Political Opinion

Quadrupling down on the money grab., This article is in the Finance section for a reason.

Fully vaccinated will need fourth dose later this year, and new variant dubbed ‘deltacron’ detected in Europe

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Congress: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You hear this guy

Trump floats expanded presidential powers during rally speech, saying he would make every executive-branch employee ‘fireable’ by POTUS

  • At a rally Saturday, Donald Trump said he would expand the president’s powers if reelected.
  • He said this would include “making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president.”
  • Trump also hinted once more that he would be running in the 2024 presidential election.

“We will pass critical reforms making every executive-branch employee fireable by the president of the United States. The deep state must and will be brought to heel,” he said. Fringe media and the far-right have often used the term “deep state” to refer to the “real power” in the US government.

The president is not allowed to fire elected officials, including the vice president, who is part of the executive branch.

"America, You’re About To Be Poor—So Please Don’t Lash Out At Us - YouTube

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People Opinions can have a frightful effect on some people, unfortunately


As this guy tells his story about America’s downfall, you can see his joy

followed by a 5th dose then a 6th which will be followed by a 7th, 8th, 9th … when does it end

How can they even call this a vaccine, it is more like a flu shot , which is were I see this going, just like they urge us to get a flu shot every year, this vaccine will be required every 6 months

This seems to be an obedience test


Interesting data. Doesn’t answer your question, but you get to see US imports of crude oil (and others) by country by year and month. Crude is used to make gasoline and diesel fuels


Venezuelan imports are a glaring omission in recent years, that could have a positive effect on gas prices in the US if restarted. You can also see when the decrease in Russian imports started.

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Welcome back!

Did some digging.

It’s local Ohio news, but with mention of US oil production.

Despite high prices, crude oil production in the U.S. has lagged behind levels from just two years ago. In December of last year, production was down 10.4% from December 2019. Every month in 2021, in fact, was down from two years’ prior production, with a 16% decline in Feb. 2021 vs. Feb. 2019.

I think diesel fuel also has a higher production/refining cost compared to gasoline.

And then there’s the fracking bust.

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What Democrats don’t get about gas prices

Therapists advise against making major decisions when you’re highly emotional. Democrats should heed that advice and stop proposing rash ways to lower gasoline prices.

The common failure of all these ideas is a misunderstanding of the dynamics in the oil and gas industry, which in the United States is dominated by private-sector firms answerable to shareholders and investors—not to government ministers.

I saw this on Yahoo Finance too, I thought about posting it but I knew some here would just use my post as an excuse to find something negative about Republicans

Democrats have for all my life been the party of emotions and rash policies ( remember what they did to Americans of Asian decent during WW2) When it comes to economics and free market they seem to have no clue.

JFK once said on the subject of tax increases " No Nation has ever taxed themselves into prosperity"

Democrats response, they killed the man, another rash decision


Russia claims its only hitting military targets. What does the Kyiv Mayor say to that? “BULLSHT!” he spits. A former boxing champion, Vitale Klitschko delivers knockout sound bites that get straight to the point. Feel free to share #Ukraine #Kyiv

Beiden Parteien dennis

ignorance is a lack of knowledge - if you care to look at my reply to Denis I challenged his account of US intervention in ww1 - knowledge will teach you that like ww2 the US came late to the table in WW1 - beats me how then the ‘blame for flames’ can be laid at the US’s table :slight_smile:

Back to my original post 10 days ago - today there is talk of peace negotiations - the word ‘neutrality’ is being mentioned.

10 days back it was very unlikely that Putin would accept the Austrian model as negotiated with his former compatriot Stalin - now there is hope thanks to the tenacity of the Ukraine people and defence forces - and in hope many continue to pray.

No Peter… Just No… “The US has a long history of adding “fuel to the flames” Just look at WWI,” Dennis was referring to the US’s interventional polices (plural) around the globe in recent history…

He just pointed to WW1 as an example… You… However went off on a whole new tangent using WW2 as an example, confirming you understood it referred to multiple situations…

He knew it…! I knew it…! It’s just in your reality distorted world view that this only applied to WW2…

I merely added a list of where and when the US has previously added “fuel to the flames”

Nice try though, we both knew you’d come out spinning hard attempting to get all that egg of your face…

Yep, a little Weed, Whisky and Warren Zevon and some will attempt to rewrite history.

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The past can never be rewritten, whether it is good or bad

What a load of old Cock !

"It’s Happening - YouTube

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Interesting that your little schedule does not include the USA interference in the Ukraine rulership (2013-2014)

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Gisssa Job !

I can learn to talk stupid - for that sort of money !

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Supporters of Russia will love this

Russia warns United States: we have the might to put you in your place

Thu, March 17, 2022, 3:47 AM

LONDON (Reuters) -Russia warned the United States on Thursday that Moscow had the might to put the world’s pre-eminent superpower in its place and accused the West of stoking a wild Russophobic plot to tear Russia apart.