Political Opinion

The US has a long history of adding “fuel to the flames” Just look at WWI, both sides were at a stalemate and likely would have ended the war ( with no victor) had the US not added fuel to the flames with more troops and resources giving the western alliance a clear advantage over Germany, This lead to a defeated Germany and a peace accord that put a huge burden on the German people. This would then lead to the rise of the Third Reich, How different our world would be today if the American government had remained out of combat

Arresting protesters in Canada, US and Austrailia seems to be pretty common as well, and don’t forget the Yellow vest in France. Our governmnets and Russia are not really that different,

This we can be in total agreement on

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Putin has described growing up dirt-poor in a rat-infested Soviet housing block. On occasion, he and his friends amused themselves by chasing rats through the corridors of the building. He tells what happened when a rat was cornered – it stopped running, and turned to attack.

Even your sweet, fluffy house-cat will do the same. Chase her into a corner with your vacuum cleaner, and she will turn on you and leap out of that corner – possibly right into your face – with 18 claws ready to scratch your eyes out. The survival instinct is universal among living creatures.

Putin’s telling of the rat story was meant as an allegory, a cautionary tale. Push Russia into a corner, and animal instincts – those of the bear, in this case – will take over.

NATO has been relentlessly encircling Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, against the better judgment of many people knowledgable in geopolitics. Here are some quotes from some of those knowledgable people, gathered by the same editors at The Daily Reckoning who published James Kunstler’s opinion-piece:

Pat Buchanan: “By moving NATO onto Russia’s front porch, we have scheduled a 21st-century confrontation.”

Henry Kissinger: “To Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country… Ukraine should not join NATO.”

Jack F. Matlock Jr. — former United States ambassador to the Soviet Union: “[NATO expansion would be the] most profound strategic blunder, [encouraging] a chain of events that could produce the most serious security threat… since the Soviet Union collapsed.”

Noam Chomsky: “The idea that Ukraine might join a Western military alliance would be quite unacceptable to any Russian leader [and Ukraine’s desire to join NATO] is not protecting Ukraine, it is threatening Ukraine with major war.”

Famed Russian scholar Stephen Cohen: “If we move NATO forces… toward Russia’s borders […] it’s obviously gonna militarize the situation [and] Russia will not back off, this is existential.”

CIA director Bill Burns: “Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for [Russia] and I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests.”

Former defense secretary Robert Gates: “Moving so quickly [to expand NATO] was a mistake. […] Trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching [and] an especially monumental provocation.”

Sir Roderic Lyne, former British ambassador to Russia: “[Pushing] Ukraine into NATO… is stupid on every level… if you want to start a war with Russia, that’s the best way of doing it.”

Globalist Jeffrey Sachs: “NATO enlargement is utterly misguided and risky. True friends of Ukraine, and of global peace, should be calling for a U.S. and NATO compromise with Russia.”


In the quote section header - delete “Clint” and type “Article” (or whatever)

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You speak of “Yellow vests” - yet the same Legacy Media who are so thrusting and insistent on making war on Russia - have ignored this multi year protest - to the extent that many of those reading your post will have no idea of that which you speak !

How the Hell in such circumstances and the clear bias against the entirely peaceful Canadian Truckers - can we believe anything they say at all ! - especially about the “Iran” (Quote from Joe Biden) situation ?


Quite so ! &

to quote Douglas Murray (The MAdness of Crowds)

You cannot make war on white men indefinitely without expecting some sort of kickback !

[ And why the Lefties so hate him :slightly_smiling_face:]

"Why I've reported Douglas Murray to the police - UnHerd

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you have done it to yourselves, i guess the push back will be violent uprisings ,chaos and destruction, note taken :pray:

Hitler was also dissatisfied with how things were and decided to change them to his liking

The illusion you see in your head will never become reality

There are countries like the USA and West-Europe that have strong militaries and have strong relations with each other, which makes the people feel safe from any invasion for any reason People in these countries will scream for freedom and independence and will even die to keep it that way. America fought for their independence, so you know how we feel;

But It became acceptable for the people in these countries to make excuses and say that there must be a reason for the invasion, something they would never tolerate in their own country.

To terrorize the citizens of a sovereign state?

a country who lost three areas in a previous invasion

Bringing terror to a country that was trying to protect themselves from future invasions and land grabs.

All because Putin became offended and there was no longer a pro-Russia government in office.

