Political Opinion

My answer to this question is all typed up and ready to be posted, I am just waiting for you to show good faith and answer my question as I have already answered 4 of your questions,

do I need to post the question again, or can you look back a few post, I think your algorithm will allow that

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I know itā€™s hard to comprehend that more than one woman could have died.

One shot, one by overdose.

Things are escalating a bit in Ukraine.

Germany has said no to offering military help to Ukraine. This undoubtedly has to do with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. But I wonder if Germany would actually stop gas deliveries.

Great video. I wasnā€™t aware of their reliance on coal.

Most people are not, as it does not fit the propaganda

Who is Ray Epps?

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again you running from the question. ,my answer to your question is, i donā€™t know

Hereā€™s a question for you Dennis: Where was this anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?



You say you belive your eyes then try this video

Again where was your anger when trump won the election when he did not receive the majority of votes, and won nonetheless, so now that he lost there must be fraud, right?

this guy really post a video of other people anger :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Lier , you do know the answer, dudebro even answered the question and you liked his answer so why the lies

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The situation is fine, Dennis

Your dishonesty is here for all to see as I clearly answered your question only for you to change the question and pretend I did not answer it. Here is one for you

Who is Ray Epps?



i was talking about you dennis

Letā€™s move on dennis

I have now answered 5 of your questions you have answered none of mine, letā€™s try this

Who is Ray Epps?

Maybe, Jimmy Dore who describes himself as a Leftist Jack Off comedian can help you with the answer

no you didnā€™t and i donā€™t care who is Ray Epps

The ring leader of the Jan 6 attack on the capital, you donā€™t care, that seems to be a bit odd by someone who seems to be obsessed with that event

Iā€™m obsessed with people who, like yourself, make light of the situation

EUR/ZAR short was good to me :muscle:

I do not make light of the FBIā€™s involvement in Jan 6, I want to know the truth. Was the FBI involved in Jan 6

Who is Ray Epps?

I have work to do , we can continue this later

i donā€™t know dennis, and when you say the FBIā€™s involvement, what do you mean?. It is their job to be at rallies and protests, like I said before

Now you see -

a) - Prove it !
b) - Why did you choose to lie about it then ? TWICE !

C) - If you do not tell the truth in your premises (syllogisms) - Then you cannot have a legitimate claim to any validity in your conclusion.!