Political Opinion

Well you have not defined the question yet - you seem to be talking about a few decades of “Votes” - Is that what you really mean ?

From your knowledge as you look at the world, past to present

Are humans their own creator?

Next ? :rofl:

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We’ll let the Fool stew in his own juice !

Next ? :rofl:

Lol - there are none so blind as those who will not see.

As for the FBI paid instigators with orders to encourage the selfie seekers to engage in violence - is this more fake news or is there actual evidence?

These supposed paid instigators did a poor job since according to your previous posts nothing much happened except for a bunch of selfie seeking tourists.

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Trump: You are either with me or against me.

Donald Trump To Nominate Christopher A. Wray For FBI Director

FBI arrests former Trump appointee Federico Klein in connection with Capitol riot

Klein is accused of assaulting federal law enforcement during the Jan. 6 riot.

How Britain’s Bankers Made Billions From The End Of Empire

How Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it behind obscure financial structures in a web of offshore islands.

There are no empires that can last forever

"The Democrats are Lying About Jan 6th - YouTube

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‘A Bold Faced Lie’: House GOP Attempts To Rewrite Jan. 6 History

If Jan. 6 was so innocent, why are so many Republicans trying to hide it?

Are humans their own creator?

Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History.

I find it very comical that someone on this thread who has admitted that the MSN is lies and propaganda but then will use the two worst sources for news ( CNN and MSNBC) as evidence of his point of view.

In other news, I am seeing a lot of stories like the one below. This is not about health or controlling virus. It is all about power and governments taking away our rights


And according to your previous post they did a great job and nearly brought down the whole American government. Funny how some only see what they want to see in any story, back at you

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I have got to share this true life story. My brother who is a full time long haul truck driver ( that means he lives out of his truck) Went in for his required by law annual physical, the physical was done in Tennessee, now normally they would electronically post that physical with the DOT of each state he travels in, but because of the virus they had shut down the DOT website and were require him to deliver his physical paper work in person to each state DOT he travels in. Now think about how stupid that is

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Someone mentioned it’s all about government control…


I find it hilarious that people rely solely on propaganda news for their news; we must separate facts from lies

In a December 21 statementTrump called January 6 a "completely unarmed protest."

At least 85 people are charged with carrying or using a weapon during the Capitol riots,approximately 140 police officers were assaulted on Jan. 6, and the majority of defendants charged with weapon-related offenses are also accused of using those objects to attack police.

is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. Deliberateness and a relatively heavy emphasis on manipulation distinguish propaganda from casual conversation or the free and easy exchange of ideas.

We’re all guilty of this, aren’t we?

Are humans their own creator?

I am laughing my a-s off on this one, And this is the people that the news media and some on this thread say near took over the country. Clearly, the purchase of crutches need a 3 day waiting period in the future

More evidence that the news media is on the side of the government and not the people



That is funny, I have to agree

EDIT: Dennis, there were guns and knives there :pinching_hand: