Political Opinion

The black hole of my frenemy’s mind

has been going on for years in America, also the American people do not pick the president, the system was set up that way in case they want to ignore who the American people voted for if they don’t like that person being in office.

In the US I imagine it’s even deeper than the positions I have demonstrated above with CIA, FBI, Judicial Systems etc. etc. compromised by a previous administrations strategic placement of operators sympathetic to their side of Politics.

The conspiracy version of Deep State is a Government within a Government, which could well be true, although I don’t put my hand that far down the rabbit hole for fear of being bittern by a Ferret… :rat:

So now you understand what people are possibly referring to as Deep State.


nothing new to me, like i said been going on for years

The complete political framework in America have been compromised by exterior influencers

Sen. Lindsey Graham storms off during questioning of SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

Graham has made it clear from the very beginning that he is not supportive of Jackson’s nomination over South Carolina’s J. Michelle Childs.

“I may be Irish - But I’m not stupid !”

"Joe Biden INSULTS Irish On St Patrick's Day - YouTube

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Funny how nobody talks about the biden’s deals with Ukraine prior to this war

This rabbit hole goes deep

How Irish is Joe Biden?

By heritage, Joe Biden is roughly five-eighths Irish. All of his mother’s family traces back to Ireland with ancestors named Arthurs, Blewitt, Boyle, Roche, Scanlon and Stanton accompanying her Finnegan name . The last one-eighth comes from his father’s side, which contributed the Hanafee name.

Why did Joe Biden’s ancestors emigrate to America?

Most of the immigrants in Biden’s family were born in the early decades of the 19th century and travelled to America mid-way through that century. That indicates that the Irish Famine as a deciding factor in their departure.

Does Joe Biden have any living relatives in Ireland?

Biden is distantly related to Irish rugby players Rob and Dave Kearney through the Finnegan side.

The President also has several distant family members who live in his ancestral home of Ballina, where a mural has been painted in the town’s Market Square in his honour.

They include 41-year-old Joe Blewitt, a local plumber and Biden’s third cousin, who hit the headlines during the election after creating a sign for his van that read: “Joe Biden for the White House, Joe Blewitt for your house”.

Blewitt’s sister, Laurita, was also invited by the former vice president onto the campaign trail and told NBC Biden was “so proud of his Irish connection.”

Another, Brendan Blewitt, was previously visited by Biden’s mother in the late 1970s and the entire extended family met the President during his visit to Ireland in 2016.

Joe Blewitt, a cousin of Joe Biden, sprays a bottle of champagne along with family members in Ballina, Co. Mayo, as locals celebrate his election as the next US President

Do you live your life based on other people’s opinions or do you think for yourself?

Attie boy

Trump says he would send nuclear submarines to go ‘up and down’ Russia’s coast to pressure Putin

  • Donald Trump on Monday suggested the US deploy nuclear submarines to put pressure on Vladimir Putin.
  • He suggested the submarines ply a route “up and down” the Russian coast.
  • Trump said he heard Putin “constantly using the n-word” — the “nuclear word” — during their talks.

Former President Donald Trump said on Monday that the US should put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin by sending its nuclear submarines to ply the Russian coast.

“I listened to him constantly using the n-word, that’s the n-word, and he’s constantly using it: the nuclear word,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox Business, referring to his talks with Putin during his presidency.

We can determine how stupid, knowledgeable, intelligent, or ignorant someone is by the kind of lies they tell … or what they think we are.

Don’t let it worry your pretty little head Paul - Here’s somethng more appropriate for your consideration ! :slightly_smiling_face:

"Evolutionary Psychologist Shares How Women Select Men - YouTube

I have no idea how you have endured this long, you are one strange dude

So let me get this straight, Philip Morris is not going to sell any more cigarettes to Russians but will continue to sell them to Americans in America. I think Americans are the losers in this move

Philip Morris: Cutting Forecasts After Plans To Exit Russia; Reiterate Buy

Mar. 25, 2022 10:26 AM ET[Philip Morris International Inc. (PM)]


source=content_type%3Areact%7Csection%3Amain_content%7Csection_asset%3Ameta%7Cfirst_level_url%3Aarticle%7Csymbol%3APM)56 Comments16 Likes

* PM announced on Thursday that it plans to exit Russia; this was likely priced in, as shares already fell 14.7% since Russia invaded Ukraine.


America’s biggest liar

AP FACT CHECK: Trump distorts Obama-Biden aid to Ukraine

I would say this title goes to the AP fact checker, and you can throw the fact checkers from Google, facebook and twitter in there too.

