanistic statism, the powers of the state did not extend into such spheres as education and economics as was later the case but, from the beginning, the over ruling power of the state was apparent.

As against all of this, the American War of Independence was a conservative counter-revolution. The people retained for some time a Christian character, but the leaders, after c. 1825, were increasingly lawyers and very much in the Enlightenment tradition. After the two Roosevelts, political thought was increasingly humanistic.

As a result, while the Left in politics steadily pursued its quest for the ancient pagan state as portrayed in Plato’s Republic , the Right lost its roots in Christianity and became a conservative version of the Left’s agenda. The Bible and the name of God could be used by the Right, but with less and less meaning. John Locke, very much a humanist, was cited oftener than John Calvin. American culture was being remade in terms of humanism, and the “public” school became the holy house of many.

The results favored the Left, which was faithful to its humanistic presupposition, whereas the Right was either rootless or grounded in the premises of the opposition. As a result, America faces the twenty-first century with a philosophy alien to its origins.

Salvation in the twentieth century has been by political action or military force. Any reading of the Bible makes clear that war is never seen as the way of salvation, but the American Presidents of the twentieth century have acted as military saviors. Since World War II, American troops have been in action all over the world, as though ancient wrongs can be righted with more killing. Political assassinations all over the world reflect this humanistic faith in salvation by killings. Not atonement, but murder, is seen as the saving force.

Now because military action and revolution have become so popular a means of social salvation does not alter the fact that it usually compounds existing evils.

n the beginning of the twentieth century, America’s major world role was as a Christian missionary power. All over the world, Americans built missions, orphanages, Christian schools and colleges. All over the world also, Christian charity met crises with redeeming grace and action. American intervention then meant godly help and relief. Now, while the missionary action is still important, some of it is modernistic, and our political and military intervention has been hated and resented. *The nineteenth century plan of a world commission to bring salvation through Christ to all men and nations has been replaced by humanism and its plan to save the world with interference, military action, and a rejection of the Christian Faith. No wonder these United States, once seen as the land of faith and freedom, is now hated and resented.

The American Right has little to offer the people except a slower-paced leftism.

“The Land of the Free” has become the home of would-be tyrants with ever-expanding dreams of control.

What is required is the recognition that salvation is not the work of the states, or a super-state, but of Jesus Christ, that the only valid law is God’s law, and that God does not bless men and nations who invoke His name but neglect or despise His Word. Such actions are pharisaical and hypocritical. It is time to leave such a stance to the Left.

America Today: Humanistic Statism

Humanistic: the idea that people do not need a god or religion to satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs

Statism: a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs :“the rise of authoritarian statism”

One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.

Proverbs 14:16

A fool is someone who is unwise, lacks sense, and lacks judgement Fools don’t want to learn the truth.

Supposed answer to a) [

Supposed answer to b);

Again all we get is pages of Copy and Paste - ! :roll_eyes:

Without attribiution !

A fool is someone who is unwise, lacks sense, and lacks judgement . Fools don’t want to learn the truth. They laugh at the truth and turn their eyes away from the truth. Fools are wise in their own eyes which will be their downfall.

Falstaff let me sum this up for you.

A homeless man and a working man walking down the same sidewalk in opposite directions, the homeless man told him to avoid going around that corner because it’s filled with wicked acts, corruptions, murders, everything wicked.

In the homeless man’s words, he wasn’t trying to change the working man’s religion or beliefs. He knew the working man was already aware of wicked acts, corruption, and violence in the world; he simply wanted to warn him that death was coming.

keep in mind he was aware of wicked acts, corruption, and violence in the world;

Working man goes around the corner and is murdered. Who’s at fault for the murder?

  1. The person who murder the working man.

  2. The working man for not believing a man who was homeless and look dirty/ The messenger.

  3. The working man for not believing because he didn’t see or hear anything with his eyes and ears, illustion of the mind

Another scenario: The working man takes another route to get to his destination.

That same day, he discovered that evilness and murder were happening around that corner. He knew this because he was forewarned.

As a result of what you post here and reinforced by your post, I’ll state the following:

You have let yourself be sucked into a world that you already know has been corrupted, filled with violence and wicked acts.

That message has already been written forewarned.

Despite your best efforts, you are participating in a game that has already been rigged for only a few; you can’t change that

While you think you are doing a good job and that you play an important role in the game, your role will always be at the bottom, where Mayhem is and where your contribution stands, Mayhem


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to be clear, i was not taking a shot at Falstaff

Well done Paul :sunglasses:

That little story of yours reminds me of some of the essays my children produced as they were growing up :slightly_smiling_face:

Certainly you have written it yourself and it clearly demonstrates to anyone here who has also read their children’s homework - that you are trying hard to become able to express yourself and grow into an adult way of thinking.

I’m remembering back now and the quality and clarity of expression seem to be those one would expect from an average 11 year old - maybe a little less ?

Anyhow - please accept a virtual tick at the bottom of your page and I’ll mark you 7/10 :slightly_smiling_face:

Well done !

i appreciate that, thank you

Sometimes you have to do things in a simple form for some of the simple-minded people to understand and for everybody to understand including kids. I hope you understood the message.

we are both on the same page :+1:

simple-minded : somemeone who is unsophisticated, foolish or mentally impaired.

Let me guess you went around that corner and thought your contribution had value but only caused more Mayhem and that’s how Life Ended