As long as missles were not coming over the border into russia, there was no need and no reason for this invasion

I suppose that if there is a good reason, others shouldn’t have that same right to live in a truly free and independent state

Russia will stop ‘in a moment’ if Ukraine meets terms - Kremlin

Russia has told Ukraine it is ready to halt military operations “in a moment” if Kyiv meets a list of conditions, the Kremlin spokesman said on Monday.

Dmitry Peskov said Moscow was demanding that Ukraine cease military action, change its constitution to enshrine neutrality, acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and recognise the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as independent states.

If they choose to get their news from the likes of CNN or MSNBC then they are choosing to be miss informed or flat out lied too. That is their choice and it will continue to divide us. Simply put if I believe 2+2= 4 and one of our CNN/MSNBC viewing friends insist that 2+2=5 then we can never have a reasonable conversation about anything

and my apologies for unlocking the troll

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2+2 = 4, so that would be a fact. However, what makes CNN/MSNBC viewers insist that 2+2 = 5 a fact? you,

Is that the only news outlet where viewers insist that 2+2=5 or is it some crazy stuff you’ve made up in your mind?

Please accept my gratitude for exposing you, As I know you enjoy deceiving people,

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

I believe the world is changing in big ways that haven’t happened before in our lifetimes but have many times in history, so I knew I needed to study past changes to understand what is happening now and help me to anticipate what is likely to happen.- Ray Dalio

America is in decline right now. Rich getting richer, poor staying poor, a dwindling middle class, pointless expensive wars, excessive military and security spending, low interest rates, printing money, more debt, inflation, divisive populace, political instability and an inept and weak leadership.

It sure would have been nice right now to have that Canadian pipeline, you know the one that biden canceled his first day in office, Somehow at the time he thought importing oil from Russia was better than from Canada.

God help us all


The part about us turning to Iran and Venezuela takes the cake


If I recall, we are/were boycotting Iran and Venezuela? But that’s better than Canada, I guess…
Whiskey Tango Frank?


It all defies any logic, Canada and Mexico have enough surplus oil to makeup for any domestic production shortage, yet we continue to import this stuff from halfway around the world from countries that don’t like us.

Now let’s talk about the impact this is having on working lower middle class families, biden promised no new taxes on working families, well a three dollar a gallon increase in gasoline is a huge tax hike

I am lucky as I am retired and can just sit here, but it is reaping havoc on my daughter and granddaughter

Is she qualified?

Yes, read this too. Things aren’t great if we’re going to Venezuela for oil.

The price of gasoline is probably the #1 contributor to inflation. How do we get our food and other goods?
I’m guessing trucks, trains, planes?

Interesting comparison of a full scale invasion to a grocery store spilling of milk by Kunstler. He’s definitely painting the invasion with as little fault aimed at Russia as possible.

But all this talk of Ukraine joining NATO forgets that Russia already has NATO members directly at it’s border (Latvia, Estonia) and I would gather, about as close to Moscow than the most eastern part of Ukraine. So “Ukraine joining NATO” isn’t the primary reason for the invasion. NATO is already at Russia’s doorstep. NATO membership is a smoke screen. It’s all about the illegitimacy of Ukraine as a sovereign state. It’s all about reclaiming what Putin sees as belonging to Russia. It’s about bringing Russia back to the status of the Soviet Union. He literally said so in his invasion speech. It’s all about Putin.

Let’s put some blame on Putin for finally pushing European nations to, overnight, increasing their own security spending to the levels Trump and recent administrations suggested. In two weeks he’s accomplished what US admins have spent well over a decade trying to do. European countries are more aligned than ever against aggression and now NATO is rebuilding.

Also blame Germany for appeasing Putin at every opportunity and making their own energy needs completely dependent on maintaining relations with the mad man.

Merklel’s and Germany’s stance of prevention-by-business-relationship has to be seen as a failure today. Perhaps it just delayed the inevitable. Germany was completely caught off guard.


Even Bill Clinton understood this when in 1998 he gave credit for a robust US economy, not to his economic policies but to the low price of oil. I wish I could find that clip, but I did find this one, you will not hear any Democrat speaking these words today, and yes we were better off under a President Bill Clinton than a joey biden

From what I have found the only qualification is being a US citizen , so the bar is pretty low if that is your concern, I would be more concern with her track record as a judge and how often her rulings are overturned by higher courts, from what I have read, she scores poorly on that

Again, Canada has all the oil we need, Venezuela is zero threat to us so why not buy from them, why in the world would we go to Iran, this is taking stupid to new levels