Political Opinion

You’re very welcome :rofl:

Sadly it is still devoid of both logic and meaning ! - But hey - you tried ! :sunglasses:

It’s OK, Falstaff, truth, and understanding may not be who you are. Maybe you are part of the wickedness of the world. I’m good on my end. I wish you all the best.

You would rather live in a community with unreasonable claims when you already know the truth than face loneliness with the truth. Maybe this is your end game, Destruction because You can’t get what You want.

However, you seem intent as the true believers in past ages have been - that I should be burned at the stake for my wickedness ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Pure projection again !

Who is John Galt ?

Who is John Galt ?

I am only here for you.

loyalty oath

History Brief: Andrew Jackson’s War on the Bank

History Will Determine a Country’s Future

How a 28 Year Old Man Destroyed England’s Oldest Bank

Notice how this fool cannot answer anything without resorting to irrational garbage !

Notice also how he then resorts to publishing random Propaganda decades old - in an endeavour to divert attention away from his humiliating defeat !

How’s life treating you

I’m only here for you.

The sad tale of a religious disagreement especially for our American Brethren from the cultural heart of Red-Wall England (See if you can understand a word of it ! :wink: )

Written by Mike Hardin - the Link is the green writing.

"Jacko's monologue: Cowheel Lou and Dangerous Albert - YouTube

Are you okay? I mean seriously, are you okay?

Religion is the opium of the masses

Enjoy this little treat I’m throwing your way.

In this lecture, we investigate the nature of propaganda. We examine what propaganda is, the difference between education and propaganda, the history of propaganda, the nature of political propaganda, and the role propaganda plays in modern democracies.

In this world you will find that ignorant people sometimes want to learn

Some go to classes - others seek out “mentors”

Yet there is a third class who enter a discussion in an aggressive way - as tho they =have some knowledge - and by confrontation with one who knows - ACTUally gains the truth through the fact that the master corrects his random garbage !

In this instance we have the last case - ignorant fool - “flying a kite” - HEARING A “bUZZ WORD” and throwing up a “LESSON” - pretending a prior knowledge !

Well Small Fool = @SmallPaul - You have learned your last lesson from ME !

Sod off and wilt in a ditch !

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Opiate of the Masses

Have a nice life, it’s been fun :+1:

are you absolutely sure that it isnt you that is blinded to the truth? are humans the beginning and the end of intelligent life in the universe? are humans their own creator?

Humans act in accordance with their freedom of choice

that doesnt answer if we are our own creators.

He is his own creator, that is what we see around us, man creating something out of his mind

EDIT: In my previous post you quoted I responded to someone who said, " religion is opium to the masses" to me anything can be an opiate if it affects the masses, like politics, sports, education, news, etc.

On this anniversary of the event one year ago that will go nameless, On the other side of the world, we have a real riot, protest, insurrection… whatever you want to call it. I doubt there was anyone taking selfies with the police


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History always finds a way to repeat itself. However, the way it is repeating itself in America could lead to uncontrollable circumstances that could easily or eventually lead to its demise.

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it would be interesting to see how it plays out if china were to make war here on united states soil, considering that there are already many chinese that are already here, and they could very well be highly trained soldiers and nobody would be the wiser.

for all practical purposes, the chinese military is already here and they are most likely heavily armed.