Political Opinion

Seriously , there have been hundreds of accounts closed including the former President of the United States, and now they have set their sites on Joe Rogan

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Despite all the BS, we love and support Joe Rogan

Something not right with this guy.

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and attorney for Donald Trump, declared on Tuesday night that he has a stash of secret evidence against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

I would like to think so, but cancel culture and censorship is a left wing thing, and it is nothing new, this has been going on from the left for decades, but now they have social media on their side

I will give Rudy a pass in his old age, for what he did in cleaning up New York city he deserves that

Note; If Hillary was a Republican she would have been prosecuted years ago, She is as dirty and corrupt as they come


More evidence that the media focus on Russia/Ukraine which has ZERO effect on the lives of us here in the US is just a diversion to what is happening in our economy. The democrat parties answer to inflation is to print even more money ( Crazy!!!)

I would gladly welcome a do-nothing conservative congress over what we have now, If you believe the polls ( I do not) we just might get some sanity back into congress come November



Still think the Federal Reserve is an independent company, they are as corrupt as everyone else in Washington


When the American Government pays on its debt, where does the money go?

Why Is the Federal Reserve Independent?

Arguments Against Independence

Critics argue that it is unconstitutional for Congress to assign monetary power to an independent quasi-governmental agency. According to the Constitution, Congress has the power to coin money and regulate its value.4 In 1913, Congress delegated this power to the Fed through the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.5 However, some argue that such a delegation is fundamentally unconstitutional. Opponents of Fed independence also suggest that it is undemocratic to have an unelected agency, unaccountable to the US public, dictating monetary policy.

Another argument against independence is that it fosters poor coordination between the fiscal policy put in place by Congress (i.e. taxation and spending) and the monetary policy enacted by central banks. For instance, if the government is cutting taxes (loose fiscal policy), but the central bank is raising interest rates (tight monetary policy), creating a mismatch that undermines both’s efforts.

Greenspan on federal reserve ‘no agency of government can over rule actions we take’

American debt is paid for through the Federal Resvers Bond selling program, the holders of these bonds will receive the interest paid by the Government. The American Government does not pay its debt, it only pays interest on that debt. Think of it as a credit card that you never pay on the principle just the interest each month.

I have run the numbers on this, if you had a credit card with no limit and only charge 1%, you could take a $1,000 cash advance every month for 100 years before the interest payment would be greater than the $1,000 advance, The Federal Government can keep this debt Ponzi scheme going for decades more before it becomes unsustainable

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Looks like an independent agency that can do whatever it wants

9 Trillion Dollars Missing From Federal Reserve.

Alan Grayson: “Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000?” Bernanke: “I Don’t Know.”

I mean you are correct

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I’m thinking the Fed is buying their own bonds to put money into the economy? I think that is what they mean about their balance sheet and the “effort” to start reducing it?


That’s how things work between the Fed and the U.S. government; the Fed is allowed to move money around without being held accountable.

As the economy continues to strengthen, the Federal Reserve might soon scale back on buying government-backed bonds. Since March 2020, the Fed has been buying $120 billion in bonds each month. Why is the Fed buying bonds?

again dennis where does the money go when the goverment pay on these bonds

Bingo , you are correct

They have issued so many bonds there is not enough institutional money to cover them, that is why we say the Fed is creating money out of thin air


my biggest problem with the fed is that trillions goes missing and they don’t answer to congress on where the money went

Dennis, Fed independent or not, how do you explain trillions of dollars going missing, and when congress asks about it, they basically say it’s none of your business?

Again the government does not pay on these bonds, only interest, that is way the National debt only goes up each year. Would you like me to cut and paste a video that shows how it all works

As far as the Fed ending their bond-buying program and reducing their balance sheet, all they are doing to selling the bonds they are holding to other banks, the money that these bonds created stays in the economy which we are now seeing as run-a-way inflation. These people are supposed to be experts in economics, how could they not know that their actions would cause inflation, they are either extremely incompetent or the inflation we are seeing was by design

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