Political Opinion

Fool … !

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You are telling me what’s going on in Ukraine and the evilness of my government. I just ask if you are for or against this invasion. Yes or No, based on your knowledge

Or Did you wish to use this opportunity to talk about the evil of the American government and the role it played in causing this situation?

Texas Republican quits U.S. House race, admits affair with former ISIS war bride

Taylor, who represents a northeast Texas district, last year voted for the creation of a special congressional panel to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, earning the ire of former President Donald Trump, whose supporters mounted the deadly attack.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Theodore Roosevelt

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Likely most guys would recognize they are father and son - please God be with them.

In the last 30 mins Irish Red Cross has raised half million euro for Ukrainian people on RTE TV.

The citizen’s army is not only made up of vets from Ukraine - there are English guys there too, from falstaff’s North - best wishes to them.

DOZENS of British war heroes flock to Ukraine to take on Russia - YouTube

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14 mins later now at over 3/4 million - web site down, taking phone calls.#

Edit: now at 1 million.

edit to the edit: now 2,2 million

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This video shows how easy it is for State biased Media to fool citizens into believing ANY narrative…

It’s the second time in the last 2 years that the easily led have fallen for a Mass Psychotic event…

It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
– Mark Twain


This article by James Howard Kunstler, writing for The Daily Reckoning, appeared today in my email inbox. I have asked for permission to reprint it here. However, without waiting for permission, I’m going ahead with the reprint. Apologies to The Daily Reckoning.

Putin to the Rescue!
By James Howard Kunstler

Say what you will about Russia’s Cleanup-in-Aisle-Four operation in Ukraine. It sure changed the subject from the murderous COVID-19 madness — cooked up by political therapists who have all the answers for our salvation — to the hard realities of power politics.

And at just the right time, too, as ever more hard data leaks through the bastions of captured corporate media to morally indict the criminal public health establishment and their elected enablers throughout Western Civ.

In other words, the whole COVID story was falling apart. Though the CDC and the FDA were hiding and fudging all their numbers as best they could, the insurance actuaries and the humble morticians had no such inhibitions about reporting an upsurge in strange deaths.

Whistles were blowing over the botched Pfizer approval trials. The world was beginning to grasp how dishonest, deadly and sinister the whole COVID caper really was — from the engineered origins of the disease to the lethal mechanisms of the “vaccines”— when it became necessary to divert the world’s attention.

Plus, the oaf Justin Trudeau badly tipped his hand on the West’s tilt into tyranny… and American truckers were revving up their convoys… someone, please, do something! Get Russia back in the center ring!

And so the floundering establishment activated the still-potent workings of mass formation to fire up what looked like Act 1 of World War III. Forgive me for saying what I will about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The U.S. authorities wanted it.

They set it up nakedly by replaying the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, and they refused to negotiate in good faith as to their using Ukraine as a forward base for NATO on Russia’s border. The Russians couldn’t have been plainer about their intentions. They’ve been telling the U.S. to keep Ukraine neutral for over a decade, to not outfit the place for military shenanigans.

What part of that did America not understand? Every part, apparently — and on purpose.

It raises the question, of course, as to whether we actually have an interest in that faraway land. I think the answer is: not hardly, except as a utensil of control and antagonism against Russia. As to the people of Ukraine, let’s be honest:

We put them in harm’s way, and then we cried crocodile tears over them — most mawkishly in the increasingly bizarre ritual we call the State of the Union message. All those yellow-and-blue lapel pins and fashion accessories. What pathetic pretense.

Who in the U.S. government, from our founding in 1789 to 1991 — while Ukraine was part of Russia in one way or another — gave a passing thought to Ukraine? Answer: nobody. And then, after the crack-up of the USSR, Ukraine was “in play.” It all culminated in the 2014 CIA-sponsored “color revolution” that ousted then-president Viktor Yanukovych, who was inclined to join Russia’s Eurasian Customs Union of trade relations rather than the U.S.-wished-for NATO or EU.

And ever since then it has been one American intrigue after another — including a brisk trade in grift and bribery by the Biden family, the Clinton syndicate, the next gen of Kerrys and other entitled elites from over here selling their influence.

And now the economic sanctions on Russia, which are sure to blow back on the countries issuing them. Europe has to pretend that it doesn’t need Russian oil and gas, that it doesn’t need cheap uranium to run their nuke power plants, that it doesn’t need the Baikonur Cosmodrome to launch their satellites and so on.

More likely, these moves will accelerate the collapse of Western Civ’s banking system and stock and bond markets and erode the U.S. dollar’s role as the global reserve currency — a long-standing “exorbitant privilege” for getting stuff from all over the world in exchange for promises to pay some Tuesday in the distant future.

The reader may ask: Why does this blog appear to take Russia’s side in the current conflict against the U.S. and our supposed allies? Answer: Why would you trust a government (ours) and its captive news media after years of their blatant lying and tyrannical overreach?

These parties appear to be at war against their own people, that is, against us — certainly more than Russia is. Especially in the historic moment when all our mendacious “narratives” are being exposed as false? Russian collusion? Indictments underway and more to follow? COVID-19?

A mega-crime of mass homicide spawned by a matrix of pharmaceutical racketeers, corrupt government officials and accomplice news organizations? Stolen elections? Don’t, for Gawd’s sake, even try looking at the slime trail of evidence.