All these so called 'fact checkers" are part of major corporation with political agendas. The only people paying them any attention is those with similar agendas , for the rest of us they are a joke

Going down the rabbit hole , hippity hop


here is something you can take to the bank.

What happened to Trump’s military aid to Ukraine?

With the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, questions arose whether the Trump administration did enough to deter a Russian invasion into Ukraine by sending lethal aid. Compared to the previous Obama administration, the Trump administration actually sent lethal aid that would directly help Ukraine’s military in self-defense strategy.

For Ukraine, lethal aid came in the form of the anti-aircraft Javelin missile launcher weaponry and its sale to Ukraine was approved in 2017 by Trump. Yet this fact went largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Javelins are used by ground soldiers to fight aircraft without needing specific anti-aircraft vehicles or missile installations. By all accounts, having Javelins to combat Russian air superiority in Ukraine’s airspace would be invaluable to resisting Russia’s invasion.

The reports of Trump’s lethal aid came during Trump’s second impeachment trial, according to Business Insider, because of the content of the much-publicized conversation between Trump and Ukraine. That conversation, in the words of the media and Democratic Party, included content that was an impeachable offense.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration refused to send military weapons to Ukraine and relied mostly on sending non-lethal aid. Some examples of non-lethal aid were night-vision goggles, Humvees, patrol boats, body armor, humanitarian assistance, and U.S. military trainers.

For context, Russia invaded eastern parts of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula during the Obama administration in 2014 and it has since declared these invaded parts as independent republics under Russian protection. Russia’s military and special forces did not conduct any overt invasions during the Trump administration: Trump claimed that he told Putin that it would not be tolerated under his watch.

President Joe Biden, who was Obama’s vice president, did not send lethal aid to Ukraine’s military during the buildup of Russian forces before the invasion. He only sent U.S. soldiers to neighboring countries such as Poland to manage the refugee crisis after Russia invaded, in addition to military weaponry. Biden’s administration tried to thread the needle when it approved the sales of another anti-aircraft missile launcher called the Stinger from Latvia and Lithuania to Ukraine, but it did not come directly from the U.S. stockpiles. NBC News reported that there were internal rumblings from U.S. intelligence lawyers, who were worried that providing direct lethal aid could leave the U.S. vulnerable in international law as a participant in a conflict.

Unlike Trump, Biden was not proactive in deterring Russia’s invasion.

Biden’s public rhetoric warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that if he did invade, history would look at Putin’s legacy unfavorably. Putin ignored Biden’s warnings and invaded, even though Russia’s invasion has stalled much quicker than defense analysts anticipated.

Yet, this is another example of media misinformation of ignoring one of Trump’s accomplishments in order to shield Biden’s struggles as president. Academics and historians alike should be the first to push back against the anti-Trump misinformation, but many of them became willing partisans during Trump’s tenure.

Trump distorts Obama-Biden aid to Ukraine

By March 2015, the Obama administration had provided more than $120 million in security aid for Ukraine and promised $75 million worth of equipment, including counter-mortar radars, night vision devices and medical supplies, according to the Defense Department. The U.S. also pledged 230 Humvee vehicles.

The U.S. aid offer came after Putin in 2014 annexed Crimea and provided support for separatists in eastern cities.

Ultimately between 2014 and 2016, the Obama administration committed more than $600 million in security aid to Ukraine.

In the last year of the Obama administration, the U.S. established the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which provided U.S. military equipment and training to help defend Ukraine against Russian aggression. From 2016 to 2019, Congress appropriated $850 million for this initiative.

The Trump administration in 2017 agreed to provide lethal aid to Ukraine, later committing to sell $47 million in Javelins.

But two years later, Trump delayed the release of congressionally approved security assistance for Ukraine as part of an effort to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation of his political rival, Joe Biden. The matter was part of Trump’s 2020 impeachment trial.

A Snake will always be a snake

Why would he try to hide this information, isn’t this the same thing he accuses Hilary Clinton of doing.

Federal judge: Trump and lawyer John Eastman likely committed crimes in attempt to overturn election

The extraordinary ruling by U.S. District Court Judge David Carter ordered Eastman to turn over 101 emails to the House’s Jan. 6 select committee. Eastman, who had argued that the emails were protected by attorney-client privilege, formulated a legal strategy to keep Trump in office and pressured then-Vice President Mike Pence to reject the Electoral College count showing Trump had lost to Biden.

Setting up for a SCOTUS battle here. The committee has also requested to talk to Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Pretty incredible the potential ties she has to plotting tje Jan 6 insurrection , plotting the decertification of the 2020 election and her actual ties to Trump’s after-presidency legal team.

If you have time have a read of this.

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