Political Opinion

The House January 6 Select Committee is “likely” to call in right-wing activist Ginni Thomas—wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas—to testify, CNN reports, after text messages showing her pushing efforts to overturn the 2020 election have intensified pressure on the committee to speak with Thomas, despite previous hesitation within the committee to do so.

This is why I do not watch the Oscars nor pay to see hollywood movies


Call log submitted. I doubt anything comes of this. Sure, the gap is huge of no recorded calls, but this will turn into a nothing burger.

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Democrats should let it go, the damage will be done in 2024-2028

When looking at film reviews I always reject any film which has “Won awards” !

However that clip of Will Smith slapping his mate over his manipulative wife - brings up a lot of issues.

One of the memes says

"You can FCK my wife but don’st Fck with my wife’s name "

You may care to see and hear what the poor guy has put up with over the last 7 years from that dog of a woman he has “wifed up” !

Clearly his frustration reached peak at that moment and he slapped his mate - Great that the bloke seems to have understood and forgiven the Cuck ! :sunglasses:

"Will Smith is having a Hard Time - YouTube

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The US attempted to change other nations Governments 72 times during the Cold War.

It included 66 covert operations and 6 overt during this period.

Some here believe if you tap the heels of your Ruby Red Slippers together while saying “There’s no place like reality,”, “There’s no place like reality…” you can change provable history as we know it…


There is a clip out from years ago of Will Smith making bald jokes about someone else, seems he can dish it out but cannot take it.

Everything that is wrong in America is on display for the world to see each year this meaningless awards show is put on for a ever decreasing TV audience

so how many times sense the cold war, must be over 100

And what happen to our friend Dorthey who thinks there is nothing to see behind the curtain

Russell Brand “ROCKS”

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I don’t condone violence, but he hit the wrong man. August Alsina was in that man’s house and he was hanging out with his family ,but it takes two to tango better to walk away

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yes you are correct, same with Russia and many former empires

Someone who cannot think for himself and accepts other people’s opinions as fact is blind to reality

Our opinions are formed on the basis of some facts or illusions, but it is a terrible practice to form opinions based off of other people’s prejudice opinions. A judgment or view about something that isn’t necessarily based on fact or knowledge:

Whilst blathering on endlessly about “Democracy”

Now - having given up their fuel for the fear of pousonous plant food - the “West” says they will not buy Russian gas (read Oil, Wheat, Barley, Sunflowers, Lithium etc etc etc)

The “WEST” has been virtue signalling to the dumb greenies for so long that they have pretty much become incapable of digging their own fuel out of teh ground and have been buying masses of gas from Russia - which the West are now saying they will not do any more - so as to hurt Russian People. The “West” has banned Russian Banks and confiscated teh property of Russian Cirizens - just to be bloody minded.!

Now President Putin says

"Ok if you want Russian Gas - you will pay in Roubles ! "

and the “West” scream like spoiled children having a tantrum and crying

“It’s not fair” - it’s blackmail ! :rofl:

You couldn’t make this stuff up ! - just wait until the bread runs out ! :sunglasses:


Are you speaking to yourself with the above comment, No one on this thread cuts/paste and accepts other people opinion more than you, and then you attack form members here for not accepting the “other people’s opinions” you just posted.

I am going deep down the rabbit hole on this one

Dennis i love you, I just got back from my local breakfast spot, they only do breakfast 5am to 11am but something happen this mourning.

I told two regulars that stealing and Armed robbery are the same, They swore up and down that stealing and armed robbery were not the same, so I told them to apply advance logic and not let the word robbery muddy your judgment. Focus on stealing and you’ll understand.

So I sat down for breakfast and one of the guys holla and says stealing and Armed robbery are not the same and that’s that. I holla back and say answer this question for me, they said what I said taking something that is not yours is consider what? both said stealing. of course they look confuse so i ate and right before i walk out i said it doesn’t matter how you take it. i know they will never figure that one out

You want more automation and workers replaced by robots, this is how you get there


Just look what unions did for Auto workers

Before unions got out of control


Today, do you see any union workers


In a court of law they are not the same, bad example, Try again

Hippity Hop

There is no stopping advance technology, one picture shows the starting era of technology; the other picture shows advance technology, you didn’t think technology would be stalemate did you?

if you say so, the conversation was about the that little black book and where do Armed robbery stands in the ten commandments, didn’t wanna bring up the little black book because i know how you are

You sound like a load of fun at parties…

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lol, read my comment above yours