I won’t bother listing the many transgressions of Wokery against our culture and history. And all of a sudden, it appears a lot of American citizens have had enough of being deceived. I’m with them.

Now consider this: What if it turns out that Russia can complete its Cleanup-in-Aisle-Four operation relatively quickly, with a minimized loss of life and damage to the everyday infrastructure of Ukraine, and arrange things there afterward so that Ukraine is not a menace to anyone, either Russia or the West?

I sincerely believe this is their intention — just as I sincerely believe that their leadership is actually sane, and ours appears not to be. Perhaps Russia will even offer Ukraine (or its rearranged regions) assistance in recovering from the foolishness it played along with to its own sorrow? What if Russia actually has no intention of starting World War III? Will we keep trying to start it anyway?

Whoever is behind “Joe Biden” has done all they can to derail American Life, and the feckless leadership of Euroland has also seemed avid to trash its future. There is a welling movement, in America, at least, to resist all that, to sweep these degenerates out of power and make a concerted course correction in the direction of sanity, rectitude, liberty and generosity of spirit toward each other.

An awful lot of trouble has already been set in motion by the idiots running things. There is a difficult slog ahead. Is your head screwed on? Where will you stand?


James Howard Kunstler
for The Daily Reckoning


well said, “Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse” :+1:

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The question arises, just how free and independent is a sovereign state?

Another story swept to the back page by this war of convenience is our Racist/Genderphobic president pick for the Supreme Court, a pick based solely on gender and race. Sorry if you are Native American or of Asian decent you are not welcome to apply under this president

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If one of them was selected based on race or gender, would you feel the same way?

Dude, don’t be a clown again

Note how he uses two other minorities to spread hate, that is, one of you should have been picked but it won’t be based on race or gender. This guy hasn’t served America well.


Sooner or later, a clown will don his costume

Donald Trump mocks Asians with broken English while speaking about China, Japan relations at campaign rally

Trump and Don Jr. Seem to Think That the Genocide of Native Americans is Funny

Psychosis is where people lose contact with reality - hallucinations or delusions are usually accompanied with a person diagnosed as psychotic.

If in your thinking that there have been 2 mass events (i.e worldwide) in the last 2 years that can be categorized as ‘psychotic’ then as a guess you mean the covid pandemic and the recent mass murder of Ukranian citizens.?

Mark Twain never encountered Putin’s rage nor covid’s wrath - thankfully likewise I haven’t come up against the bear but i have encountered covid - matter of fact have just recovered from it’s evil.

I’m CEV so was supposed to be on the back foot - yet i live to type here 2 weeks later - all because i wasn’t fooled by the anti-vaxers :slight_smile:

I would say to James - what does ‘minimized’ mean in actual numbers - say maybe 100, or perhaps 500, or even 1000.
Maybe if you are the parent of the 18 month child whose body is covered with a blood stained blanket - that is only the number one - would that be minimized?

So maybe James could tell us in terms of time what he judges s is “relatively quickly”?

Would the the couple of weeks of hell just past be suffice, maybe just another week of hiding in the underground - or is it more and when he say ‘relative’ what does he mean, relative to what - relative to years since the Ukranian people decided their own future when leaving the USSR or is it relative to something else?

So maybe James is right - maybe Russia will offer Ukraine assistance in recovering from it’s foolishness just as a big brother would do - with the best of intentions of course.

That infers that the people of Ukraine are currently a menace - maybe James has an insight into what the particular menace is - it cannot be nuclear arms since Ukraine destroyed all such arms post USSR - maybe it’s their desire to choose a President of their own choice?

James is speaking of America, thing is that it is in Ukraine that Russian missiles and bombs are falling and it is in Ukraine that there is a concerted course to regain liberty and generosity of Spirit - ordinary people are standing in front of the tanks as they did in Tiananmen Square some years back - tanks that crushed those students’ aspiration for liberty - I’d ask James does he think that the tanks in 2022 in Ukraine will do likewise?

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Btw - James mentions (poorly) a possible resolution to the current Ukraine/Russia situation, a model has existed for a number of years - question is will it taken up.

Chinese FM today warning US not to add fuel to the flames which is nice - maybe the FM could quietly ask his friends in the Kremlin to stop lighting the fire and then there would be no flames.

The model is of course Austria.

Austria’s Permanent Neutrality — New Austrian Information

peterma, thank you for directing your disagreement to the person writing the essay and not to the forum member posting it. This is the way to engage each other with our different perspectives and not get into personal attacks and ridicule of form members. Unfortunately there are some ( I should say one) that responds to every post with a personal attack in clear violation of the forms terms of agreement,

I think this thread would be visited and participated by many more members it they knew they could do so without their views being used as weapons against them

Take care

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Aye, the problem with BP and using quotes is that it seems as if I’m responding to Clint and not the content.

News tonight in Ukraine not good - increased shelling which is by nature indiscriminate - also worries re the nuclear plants - that particular worry affects countries downside wind.

Many people arrested in Russia today for anti-war protesting - even some older people.

There is a sense in Europe of impending war - personally I have a great fear, I kept thinking of Czechoslovakia pre-ww2 in the lead up to this - the parallels were uncanny - then came the invasion.

The difference now is the Ukranian resistance - the question is what happens when that is finally overcome - what then?

There are other warning signs but maybe I’ll post about those later.

Meantime, perhaps not the place to say this but then again God is in all places - maybe a little prayer for peace.

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